The All About Manga Thread

The Hiatus is over.

Christmas break is at an end so expect McCheese to be back reviewing manga within the week with the next installment of What's New McCheese? where I'll be taking a look at Deadman Wonderland by the co-authors of Eureka 7 and Amatsuki which sounds a lot like Akatsuki (which may or may not be the only reason I checked it out). And hold your breath in anticipation of McCheese's Weekly Jump Manga Review which will return as soon as Jump starts printing again in this superfine new year.
The Hiatus is over.

Christmas break is at an end so expect McCheese to be back reviewing manga within the week with the next installment of What's New McCheese? where I'll be taking a look at Deadman Wonderland by the co-authors of Eureka 7 and Amatsuki which sounds a lot like Akatsuki (which may or may not be the only reason I checked it out). And hold your breath in anticipation of McCheese's Weekly Jump Manga Review which will return as soon as Jump starts printing again in this superfine new year.

Hell ****ing yeah!

Also, there's a new chapter of Tista out, and have you checked out Vinland Saga? It's about Vikings and revenge and is pretty badass.
I have read Vinland Saga and thought it was decent.

As for the loads of new ones coming out, I tried some of them. I like the idea of Wolf and Spice, the main character being a merchant and all. I wonder how that one will be as it goes farther into it.
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord...

What's New McCheese?
Warning: Yeah. I went with a Phil Collins intro, what of it?​

What's new? What's new? I'll tell you what's new. Deadman Wonderland, Amatsuki, and Vinland Saga. That's what's new.

Deadman Wonderland - This series is written and drawn by the co-creators of Eureka Seven (the anime can be seen on Adult Swim). And it's fairly obvious from the first page onward as they have a distinctive style. And much like Eureka Seven this is a weird story. Tokyo is gone. Blown up years ago by some sort of robo-man. Our main character was orphaned by said tragedy. He and his class are about to return to Tokyo to visit a privately owned and operated prison that has been built where the city once stood. But the robo-man makes another appearance, kills our hero's friends and leaves. When the boy wakes up the police have narrowed the investigation down to just him. And he's rushed through a trial so he can be sent to Deadman Wonderland, the private prison. Prison is always hard on a young boy and private prison is no exception. Although it does have a large breasted warden, so there's that... Anyway wackiness ensues when he meets a young girl who is either his long lost sister or a childhood friend or something and seems to be mildly retarded now. Also the warden and some guy try to set up a trap to kill the boy. He saves himself and the mystery girl with the same powers as the robo-man. Que?

The Verdict
3/5 Tafts. I have very little to say about this manga other than one word: weird. I really can't tell if this is good or bad yet, but I'm not itching to get the new issues and if I never see Deadman Wonderland pop-up in the what's new section of then I'll probably never give it a second thought. So it's not great. One big meh.

Amatsuki - Generic fantasy plot #367 - Boy/girl gets sucked through magical device into a mystical past and he/she can't get back to his/her time. This one happens to be a boy. The rest is pretty formulaic and not terribly interesting. You've got the mysterious hot chick, the brutish older brother figure, and a drunken monk. Anyway the boy is attacked by a big angry cat demon thing. It takes his eye, kind of. He must now adjust to his new environment and hide his past etc.

The Verdict
2.5/5 Tafts. Not great. Not bad either. Every page feels telegraphed and I guarantee you've read a dozen stories like this before. A slightly smaller meh.

Vinland Saga - VIKINGS!!! This series is excellent. Thanks to Iceshadow for the recommendation. This series starts with a siege of a town and a mysterious viking boy with a bad attitude. Anyway the Vikings decide to help one group of dirty Frenchmen defeat another group of dirty Frenchmen for 50% of the profits. The boy, named Thorfinn is sent to deliver their offer and he is offered a special prize if he can take the head of the opposing leader. The boy agrees. The dirty Frenchmen agree and the next morning a big bloody battle ensues. During which the Vikings make off with all the treasure and escape, and the boy gets to claim his prize, a fight to the death with the Viking leader.

The Verdict
4/5 Tafts. I cheated ahead, this series just gets better from here folks. Interesting characters, good fights, and moral ambiguity. Definitely check it out.
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Thorfinn's dad is the ****. So is the guy that chucks logs.

Also, have you tried Pluto? I found it to be pretty good.
Thorfin's Dad was the ****.

As for Rosario+Vampire, its kinda of interesting, but not.

It's still doing the standard fight every issue, but now more than just the vamp is saving the main character. He gets a Rosary of his own now.

