Zelda has been my absolute favorite game series for years. Recently though, the games are becoming my only reason to buy Nintendo consoles. I don't have a 3ds, but when A Link Between Worlds comes out you can bet I will be getting one. Same goes for WiiU when it gets a real Zelda title (Wind Waker Hd will be great, but it isn't enough to justify the purchase for me.) I was hoping to get a ZeldaU trailer at E3, but we got nothing.
This is Nintendo's biggest problem in terms of selling large numbers of consoles and competing with Sony and Microsoft. While they do well in terms of handhelds (3DS), the just cant sell enough consoles for most developers to bother porting or developing exclusive, blockbuster games for the Wii U. This was also a problem for the Wii and the GameCube before it, and one that's only steadily progressed.
Personally, while Nintendo can rely on their big classic franchises to some degree, the seriously need to look at developing an in house game which attracts more adult & teen players, ie, the core gaming market. While the Wii U appeals to some of that market, it's unfortunately a small niche in regards to the Microsoft and Sony consoles. Nintendo needs to start coming up with exclusive console games like those popular on the MS/Sony systems, backed up by their classic franchises.
That isn't to say Nintendo should ape exactly what the other companies are doing. Their uniqueness and originality has gone a long way for them, and that should be continued. I just think they can benefit from looking into releasing a much more powerful console next time around. Lets be honest, the better graphics and hardware end up drawing in more gamers than just revolutionary gameplay, as is evidenced by the lower sales of the Wii U versus the 360/PS3 and even the pre-order sales of the One/PS4. By combining the ability for cutting edge graphics combined with the revolutionary gameplay Nintendo is known for, on top of their large library of classic and beloved franchises...how could it NOT work? It'd appeal to every type of gamer, from kids to teens to 30 somethings. Of course it'd be a pricier system, equivalent to the PS4 and One systems, but by increasing their console AND game sales by attracting a larger slice of the gaming consumer base, as well as increasing developer interest for making exclusives for this theoretical Nintendo system, it's a win/win and I doubt it'd price itself out of being competitive by opening up these possibilities. Just the opposite, really. Nintendo desperately needs to grab back more of the teen and twenty something gamers, and I think that'd be a pretty simple approach, in addition to other new and interesting approaches to gaming like the 3DS and Wii and Wii U controllers offer.
That said, just like Lithium does with Zelda games, anytime a new Metroid releases I buy the console/portable that its available for. So in some respects, that benefits Nintendo, but not enough to make them a true contender in the video game market. And I don't say this as a detractor, as I love Nintendo. Just want to see them overtake MS and Sony in the gaming market.