The All-About Video Games thread

The vibe I got e3 was Microsoft + Sony's conferences = Shooters and racing. Like seriously the longest part of the ps4 presentation was halo .... I mean destiny. Microsoft + Sony = Going for "bro-gamers" which in my opinion makes them more casual than Nintendo. There's a reason when they did polls games like Halo + call of duty where most popular with people aged 11 to 20 that's teens and kids teens. Yet Mario and zelda were most popular with people 19 to 40 adults. FPS get labelled as "hardcore" on the internet by the kids who want to sound like they "pwn" us all but they are as casual as nintendoland. Now i'm not saying that ps4 + XBO = casual BUT if they follow the trend of gen of generic shooters and 2 to 6 hour games that seem longer cause of superficial "trophies" and "achievements" then Wiiu will better machine anyway.

Now there were other games shown by both like kingdom hearts III! but it seemed the focus is on "bro-gamers!" once more. As like this gen ps3 + 360 very dull grey looking games. Nintendo = colourful. And that's great. There's nothing wrong with colour and fun. I mean take Wind Waker HD I almost grantee that is a longer game with more depth to it than 90% of the xbox one or ps4 exclusives. Ironic too as comment on the trailer we stuff like "LOL cartoony zelda? grow up nintendo where's the cod!" which doubly ironic as wiiu HAS cod and is getting next.

Now i'm not saying shooters should not be made as people enjoy them. However there are other genre's out there. I like some shooters too but I hate the thought of modern gamers that shooter = hardcore. It says it all when the new ducktails hd remake has added in a scene telling you to look for secret passageways ect... because a lot of gamers now do not look for them, they just want to kill stuff and enlarge their e-penis with "trophies" and "achievements"

Sorry for rant it just annoys me where gamers today are at in terms of thoughts and beliefs. It use to be a game like zelda = hardcore. Now days too many say Zelda = kiddy or casual because it's nintendo. to sum up this was e3 to me :

Mircosoft trying to kill people's fun , Sony crusing Microsoft yet both trying to be big manly power houses! nintendo just ignores both does it's own thing and has fun. it's perfect!

Shooters are racing games sell the best and they're good showcases of new graphical capabilities. That doesn't mean that's all they're offering. Sony gave a showcase of indie games, and we saw plenty of other options out there, from Ubisoft's slate to MGS and Arkham, Ryse, new Final Fantasy....

I don't have beef with Nintendo. I have a lot of nostalgic love for their games. I hope a friend buys the Wii U so I can play it... but Nintendo has been a fringe player for some time now. They milk old franchises with practiced formulas polished well. There's certainly nothing wrong with that but their relatively limited output and reliance on first party titles means they've hardly been an innovator for quite some time.
Shooters are racing games sell the best and they're good showcases of new graphical capabilities. That doesn't mean that's all they're offering. Sony gave a showcase of indie games, and we saw plenty of other options out there, from Ubisoft's slate to MGS and Arkham, Ryse, new Final Fantasy....

I don't have beef with Nintendo. I have a lot of nostalgic love for their games. I hope a friend buys the Wii U so I can play it... but Nintendo has been a fringe player for some time now. They milk old franchises with practiced formulas polished well. There's certainly nothing wrong with that but their relatively limited output and reliance on first party titles means they've hardly been an innovator for quite some time.

I agree with this. I have no desire to get a Wii U because I already have a Wii (that I barely play anymore) and the new games look exactly the same as the old ones. Why don't they do something new with all of their properties? A Kingdom Hearts-style RPG with all of their characters would be great.
I agree with this. I have no desire to get a Wii U because I already have a Wii (that I barely play anymore) and the new games look exactly the same as the old ones. Why don't they do something new with all of their properties? A Kingdom Hearts-style RPG with all of their characters would be great.

Right. I may be more inclined to enjoy New Super Mario 3 Redux Turbo Edition more than Call of Duty Ghost Cell Frag Edition Platinum but that's an aesthetic choice more than anything. Nintendo is more or less churning out the same formulas over and over again with their franchises (with some notable exceptions, of course. The Mighty Whatever and the new Pikmin both look great). The difference is range. Sony and MS put their big flashy franchises out front and center because that's what sells. That's what establishes the capital to take risks on non-blockbuster titles like X-Com and Walking Dead. There's much more range and diversity in the lineup of the big two because, well, they have a larger install base and the third party support for a wider range of games. And I suspect third party support of Nintendo is only going to get worse. The similar hardware profiles of PS3 and XBone combined with the dismal sales of the Wii U means it's going to be easier to develop games that play on both systems while the advantage of making a Nintendo port is increasingly unproductive.

