The Timeline Guy
Max Landis is the worst.
It's not ignoring or "selective approach"
That's exactly what it is when he's ignoring the blatantly obvious evidence and reasons for why things happened as they did. I'm not saying it was perfect, only that it was fun and had its reasons (mainly for setting up next film).
He's leaning entirely on selective hyperbole instead of fairly and evenly examining the film. He makes some fair points, yes, but he also makes some ludicrous points and ignores the evidence offered to do so.
That's the definition of a "selective approach", man.
As I got they may have reasons for everything later and I got that they may have excuses for every complaint. However I don't like characters like that. I want see growth and feel a danger no matter who. Like dragonball would have been **** if goku started as Super Saiyan god or a new Hope would have been crap if Luke was ROTJ Luke
As I said, I saw growth in Rey as a character. We'll see that growth continue as the trilogy does.
I get there is no changing of your mind and thats cool. But there is nothing you can say to me to convince me what I saw what was a great three dimensional character that was not just a "Mary sue"
That's fine. All I ask is you use fair and reasoned arguments to draw your conclusion. Ignoring the evidence offered in the film doesn't allow for that.
There is also no reason to throw around terms like "sexist" as was done,
I never once called anyone "sexist". Perhaps you should go back and read the thread again. Not once.
when we faulted male characters equally too.
I'm still waiting to hear about how Anakin was overpowered from Star Wars fans...
andd quiet frankly it pisses me off that too if you insult a character you think is bad they had better damn sure be the same sex , race and sexuality as you or the SJW have a field day telling us to "check our privilege" or something. I mean Kylo Ren also sucked as I stated but i noticed no one complained about thatoh yeah i forgot he's male so I can.
No. Please, stop with playing the victim. No one called you sexist.
All I have been doing is forcing the issue of why Rey is or isn't overpowered and having a discussion using the evidence offered by the film as the basis.
I'm not ignoring aspects of it because it doesn't support my opinion.
I think she was a bad character, I mentioned the film was not the worst SW movie however and at the end of the day if i spent £15 to go see something I'm entitled to say if i don't like it.
You're absolutely entitled to your opinion. I have no problem with your opinion, only the selective and illogical process you and Landis seem to be using to arrive at it.
Again, there's no reason to play the victim, Mole. No one is attacking you or name calling. I'm debating what was shown and what wasn't, and why, and how that relates to explaining Rey's Force powers, how she was able to beat Ren at all (he was shot with a Bowcaster), etc.
So I'm sorta done with this debate as you liked her and that's fine. I thought she was the biggest mary sue since terminator genisys rewrote history to make Kyle Reese the hero (seriously WTF was that? He's stronger , has more muscle and makes sarah connor not the hero anymore). but that is ok too as it's just how I feel.
Well Genisys was horrible so who takes that seriously?
I posted that video not to continue this pointless debate but rather I felt he explained it better as I know i may be explaining myself wrong. I hope people watch the film and either enjoy it or hate it on their own not because internet tells them.
I get why you posted it, but the problem wasn't how you were explaining your position, or even that you came to that conclusion.
You're absolutely entitled to your opinion, I'm just asking you to be fair with it and actually utilize the evidence presented.
So, when Landis indicates Finn almost beat the crap out of Ren, right there his entire argument falls apart because that's a complete lie. Not even close.
Also Rouge One could be fun
I'm sure they'll all be fun.