Supreme Power (and Squadron Supreme)

wow, just got #15. Big surprise with wat happens to Redstone in the end. And the character interactions between Hyperion, Blur and Nighthawk were great. Really good issue. If your not getting Supreme Power, GET IT
I'm getting it, but I think I should be switching to issues instead of trades. It's good enough to make me not want to wait.
I don't think i could wait for trades, it doesn't come out fast enough for me issue wise, i really liked #15
Do u think the fish girl should be able to talk, or able to telepathic talk.
Cause i think it could get annoying having to talk through Dr Spectrum, if shes gona join the team that it looks like they could be makin
Heh - I just got back from the comic store, where I picked up 13, 14, & 15.

I'm officially on monthlies with it effective immediately. :D
Good ol Supreme power. Not even ultimate E can resist the power.........

I think its cool that amphibian can talk telepathically, but maybe they can show wat shes saying in thought bubbles, or the talk bubbles that prof. X uses when he speaks telepathically
I think it was going to, but they caught up during the Doctor Spectrum mini.
I think the interesting thing about Redstone being released again was that Hyperion and Nighthawk are clearly at odds as to how justice should be meted out amongst super-powered criminals, and at first it seems Hyperion made the right decision, but seeing how the gov't hasn't forgotten the fact Hyperion walked out on them and threatened them, they're hell-bent on making sure they get some collateral back for losing the most powerful person on the planet. It makes Nighthawk sound like he knows what he was talking about all along. I'm interested in how they're relationship is gonna shake out once the Princess returns to Hyperion again.
So does this arc have a name?
I believe when the tpb comes out it will read "the Squadron." Pretty much the team's first coming together and if they should be affecting the world as "super-heroes."
Ok. I mustn't have noticed it. So I guess that this arc also goes for 6 issues. What happens in the remaining ones?
I guess in the next 3 issues Amphibian and Zarda join them and they decide to make a team or something
Okay. Hopefully JMS will write this good.
I read 13-15 this afternoon - wow, good stuff. Very highly recommended.

We're all here because we read and love the Ultimate books - Supreme Power is as Ultimate as it gets without having "Ultimate" in the title. It's a MAX title and has some mature themes, but for anyone old enough to buy them, you should be picking this up.

The writing with the team coming together as mentioned earlier is great. In fact, I'm thinking back to New Avengers #3 which I read a couple days ago, and I honestly thik the team dynamic and the coming together of the team members is better than NA - and NA is my favorite book.
WOOT! Where is the person responsible for bringing me to Supreme Power? Ricky? What happened to you?
I couldn´t agree more! Just read issue 15, and it was SO tense. The whole interrogation scene was brilliant! This is my favourite title, alongside New Avengers.

Anyone know how long J M Stracynski (spelling?) will be on this title? Since the story is building up quite slow (but dramatically), I hope he will stay for a good while.

Also, I can recommend another work of Stracynski - the TV-series Babylon 5. The first four seasons are probably the best work of science fiction I have ever seen outside of books...