It's decent, and is filling the time until the big ones come back.
Naruto was the standard, "OMG I wasn't there." bull****, Gantz made me want to kill myself, and Prince of Tennis never came out.

So One Piece wins the gold this week.
Naruto was the standard, "OMG I wasn't there." bull****, Gantz made me want to kill myself, and Prince of Tennis never came out.

So One Piece wins the gold this week.

For me it was a tie between One Piece and Eyeshield 21, Bleach was too talky but next week seems promising, Naruto had an interesting reveal but the rest was teh mind gamez.
Hey. How you doin'? Oh yeah. That's hot. That's...

McCheese's Weekly Jump Manga Review
Warning: It's baaaaaaaaaaaacccckkk!!!!

Bleach - Nerdguy is dying. Slowly. Painfully. Wishing for death. Meanwhile Mayuri pulls a Houde and talks about how as a man of SCIENCE nerdguy should have known better than to seek perfection, since SCIENCE is all about trial and error. He then fixes up Nemu. Who in turn digs up Nel's homeboys before finding a door. Mayuri opens the door and finds two bodies hanging from the ceiling. Can't see who they are just yet. Then we cut back to Scytheguy vs Kenpachi. Not much happens. Issue ends.

3/5 Slow Deaths

Hiatus Report: Bleach
This series was pretty good over my hiatus. The fight between Mayuri and Nerdguy was sick, twisted, and really entertaining.

Naruto - Sasuke vs Itachi. They Genjutsu each other for while as they talk about their past. Sasuke has figured out that Itachi couldn't have killed all the Uchiha's on his own and remembers that Itachi mentioned a third surviving sharingan user. He asks who the surviving Uchiha that helped him kill their clan is so that he can kill that guy next. Itachi reveals Madarame's name. Zetsu appears to observe the fight. Itachi tells Sasuke that Madarame can control the nine-tails, calls him his teacher, and says he's the invincible founder of the Uchiha clan. Oooooooo. Scary.

3/5 Genjutsu Duels

Hiatus Report: Naruto
Tobi had some fun with Naruto and the gang. Jiraiya died, but figured out who Pein really is. Wish I knew. Sasuke has Genjutsu killed Itachi a few times now. If only he could do it for real.

One Piece - Kuma's big bomb goes off. He walks through the bodies of the fallen Mugiwaras and their friends. He finds Luffy and prepares to finish the job. He's interrupted by Zoro who attacks him. He discovers that Kuma is a cyborg. Kuma attacks him a few times before he admits that he was built by Dr. Vegapunk (best name ever) he's a cyborg with a Devil's Fruit ability. Zoro realizes he's screwed. He offers his head in exchange for Luffy's. Just as Kuma is about to oblige him Sanji interrupts. He staggers to his feet and says he'll take Zoro's place who was taking Luffy's place. Sanji tells Zoro to give his regards to the rest of the crew and tells Kuma to finish him. Zoro knocks him unconscious and takes Sanji's place, who was taking Zoro's place, who was taking Luffy's place. Jesus let's just do this thing. Kuma uses his power to repel all the pain in Luffy's body and then inject it into Zoro. He screams out in pain. Cut to Kuma leaving the island and talking about how Luffy has assembled a great crew and that it reflects well on him. Back at the scene of the devastation the Mugiwaras wake up. Only Sanji knows that something funky went down. He runs over to Zoro who is covered head to toe in blood and asks him what happened. Zoro says it was nothing.

4/5 Suicidal Nakamas

Hiatus Report: One Piece
One Piece rocked the casbah over Christmas. One Piece always rocks the casbah. Go One Piece.
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I bet that we get to see Kenpachi's Bankai soon.

As for Naruto, interesting info about the double edged nature of the Mangekyo Sharingan, and I knew that Itachi was pulling an Anti-Weekend at Bernie's Manuver.
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Naruto - Sasuke vs Itachi. They Genjutsu each other for while as they talk about their past. Sasuke has figured out that Itachi couldn't have killed all the Uchiha's on his own and remembers that Itachi mentioned a third surviving sharingan user. He asks who the surviving Uchiha that helped him kill their clan is so that he can kill that guy next. Itachi reveals Madarame's name. Zetsu appears to observe the fight. Itachi tells Sasuke that Madarame can control the nine-tails, calls him his teacher, and says he's the invincible founder of the Uchiha clan. Oooooooo. Scary.
Seems that one guy's theory was correct

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