Supreme Power (and Squadron Supreme)

Hopefully he'll be on for a long time like Bendis with USM!
Sorry folks,

but I'm in for the trades, so don't expect me to read this threat until probably two months after issue 18 is out.

Actually, I'm getting this in trades, because I can't wait for the next issue, once I start reading. Also, given the slow development in this series, I don't think reading an issue at a time would be as much fun as reading a trade all in one go. Actually, I'm thinking about switching more of my monthlies to trades, recently. But that's off-topic, I guess.

Anyway, I'm back with you in about 4-5 months. :roll:
I also get mine in trades but I still chat. Cya later then!
I think I said this earlier, but I was geteting it in trades as well but it was too good to wait that long, so I'm on monthlies now.

Join know you want to... :twisted:
I can wait... I hope... :shock:
Re: Supreme Power

Forgot to say that I got the third trade. It was fun. Hookers everywhere. :D

The American Government is one ****ed up place.
Re: Supreme Power

Is this book cool? I've read the review and it sounds pretty cool. What is it's rating? Is it recommended? Please tell me any thoughts about this title.

Would it be recommended for a teenager?

88 views? Anyone?

Is the second trade gonna have better stories than the first one? Cause the first one was pretty much build up. Is the Hyperion/Doctor Spectrum fight good? Is there lots of Power Princess nakedness?

Squadron was like an Ultimization of JLA, while Supreme is more of an ultimization of Squadron. But I know where your getting at? Can anyone answer my question on the first post who has read past the first trade.

Damn, it was so good, I think I might have to read it again. The Authority was good to. I'm going to collect that in trades aswell. So whose everyone's fav character? Mine's Doctor Spectrum. I just like him for some reason, he's just so powerful.

Hopefully he'll be on for a long time like Bendis with USM!

Oh my. . . oh my. . . this is gold. . .

I love going through these old threads.
Re: Supreme Power

I don't get it.
Re: Supreme Power

I can't imagine Project saying any of those things these days. Those were probably some of his first posts. He was the n00biest of n00bs. His concern for the adult content he might encounter is hilarious. His fanboyish questioning is great, too. "Is the Hyperion/Dr. Spectrum fight good?"
Re: Supreme Power

I can't imagine Project saying any of those things these days. Those were probably some of his first posts. He was the n00biest of n00bs. His concern for the adult content he might encounter is hilarious. His fanboyish questioning is great, too. "Is the Hyperion/Dr. Spectrum fight good?"

I turned a lot more cynical after Bendis ruined USM and I had to find other comics to read.
Re: Supreme Power

Me too.

I'm a lot more cynical now.

I blame Grimace and Bass.

I miss Supreme Power. It was still a ****in stupid idea to take it off MAX.
Re: Supreme Power

I can't imagine Project saying any of those things these days. Those were probably some of his first posts. He was the n00biest of n00bs. His concern for the adult content he might encounter is hilarious. His fanboyish questioning is great, too. "Is the Hyperion/Dr. Spectrum fight good?"

I should call Proj Poj again.

That seemed to piss him off.
Re: Supreme Power

I should call Proj Poj again.

That seemed to piss him off.

You called me it once and I wasn't pissed off, I was just confused, because it's not offensive or funny.
Re: Supreme Power

This is the weirdest thread ever made on this site.

I'm re-reading this now - I just read the 18 issues of Supreme Power, which were great, and the 6-issue Doc Spectrum mini, which was tedious, redundant, and kind of boring. Getting ready to read the Hyperion and Night Hawk minis, followed by the downward spiral that is Marvel Knights Squadron Supreme, then the confusingly irrelevant Chaykin series.

Having been a few years since I last read this, I was surprised by the parallels/homages to Miracleman. Particularly when Hyperion makes his way into the bunker (compared to when Miracleman finds out about his true history and is going after Gargunza) and when Redstone is killing the people at the mall (compared to Kid Miracleman's destruction of London). I don't think I had read Miracleman by the last time I read this so I wouldn't have noticed it before.
Re: Supreme Power

This was probably the best thing JMS has ever written and I wish he had the chance to end it (****, that guy never gets to finish his comics).

I always cringe when I see my early posts in this thread. I think I was 13 then and I had only read the Ultimate Universe so I had no idea what I was getting into.