The Greatest UC Member 2007 - THE ULTIMATE CONTEST

My sentiments exactly

You both do realize that his eyes are aimed towards the crotch region.:D


It's Peter Sellers as Dr Strangelove from the film, DR STRANGELOVE OR HOW I LEARNED TO STOP WORRYING AND LOVE THE BOMB.

It's a film made during the early 60s, directed by Stanely Kubrick. It is brilliant. Peter Sellers plays three different roles - the US president, a British officer, and Dr Strangelove. The film is an adaptation of a book called Red Alert! which is very much a film about how the nuclear war begins. However, Kubrick realised it would be better as a comedy. It's absolutely hysterical. I cannot recommend it enough. :D

I would like this movie more if it didn't try to take my precious bodily fluids every time I watch it.
I wish I could make that part of the site logo somehow.

I'm honoured :lol:

wait till you see this years costume :wink:
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Playing Pokemon?

I havent played much because I have two flash projects to do, a media report for nutrition, over 200 photographs to take, over 5 projects for graphics and an interview to do and type out- all this by next week.

Quite frankly, I'm about to shoot myself.

Where the hell is Ice?

Where's his acceptance speech? :?

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