The Greatest UC Member 2007 - THE ULTIMATE CONTEST

You wanted to be like Venom.......instead you looked like the Tron Guy.

You really wanna call that a win?

it was spider-man. Noob :lol: sorry I had to

Well yes i call it a win

- I had the guts to it unlike most who wont because of fear of looking silly
- i had the time of my life
- one of the guests at convention Iron Sheik said he liked it (i'm a huge wrestling fan so big moment for me)

So yes I call it a win :lol: besides I even make fun of myself for it
TwilightEL ask and you shall receive

and face part down so you can tell it's me (blonde haired me) and an r2d2

...Oh God.

I'm such a nerd.

All I can think is Damn, I want one like that.

marry me

(oh btw did you not know my avatar was cut from that picture?:lol: )
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I don't even want to wear it, I just want it.

I don't get it. Why have a costume for any reason besides wearing it? It defeats the purpose. Costumes should just be banned altogether.

And Mole...dude, I love Star Wars and all, but you have way too many action figures.
That parking space is very important to me. And I wasn't *****ing, the other guy was, because I PWNZORED him with my awesome skillz and got the space first.
But seriously TwilightEL look on ebay. they have them cheap and make them to your size. only hole in mouth may not be a good idea as material = a lycra and hole gets bigger

but here's one with mouth open cheap

I was kidding about wearing it, but... black suit...

I don't get it. Why have a costume for any reason besides wearing it? It defeats the purpose. Costumes should just be banned altogether.

And Mole...dude, I love Star Wars and all, but you have way too many action figures.

The black costume is inherently awesome.
That parking space is very important to me. And I wasn't *****ing, the other guy was, because I PWNZORED him with my awesome skillz and got the space first.

I know

I don't get it. Why have a costume for any reason besides wearing it? It defeats the purpose. Costumes should just be banned altogether.

And Mole...dude, I love Star Wars and all, but you have way too many action figures.

She could put it on a mannequin and make a life size statue

Not mine dude. I have alot but not that many. those are my friends. That was taken when I was staying with a friend in usa.
I have no idea who that is :lol:


It's Peter Sellers as Dr Strangelove from the film, DR STRANGELOVE OR HOW I LEARNED TO STOP WORRYING AND LOVE THE BOMB.

It's a film made during the early 60s, directed by Stanely Kubrick. It is brilliant. Peter Sellers plays three different roles - the US president, a British officer, and Dr Strangelove. The film is an adaptation of a book called Red Alert! which is very much a film about how the nuclear war begins. However, Kubrick realised it would be better as a comedy. It's absolutely hysterical. I cannot recommend it enough. :D

but what does he have to do with me in my suit?

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