My Boom-Boom's mostly gay
The vibe I got e3 was Microsoft + Sony's conferences = Shooters and racing. Like seriously the longest part of the ps4 presentation was halo .... I mean destiny. Microsoft + Sony = Going for "bro-gamers" which in my opinion makes them more casual than Nintendo. There's a reason when they did polls games like Halo + call of duty where most popular with people aged 11 to 20 that's teens and kids teens. Yet Mario and zelda were most popular with people 19 to 40 adults. FPS get labelled as "hardcore" on the internet by the kids who want to sound like they "pwn" us all but they are as casual as nintendoland. Now i'm not saying that ps4 + XBO = casual BUT if they follow the trend of gen of generic shooters and 2 to 6 hour games that seem longer cause of superficial "trophies" and "achievements" then Wiiu will better machine anyway.
Now there were other games shown by both like kingdom hearts III! but it seemed the focus is on "bro-gamers!" once more. As like this gen ps3 + 360 very dull grey looking games. Nintendo = colourful. And that's great. There's nothing wrong with colour and fun. I mean take Wind Waker HD I almost grantee that is a longer game with more depth to it than 90% of the xbox one or ps4 exclusives. Ironic too as comment on the trailer we stuff like "LOL cartoony zelda? grow up nintendo where's the cod!" which doubly ironic as wiiu HAS cod and is getting next.
Now i'm not saying shooters should not be made as people enjoy them. However there are other genre's out there. I like some shooters too but I hate the thought of modern gamers that shooter = hardcore. It says it all when the new ducktails hd remake has added in a scene telling you to look for secret passageways ect... because a lot of gamers now do not look for them, they just want to kill stuff and enlarge their e-penis with "trophies" and "achievements"
Sorry for rant it just annoys me where gamers today are at in terms of thoughts and beliefs. It use to be a game like zelda = hardcore. Now days too many say Zelda = kiddy or casual because it's nintendo. to sum up this was e3 to me :
Mircosoft trying to kill people's fun , Sony crusing Microsoft yet both trying to be big manly power houses! nintendo just ignores both does it's own thing and has fun. it's perfect!
Shooters are racing games sell the best and they're good showcases of new graphical capabilities. That doesn't mean that's all they're offering. Sony gave a showcase of indie games, and we saw plenty of other options out there, from Ubisoft's slate to MGS and Arkham, Ryse, new Final Fantasy....
I don't have beef with Nintendo. I have a lot of nostalgic love for their games. I hope a friend buys the Wii U so I can play it... but Nintendo has been a fringe player for some time now. They milk old franchises with practiced formulas polished well. There's certainly nothing wrong with that but their relatively limited output and reliance on first party titles means they've hardly been an innovator for quite some time.