The Legend of Zelda General Discussion (Spoilers may apply)

I adore Ocarina of Time, but I dislike that it became the standard 'framework' that the rest of the series had to follow. This is a problem for the Zelda franchise in general, and to some extent Nintendo as a whole. A lack of innovation I suppose. While Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword (to a lesser extent) each had their own added mechanics, it is clear that they borrowed heavily from OoT. In my opinion all three do what Ocarina did, but better. I mean, going purely off of nostalgia sure OoT is the best, and from an innovation standpoint as well, but the refinement found in the later console releases trumps OoT, and gameplay is one of (if not) the most important aspects of a game.

I would say that A Link to the Past is what set the framework. It was the first game we had with multiple worlds that you'd travel between, which were unlocked after the early set of dungeons. It also introduced most of the equipment that we associate with Zelda. The Hookshot, Link clearly has an Ocarina, which I cannot spell, bottles, catching faeries in the bottles, ect. Don't overlook it because of the graphics. The Gameplay was set there. Ocarina of Time was the 3D graphics implementation of the exact same structure used in ALttP. Plus it was the backstory of ALttP.

Yes, I know all the zelda historia stuff, but it is. As for the little differences, they don't bother me. It lines up enough. Thats also one of the reasons I loved Wind Waker more than most people seemed to. It was a proper sequel to OoT.

Man, I like the less popular ones, don't I? Zelda II, Wind Waker...
I would say that A Link to the Past is what set the framework. It was the first game we had with multiple worlds that you'd travel between, which were unlocked after the early set of dungeons. It also introduced most of the equipment that we associate with Zelda. The Hookshot, Link clearly has an Ocarina, which I cannot spell, bottles, catching faeries in the bottles, ect. Don't overlook it because of the graphics. The Gameplay was set there. Ocarina of Time was the 3D graphics implementation of the exact same structure used in ALttP. Plus it was the backstory of ALttP.

You are most definitely correct about this. I just think that there are also so many things that OoT started that are now integral parts of the 3d Zeldas. Z-targeting for example. Storytelling-wise, OoT was also the source for several things, like the companion character that has been in every game since (although an argument could be made for Sahasrahla in ALttP, but he didn't follow you around the entire game). I would argue the later games pull almost equally from both.
As a sidenote, I love Skyward Sword and everything new that it brought, but I hate motion controls because they are often too hard for me (being physically disabled). This is why I don't hold it in such high regard specifically.

Huh, I had never thought of that. I really enjoy the motion control, especially on Skyward Sword. Having to swing the wiimote in a precise direction was a cool game mechanic and added a little bit of realism to the game for me. But yeah, that would be frustrating if you are disabled.

Do you mind if I ask what your disability is/is caused by? (I don't know if that's the proper way to phrase that... I'm sorry if I came across as ignorant. Although I suppose I am rather ignorant when it comes to disability.)
I still haven't played Skyward Sword. I never had a Wii and I've got a Wii U now but I don't want to drop the money on a Wii Motion Plus Wiimote, a Nunchaku, and the game. Its like another $100 just to play it.
Do you mind if I ask what your disability is/is caused by? (I don't know if that's the proper way to phrase that... I'm sorry if I came across as ignorant. Although I suppose I am rather ignorant when it comes to disability.)

I don't mind at all. I have mild cerebral palsy. The vast majority of cases are much more severe than mine, and often result in the afflicted being wheelchair bound and have symptoms of mental retardation as well. For me it manifests itself in the motor skills of my left side being severely hindered. My left hand for instance has the motor skills of a 5 year old probably, so obviously it has adverse effects in all sorts of everyday aspects of my life.

