The All About Manga Thread

Susanoo is Taijutsu probably. Maybe it doesn't need chakra as much as the other two which were ninjutsu and genjutsu respectively.
Susanoo is Taijutsu probably. Maybe it doesn't need chakra as much as the other two which were ninjutsu and genjutsu respectively.
Interesting theory, but giant skeleton ribcage makes me think there's got to be some kind of ninjutsu/genjutsu involved though.
Interesting theory, but giant skeleton ribcage makes me think there's got to be some kind of ninjutsu/genjutsu involved though.

well if he is indeed out of chakra, then he's going to have to depend on his physical strength now and taijutsu seems to be the only other route to go. maybe it works like a summon which would explain a small need for chakra. the fight is getting annoying though. this should have ended about 5 issues back. or mangas.
So a new Claymore hit the shelf this week, and it picks up the action. We find out that the two strongest girls are who we presumed them to be, Claire and Phantom Miria.
So a paper girl and undefined abilities of Pein.

What fun.
Paper is lame, I'll admit that. But we do know some of Pein's abilities. He controls multiple bodies with a hivemind that allows him to see and counter almost any attack. Each of his bodies has unique powers that he uses to compliment one another in battle.

That's pretty badass and most likely it's only the tip of the iceberg.
Susanoo is Taijutsu probably. Maybe it doesn't need chakra as much as the other two which were ninjutsu and genjutsu respectively.

Interesting theory, but giant skeleton ribcage makes me think there's got to be some kind of ninjutsu/genjutsu involved though.

well if he is indeed out of chakra, then he's going to have to depend on his physical strength now and taijutsu seems to be the only other route to go. maybe it works like a summon which would explain a small need for chakra. the fight is getting annoying though. this should have ended about 5 issues back. or mangas.

It just occurred to me that Itachi could have a special reserve of chakra for emergencies, this is in the same vein as Tsunade's diamond seal on her forehead.

So a new Claymore hit the shelf this week, and it picks up the action. We find out that the two strongest girls are who we presumed them to be, Claire and Phantom Miria.

Sweet. *goes to read*

Paper is lame.

Not in Read or Die!
"Hey McCheese, why didn't you do the manga review last week?"

"Well, this week was so great that I had to let each of the stories marinate in my brain for a few extra days before I reviewed them."


"Nah. I just forgot to do..."

McCheese's Weekly Jump Manga Review

Warning: It actually was a pretty good week.

Bleach - Aizen's plan of extreme eviltude is revealed. He purposefully lured Ichigo's team to Hueco Mundo so a group of captains would be forced to retrieve them. Now he locks them all in Hueco Mundo so he can attack Karakura town and create the Ouken key while the Soul Society's defenses are at their lowest. Ichigo gets all panicky. Zaraki tells him to chill because Urahara has devised a way to allow all the remaining captains to cross over to the human world at the same time. Six captains and four lieutenants are shown waiting for Aizen to show up in Karakura. This issue was all about the big reveals and big *** splash pages, but they did manage to pull off the grandiose nature they were looking for with the upcoming fight.

4/5 Splash Pages

Naruto - Fight's over. Ubermensch loses. Itachi only has to claim his prize, Sasuke's eyes. But he starts sputtering and coughing up blood. There are a few panels where you can actually see him become blinder than he already was. Sasuke tries to take advantage of it and throws a kunai with explosive tags at him. Itachi blocks it with ease. He walks over to a panicked Sasuke and reaches for one of his eyes. But he misses and his finger taps Sasuke in the forehead they way he used to when they were kids. His finger slides down Sasuke's face leaving a bloody streak and Itachi falls over (apparently) dead. This was really well done. The way Itachi died was almost touching in a creepy, bloody kind of way. I've been wondering for a long time how this was going to play out and this was better than any of the scenarios I worked out in my head. Good stuff.

4.75/5 Dead Ubermenschen

One Piece - The latest enemy practically foams at the mouth (and through his ridiculous helmet) at the prospect of fighting someone on the Mugiwara's crew. Don't know who yet. They prepare an ambush. The Mugiwara's wander into said trap, but upon discovering that the Hachi they are saving is that Hachi they decide not to save him. But when the mermaid girl tries to save him herself, and comicly gets herself captured two seconds later, they change their minds. Plus Luffy really wants some tokoyaki. Luffy saves the girl and jumps to the wooden island thing in one smooth motion just before a group of fish riders close in on the Thousand Sunny. The Mugiwaras prepare for battle. Nowhere near as dramatic and important as the other two, but still pretty good.

3.5/5 Helmeted New Yorkers
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I liked Bleach this week, the flashback was well done (I had forgotten about the Vizards) and it was cool to see their connection to Soul Society.

For me though, the real winners this week are Eyeshield 21 and Deadman Wonderland. Both were just okay chapters at first, but the big reveals at the ends have me excited for what's coming next.
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Since some of y'all couldn't hold off on the discussion here's...

McCheese's Weekly Jump Manga Review

Bleach - Ok, so it seems that everyone Ichigo has ever met in his entire life was a Captain in the Gotei 13. Seriously. This issue is all flashback and there are a bunch of reveals of how everyone is connected, but you suckas are going to have to read it for yourself because I'm not going through it all.

2.5/5 Ridiculous Reveals

Naruto - Tobi plays with Naruto's group and seems to be pretty disgusted by the Aburame clan's ability, but who isn't? The fight comes to an end when Zetsu shows up to inform everyone that Itachi is dead. Tobi says he didn't see that coming... NOT. I love that this Machiavellian super villain acts like a twelve year old. He switches into his less entertaining Madarame persona and bids the "children" adieu.

3/5 Prepubescent Villains

One Piece - So you know the big mystery of who is under Duval's mask? It's a guy who looks exactly like Sanji's ridiculous wanted poster. That's his grudge. People mistook him for Sanji. Sanji kicks him. The end.

2/5 Masked Morons

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