And I would buy Super Smash RPG in a HEARTBEAT.
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Right. I may be more inclined to enjoy New Super Mario 3 Redux Turbo Edition

On main consoles (not counting handhelds) there's been been 2 new super mario bros on 2 consoles since 2009 , Since 2009 there's been On main consoles (not counting handhelds) : 2 uncharted on 1 console , 5 Call of duty on 1 console (miultiplatform but same generation) 5 Madden on 1 console , 2 god of War , 3 Halo , 3 Batman Arkham , between 2006 and 2011 we had 3 gears of war.

See I could go on but that's the difference between nintendo + other companies. People claim nintendo is the "same stuff" yet they space their games out better between Skyward swords and next Zelda game (not counting wind waker as it's hd remake, hence I never counted god of war collections or halo anniversary either) there will be a big game compared to other series. Why? as they get their games working before release more than most if not all game companies. THAT is why "super mario" "new super mario" "mario kart" "Zelda" "metroid" "Smash bros" and more have lasted as long as they did yet other series died out. It because of quality.

Now the games I listed are not bad. but some like "God of war accession" felt forced. I mean look at that game as much as I can enjoy it, it perfectly embodies everything wrong with games today. Quick cash in? Yes, Tacked on multiplayer to sell online passes? yes. more focus on graphics than gameplay? yes.

Yet all 3 have also launched new franchises too. The "Redux Turbo Edition" joke only really works with games like capcom fighting games. Nintendo has more Quality > Quantity feel about them.

That is one of the big reasons i chose Wiiu. Xbox one reveal 50% of conference = TV stuff , 25% other apps and 25% games. Wiiu reveal , 30% was the pad the rest was games. Ps4 reveal was about 70% games too. that's why i'l go ps4 too. I dont buy games consoles to watch tv or do facebook crap ect... I buy games consoles to play games!

And as much as people rag on nintendo for as you said "they've hardly been an innovator for quite some time. " Motion controls made huge on wii , the result? Sony move and xbox kinect. Nintendo made the second screen idea cool! xbox smart glass and vita as second screen focus. Miiverse was then followed by more social media content on ps4 + 360. Hell even the tv stuff. Xbox tv stuff looks like an answer to the popular TVii feature of Wiiu. So yes they have been very innovative however everytime they do people copy. It's like The dark knight series popularized the gritty and dark movie reboot. Now everyone trys that.
The new Metal Gear Solid already looks like the greatest game ever made.

Nothing will ever be better than Super Metroid, no matter how great it's graphics or how varied, interesting, or fun it's gameplay. Super Metroid is the all time greatest game. I still pop my copy in my (still working) Super Nintendo every few months. It's glorious.
Is it even better than Bomberman act zero? The single greatest videogame ever!

Dude, it's definitely better than Bomberman Act Game I've Never Heard Of. It's considered one of, if not THE, greatest game ever released. It usually places at the top of greatest game lists, and with good reason.

If you've never played it, do yourself a favor, download it for Wii U (I know it's available on Virtual Console for cheap), and enjoy one of the most enjoyable games ever created. It holds up incredibly well for an almost 20 year old game. In fact I'd recommend sitting down and playing the entire Metroid franchise:

Metroid - Zero Mission (this is a GBA remade and expanded version of the original Metroid on NES, better graphics, controls, expanded storyline)

Metroid Prime (GameCube and Wii)

Metroid Prime - Hunters (NDS)

Metroid Prime 2 - Echoes (GameCube and Wii)

Metroid Prime 3 - Corruption (Wii)

Metroid II - Return of Samus (Gameboy - bit dated but hella fun)

Super Metroid (SNES and Wii U Virtual Console)

Metroid - Other M (Wii - probably my least favorite of the series since it involved some uncomfortable and annoying uses of the Wiimote, but still a fun and worthwhile game, especially for Metroid fans such as myself)

Metroid Fusion (GBA)

That's a chronological ordering of the games for you (cuz that's just how I roll). Not sure how many others are available on Virtual Console, but they ALL should be. I can't really recommend the original Metroid as opposed to Zero Mission, since its very dated in terms of graphics and controls (and über difficult), and as said Zero Mission expands the story and ties in better with the sequels (especially Super Metroid).

