The All About Manga Thread

How did I forget the stabbing?

An honest oversight. This just occurred to me, but this fight should have Zaraki trying to make Scythe Guy put on a pair of sunglasses a la They Live.

It is better than the Jiraiya fight and I love Itachi's motivation. When they introduced Madarame I was very afraid they'd turn Itachi into a sympathetic figure. Someone who had been manipulated by a great evil. I even feared the possibility of Spikeification.

I'm thrilled that he's just a twisted **** who wanted power.

Thank God for that, I actually like him now as opposed to my previous indifference.

Oh. Well the skin paper is drawn to the person that made it. So they just have to put it on the deck and go in the direction that the paper slides.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
New Vinland Saga is out! It's still ****ing awesome, but the chapters end just as Thorfinn is about to fight Thorkle. Oh and it seems that girl from last time was just a throwaway character.

Also, I started reading Holyland, it's not bad. It's about street gangs and boxing, the fights are done in a more realistic fashion which is a nice change, and the main character Yuu wins the least likely to kick *** award.
New Vinland Saga is out! It's still ****ing awesome, but the chapters end just as Thorfinn is about to fight Thorkle.
Really digging this series. Askaladd is proving to be one Magnificent Bastard. And Thorfinn vs Thorkell is going to be EPIC. Good times.
Oh and it seems that girl from last time was just a throwaway character.
Not exactly throwaway. Finding her in the snow is how the English tracked down Askaladd's group.

So she was more of a plot device then a throwaway.
Really digging this series. Askaladd is proving to be one Magnificent Bastard. And Thorfinn vs Thorkell is going to be EPIC. Good times.

I also think neither of them is going to die from the fight either.

Not exactly throwaway. Finding her in the snow is how the English tracked down Askaladd's group.

So she was more of a plot device then a throwaway.

I still think she'll be important somewhere down the line.
You shall all bare witness to the return of the King, the return of...

McCheese's Weekly Jump Manga Review

Bleach - Zaraki uses his amazing ability to place both of his hands on his sword to defeat Scythy McGoo. You read that sentence correctly. Zaraki's secret weapon is... using two hands. Hey Iceshadow, NO BANKAI FOR YOU!!! We also got a brief look at S. McGoo's backstory, it sucked.

1.5/5 Two Hands

Naruto - Sasuke uses his most powerful attack yet, despite his lack of chakra. When he fired those fire blasts into the sky before they created a thunderstorm. Sasuke takes control of the storm itself allowing him to create a superpowerful lightning attack. After it hits Itachi he seems pretty sure that the fight is over, until Itachi stands up and says he would have died if it weren't for his ultimate technique, Susanoo. He is surrounded by what looks like the ribcage of a giant. Like all of Itachi's attacks, Susanoo is the name of a Japanese god. Should be interesting.

4/5 Invincible Uchihas

One Piece - The Mugiwaras depart from Thriller Bark. Lola and her crew chat about how awesome they are as a big ominous shadow closes in on them. Luffy says Ace can take care of himself and refuses Nami's suggestion to turn around and go help him. Elsewhere Kuma gets chewed out by the Admirals, with the exception of Luffy's Grandpa who thinks its funny. Back with the Mugiwaras they make it to the red line, but can't figure out how to get to Mermaid Island. That is until they find a mermaid in the belly of a bunny fish. Sanji has never been happier.

2.5/5 Abandoned Brothers
Vinland Saga rocks.

Also, I picked up Ral O Grad. Mostly because it's the same artisit as Death Note.

It has fanservice.

Fanservice as far as the eye can see.

And a protagonist so sexist Reed Richards would be proud.

(Though he has an excuse. Kind of.)
You shall all bare witness to the return of the King, the return of...

McCheese's Weekly Jump Manga Review

Bleach - Zaraki uses his amazing ability to place both of his hands on his sword to defeat Scythy McGoo. You read that sentence correctly. Zaraki's secret weapon is... using two hands. Hey Iceshadow, NO BANKAI FOR YOU!!! We also got a brief look at S. McGoo's backstory, it sucked.

1.5/5 Two Hands

I like to think Kenpachi is actually Yachiru's zanpakuto.

It'd explain things.
I just finished Blood+ Vol. 1 earlier. Has anyone else read it? It's pretty good. I'm looking forward for the other reads.
I just finished Blood+ Vol. 1 earlier. Has anyone else read it? It's pretty good. I'm looking forward for the other reads.
I've tried to keep up with the anime on CN. It's an interesting new take on vampire lore.
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You shall all bare witness to the return of the King, the return of...

McCheese's Weekly Jump Manga Review

Bleach - Zaraki uses his amazing ability to place both of his hands on his sword to defeat Scythy McGoo. You read that sentence correctly. Zaraki's secret weapon is... using two hands. Hey Iceshadow, NO BANKAI FOR YOU!!! We also got a brief look at S. McGoo's backstory, it sucked.

1.5/5 Two Hands

I know! I'm pissed!

Naruto - Sasuke uses his most powerful attack yet, despite his lack of chakra. When he fired those fire blasts into the sky before they created a thunderstorm. Sasuke takes control of the storm itself allowing him to create a superpowerful lightning attack. After it hits Itachi he seems pretty sure that the fight is over, until Itachi stands up and says he would have died if it weren't for his ultimate technique, Susanoo. He is surrounded by what looks like the ribcage of a giant. Like all of Itachi's attacks, Susanoo is the name of a Japanese god. Should be interesting.

4/5 Invincible Uchihas

Good chapter, but I thought Itachi was out of chakra...

One Piece - The Mugiwaras depart from Thriller Bark. Lola and her crew chat about how awesome they are as a big ominous shadow closes in on them. Luffy says Ace can take care of himself and refuses Nami's suggestion to turn around and go help him. Elsewhere Kuma gets chewed out by the Admirals, with the exception of Luffy's Grandpa who thinks its funny. Back with the Mugiwaras they make it to the red line, but can't figure out how to get to Mermaid Island. That is until they find a mermaid in the belly of a bunny fish. Sanji has never been happier.

2.5/5 Abandoned Brothers

Luffy's grandpa is awesome...that's all I got.

Vinland Saga rocks.

Also, I picked up Ral O Grad. Mostly because it's the same artisit as Death Note.

It has fanservice.

Fanservice as far as the eye can see.

And a protagonist so sexist Reed Richards would be proud.

(Though he has an excuse. Kind of.)

Blah, I didn't like Ral Grado at all, none of the characters get really fleshed out.

I just finished Blood+ Vol. 1 earlier. Has anyone else read it? It's pretty good. I'm looking forward for the other reads.

I've tried to keep up with the anime on CN. It's an interesting new take on vampire lore.

Yeah the anime is really cool, I'll probably check out the manga later.

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