Well-Known Member
See, it was the same way for me, then it got good
You need to give things a chance, you are way too fickle
Okay, I'll give it another try. Sigh, but I won't like it!
See, it was the same way for me, then it got good
You need to give things a chance, you are way too fickle
One Piece should have its own thread on this board.
Yes it should and no he isn't.
PEER PRESSURE!!!See, it was the same way for me, then it got good
You need to give things a chance, you are way too fickle
Peer pressure always wins.Okay, I'll give it another try. Sigh, but I won't like it!
Peer pressure always wins.
My friend gave me a CD with a load of 'Pluto' on it. It's a rehash of a story arc from some old manga Astro-boy, but it's more gritty and noirish. I'm really enjoying it so far. I wondered if anyone else has read it?
No Naruto this week? Why I'm so mad I could review manga in...
McCheese's Weekly Jump Manga Review
Bleach - Kenpachi is in classic form. He kills Scytheguy's minion. Kills him but good. He kicks Ichigo for interrupting the action with questions, but then tells him that Kisuke built a doorway strong enough to let captain-class shinigami cross into Hueco Mundo. So he came and he brought friends. Well acquaitences really. And the big reveal is Kuchiki Byakuya, Unohana Retsu, Kurotsuchi Mayuri? Whoa, whoa, whoa. You bust into your enemies headquarters and the Captains of the Medical Squad and the R&D Department comprise half the team? Byakuya makes sense, Kenpachi was a no brainer, but where are the battle captains like Komamura, Hitsugaya, Shunsui, Ukitake, or Soifon? I mean Kurotsuchi got his *** handed to him by Ishida before Ishida got his recent power up and before he got his new silly hat. His Bankai is pathetic. I guess it makes sense since he'll be fighting his Espada doppelganger - Nerdguy, but it's still lame. Unohana is only taking on a few minions, so she can probably handle it. Just seems like bad strategy to send them. Byakuya meets with the Espada that was about to finish off Rukia. I think it's fair to assume he's not happy, though you wouldn't know it from looking at his expressionless face. Kenpachi and Scytheguy introduce themselves before fighting. Which I guess we'll see next time.
4/5 Weakass Captains
Zoro, Nami, and Usopp are teh screwed.
4/5 Retarded Giants
Could be, but I didn't get the impression that was avoiding a fight with her for any reason other than it was unnecessary. He only bothered to take down Komamura was because he interrupted Aizen's attempt to rip the whatsit out of Rukia.Actually, I was under the impression that Unohana was pretty powerful, because Aizen wanted to avoid fighting her, and he easily beat Komamura without batting an eyelash.
I was also pulling for both of them too. I also wanted to see Shuhei Hisagi (9th squad's Lt.) who I am convinced they've been setting up to be one of the replacement Captains.Well, we'll see I guess. Dammit, I was pulling for Shunsui, or Soifon to appear stupid Mayuri.
Indubitably.No doubt.
I agree about the fight. It's been a lot of fun, but it's time to put an end to it.I hope this zombie fight ends soon, it has been one long *** fight. Also, this is going to end with Luffy showing up at the last minute, and kicking all types of ***, and finally getting everyone's shadows back. I don't think he will kill Moria though,
The other guy will do that.
:lol: :lol: :lol:I don't know about these manga comics, guys. They maybe toxic, with lead.
I don't know about these manga comics, guys. They maybe toxic, with lead.
You do know it's the Chinese who did all that lead toy stuff, and not the Japanese.That would be the most well thought out revenge ever.
You do know it's the Chinese who did all that lead toy stuff, and not the Japanese.
Chinese people don't do comics. They're barely even literate.
McCheese's Weekly Jump Manga Review
Bleach - The Captains take on the Espada. Kenpachi fights Scythey McGee. Unohana doesn't have to fight the flunkies because they withdraw. She decides to heal both Chad and the arrancar. Mayuri and Nerdguy talk. Ishida wonders what Mayuri is doing there. Mayuri calls him an inferior subject having apparently repressed the memory of Ishida destroying his bankai and damn near cutting him in half with one attack. Nerdguy doesn't want to give his name, which is unfortunate because then I might be able to stop calling him Nerdguy. Mayuri says he needs the Espada's name so he can properly label the container he intends to put Nerdguy in. Elsewhere the African American Espada (need to be PC) asks why Byakuya doesn't make a move, then guesses that he is attempting to protect Rukia. He informs Byakuya that his efforts are futile and Sonidos behind him. Byakuya blocks the attack. The Espada informs him that he has the fastest Sonido of all the Espada. The black guy can run really fast. Why am I bothering to be PC when the Mangaka doesn't? Whatevs. They chat. Seems the Espada runs so fast that he creates clones of himself. Byakuya takes down two clones in the next attack. The Espada reveals he can create more than two. Byakuya says he figured as much and shoots a White Lightning attack through his cloak and possibly his own shoulder. It looked like his shoulder, but there was no blood so I don't know for sure. The white lighting kills the Espada. Except it doesn't because it was another Sonido clone. The Espada surrounds him with clones and informs him that he will die because of his own arrogance. He stabs Byakuya. Except he doesn't. Byakuya escapes and tells the Espada that he did not wish to use the moves he learned from Shihou (Yoruichi). He tells the Espada that he is going to die, but it's not arrogance that will kill him. He will die simply because of a difference in ability.
4/5 Badass Byakuyas
Naruto - Jiraiya continues to fight Pein. The toad shoulders argue about dinner. They notice that the summoned guys in Akatsuki cloaks both have the Rinnengan. Jiraiya uses a suped up version of the resengan. He uses pin needles from his hair. Pein and his summoned helpers avoid his attacks. In the end Jiraiya figures out that all their eyes must be connected somehow because they manage to avoid attacks that they could never have seen otherwise. That's it. Slow issue.
2.5/5 Annoying Toads
One Piece - Nami and Usopp exclaim how screwed they are. Zoro takes his best shot at Oz and cuts up his arm pretty bad before Oz puts him down. This gives Usopp a chance to launch the salt bag at Oz's mouth. Success. Except Moria sent his shadow up there to catch the salt. After a bit of taunting Oz stomps Usopp and then Nami. Then he hears someone behind him. It's Super Luffy. He has Usopp and Nami having apparently saved them before the stomping. He proceed to punch Oz so hard that he flies across the island. He jumps behind Oz and suplexes him into the ground. Between the dramatic entrance and the suplex one must assume that one of the shadows Luffy absorbed was a pro wrestler.
4/5 Fashionably Late Luffys
I forgot. Sue me.Hey! Where the hell is my weekly snarky comment!?
Same.Surprisingly this was my favorite chapter out of the three this week.
Yeah. Not very impressive.The giant Rasengan was cool, but that was about it.
I know. I get a cut.I bet $50 that you were going to say 4/5 Roided Luffys.
Pshhh. Like I care.So thanks for nothing McCheese, now I can't afford to eat today.
I forgot. Sue me.
Yeah. Not very impressive.
Pshhh. Like I care.
Lousy stinkin' Texans and their lawsuits.*does*
:lol:Once again another Naruto chapter that could be improved with internet speak.
"I poke u with mai hair! Now u has teh gay! Lolz."
Nunya.Do you even get hungry? I mean your head is a giant cheese burger. Well, maybe you eat giant pickles, or kids, or something.
Lousy stinkin' Texans and their lawsuits.