But at the very least do yourself a favor and play Super Metroid. If you've never played that game you have no place doing a video game based podcast. That's like someone who can't even microwave a frozen pizza hosting a cooking show. ;)
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You all must have had some head trauma. Clearly the greatest game of all time is Atari's E.T. You tell me what other game had cartridges dumped into a landfill or whatnot in the middle of nowhere to hide its existence. Pfffft.
I have heard of it :p i was making bad joke as this :


seriously who makes bomberman this?
I have heard of it :p i was making bad joke as this :

YouTube Link:

seriously who makes bomberman this?

Holy ****, I remember that piece of crap now. Also why it was so easily forgotten.

"My mind can only grasp the existence of myself."

Seriously? What pretentious, melodramatic douche wrote that? I hope they're now stuck working at a McDonald's drive thru, though even that would be a job far too good for anyone seriously writing schlock like that like (and the other moronic ones) from the trailer.

Besides the fact you're turning a light-hearted franchise all dark and bleak and "über-badass"-wannabe. What's next, Mario with a scarred up face carrying a shotgun and mowing down zombies after the Princess and Luigi have been eaten alive?
Besides the fact you're turning a light-hearted franchise all dark and bleak and "über-badass"-wannabe.

Worked for this :

Joking, yeah they saw "halo" was popular and tried to make bomberman into halo. It doesn't work. Just like you couldn't make Halo into mario. Why? because the reason Halo , bomberman and mario are popular is because they don't try to be other stuff. Hate them or love them it doesn't work to change. Like this didn't work :


seriously, who the **** said "make a sonic shooter!" thank god the last few games have redeemed sonic (colours , generations and hopefully lost world) but bomberman sadly never recovered becoming download only series that didn't sell too much. PUT BOMBERMAN IN SMASH BROS! we need bomberman to be brought back. (not sure if my run on sentences made sense to anyone but me lol)
In other news, The Last of Us is indeed awesome.

...And it killed my ps3. I had one of the 'fat' ps3s, the second model to ever come out right after the backwards compatible ones so it was getting old. I've read that a lot of older ps3s have been struggling to play the really high end new games, and apparently mine was no exception. The Last of Us consistently caused my system to overheat, kicking the fans into overdrive and worrying me. As I was playing through it this afternoon my PS3 froze and crashed, giving me the blinking red light that indicates a hardware failure. I tried rebooting it but it crashed again and gave me the same light. Rather than dealing with fixing it, I just opted to replace it (if the PS4 was fully backwards compatible I would have waited, but since its not...). I ended up getting one of the new super slim models sealed in box online for around 230$. Considering I got my first one for free and it lasted me 4.5 years (and was itself refurbished when I got it) I cant really complain. It was bound to happen sometime.

Thank God! Metroid is my all time favorite game series, been a loyal fan since I first got Metroid II on Gameboy for Christmas way back in 1991. It's literally the only real reason I bought a GameCube (for the first two Prime games), the NDS (for the Prime - Hunters game), a Gameboy Advance (for Zero Mission and Fusion), and a Wii (for Prime 3 and Other M).

I already had a Super Nintendo but had never played Super Metroid until about a year or two after it was released. While I enjoyed Metroid II, it was my discovery and play through of Super Metroid that turned me into a lifelong fan. Still remember buying my copy of Super Metroid brand new for like $10 at the local fair grounds (they had some kind of weird sale where various different types of vendors were selling various goods, luckily there was one selling video games to have made it worth the trip).

I played that game religiously for like 3-4 years, until I moved away for college. So much awesome packed into that game.

Anyway, I've been holding off on getting a Wii U until a new Metroid game was announced. Glad they're actually taking the first baby steps. Looks like it'll be another couple years before it happens, so I project I'll buy a Wii U around 2015 or so.

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