Supreme Power (and Squadron Supreme)

And not only that, but Hyperion found out the truth about his origin and isn't real happy that he's been lied to. The US was afraid he was going to turn on them (and the world) so they tried to kill him with a massive, gigantic bomb.

Didn't work. ;)
Would someone mind giving me a rundown of the characters involved in this series?
Just got the new issue today, #14. The Sqadron consists of Hyperion, Superman-like character, Nighthawk, Batman-type character, and the Blur, super-speed. The gov't controls Dr. Spectrum, who has a super-powered jewel in his hand, and also the Power Princess, or Princess Zarta I think, and Amphibian, an underwater character.

HYPERION = Superman
BLUR = Flash
DR. SPECTRUM = Green Lantern
Pretty much, but it's told under the MAX line so that means more adult-themed situations and language. Not to mention a high body cound and nudity. A personal favorite.
longshotjimlee said:
Any chance we could have a Max section on this site UltimateE?

The last thing I want is a whole forum devoted to nude pics of you.
Apart from the fact that you uglybuds would kill to have a body like mine, I was actually referring to a bleep free section.
longshotjimlee said:
Apart from the fact that you uglybuds would kill to have a body like mine, I was actually referring to a bleep free section.


(I don't think I can excuse certain forums from the censor but I'll check).
Does anyone get this in single issues? Or in trades? I know some people are waiting for the HC... Does anyone get Doctor Spectrum?
I get Supreme Power in trades...
I get these in single issues. The latest arc is really good. THe fight with Redstone is awesome
I guess Redstone is the superpowered ciminal? Spoil please...
I have been getting Supreme Power from the start and really like where its going, its a bit slow coming out, but its really worth getting, its like the dark side of DC.
I don't know the dude who they just fought is......the reference to the Dc version if there is one??????
And Dr Spectrum, isn't going to well in my opion (excuse my spelling), its kinda a waste of a mini where he has more potenital (excuse the spelling again)
Redstone, the guy they just fought, is the super-powered criminal who escaped prison with about twenty other super-powered inmates, and whom all had gotten their powers by gene splicing with Hyperion, the take on Superman.

I get all Supreme Power in issues, and the whole Doc Spectrum is going REALLY slow, but it's nice to see what Ledger (Spectrum) had to go through in order to break his coma the crystal on his hand imposed him to.
THe latest arc is that there is a serial killer going to prostitutes and ripping off there limbs. He was a experimernt with the virus from the ship. Hyperion, Blur and Nighthawk decide to trace him down and defeat him. they talk to prostitutes and pimps to try trace him. Nighthawk eventually finds him, but gets badly beaten up. Hyperion shows up and Redstone flees to the freeway and throws cars at hyperion. He then goes to the mall where Hyperion meets him. Redstone goes crazy and slams people into walls and impales them with poles. Hyperion tries to save as many as he can and then they fight. They are pretty evenly matched and blur shows up with some goo which he throws over redstones face, redstone cant breathe and passes out, then dr. spectrum comes and takes him away to a holding place.
Cool. Darkimages says that he escaped with twenty other superpeople? I thought they only experimented on one guy...