In terms of gaming, I can use regular controllers such as an Xbox or playstation controller because they use both hands, meaning my right hand is there for support. I can also play pc games using a keyboard and mouse, although I am admittedly not very good at them because my left hand will press the wrong keys from time to time. The wii and other motion controls are extremely hard for me because my left hand does not have the motor skills to grasp a wiimote or nunchuck and perform the correct motions or use the buttons. As you can imagine, Skyward Sword and other wii motion plus games are particularly difficult in this regard simply because of the increased precision of control. In order to even play skyward sword I can to create an apparatus to make the controls easier for me. There is a foundation called able gamers that I have helped with in the past that aims to improve and enable gaming for the physically disabled.

So, while I still enjoyed Skyward Sword to an extent, the ability to use a GameCube or other control would have made the experience infinitely better for me.
I don't mind at all. I have mild cerebral palsy. The vast majority of cases are much more severe than mine, and often result in the afflicted being wheelchair bound and have symptoms of mental retardation as well. For me it manifests itself in the motor skills of my left side being severely hindered. My left hand for instance has the motor skills of a 5 year old probably, so obviously it has adverse effects in all sorts of everyday aspects of my life.

In terms of gaming, I can use regular controllers such as an Xbox or playstation controller because they use both hands, meaning my right hand is there for support. I can also play pc games using a keyboard and mouse, although I am admittedly not very good at them because my left hand will press the wrong keys from time to time. The wii and other motion controls are extremely hard for me because my left hand does not have the motor skills to grasp a wiimote or nunchuck and perform the correct motions or use the buttons. As you can imagine, Skyward Sword and other wii motion plus games are particularly difficult in this regard simply because of the increased precision of control. In order to even play skyward sword I can to create an apparatus to make the controls easier for me. There is a foundation called able gamers that I have helped with in the past that aims to improve and enable gaming for the physically disabled.

So, while I still enjoyed Skyward Sword to an extent, the ability to use a GameCube or other control would have made the experience infinitely better for me.

Thanks for sharing that. I have to admit, I had never even considered that the motion controls would be frustrating with someone who didn't have full mobility in their arms.

Did you actually build an apparatus for using the wiimote and nun-chuck?
Back in 2007, a CG movie of The Legend of Zelda was proposed to Nintendo, whom declined the offer.

I was impressed with that. I would've liked to see more before a definite yes myself, but that's awesome by itself.
Wind Waker HD is reminding me how much i love this game. It may be my favorite 3D Zelda.
I have to agree with this assessment. The thing looks simply stunning in HD. They've done a fine job with this remake!
I have to agree with this assessment. The thing looks simply stunning in HD. They've done a fine job with this remake!

I'm playing it right now. Just beat the Tower of the Gods. Currently watching Link get the Master Sword. I'm curious on how easy they've made the Triforce collecting though because I LOVED it in the original.

My buddy is a huge Zelda fan and also is loving the Wii U remake of Wind Waker. I've personally never been into Zelda all that much.

Which leads me to my next rant: Nintendo, y u no makey a new Metroid?!? Whyyyyyyyyyyyy?!?

Rumor is that Retro Studios is working on one as we speak.
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Which leads me to my next rant: Nintendo, y u no makey a new Metroid?!? Whyyyyyyyyyyyy?!?
I couldn't agree more. I've a hankering for a new Metroid game!

I'm playing it right now. Just beat the Tower of the Gods. Currently watching Link get the Master Sword. I'm curious on how easy they've made the Triforce collecting though because I LOVED it in the original.
Wow. I thought I was the only living person who didn't mind the Triforce quest in the GC version. I found it quite fun (and even a little relaxing) to sail around looking for all the pieces required. It was so gratifying when I finally put them all together! YESSS. :mrgreen:

Yeah I've heard that...but it's only rumor so far. That's like being stuck in the middle of the Sahara and hearing a rumor about a lake of Samus-flavored water...

...but I'm still thirsty!
Ah ha ha ha! I couldn't have put it better myself!
The biggest complaint for Wind Waker I ever hear is how much sailing you do and I never got that because I love doing it. Especially on Wii U where the whole ocean is loaded.

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