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There is a reason people say superman is too perfect or complain at some batman plans.
Because they've never read a comic.
There is a reason people say superman is too perfect or complain at some batman plans.
Because they've never read a comic.
Or because before new 52 superman was too perfect. He had no flaws and that makes a lousy character.
It has nothing to do with "the battlecry of angry men" As that is a really easy and convenient argument "Don't like her you are sexist!" even though some of the same people like myself complained they've erased mara jade BUT as there's more females erased from the EU i guess everyone in support of loosing mara jade or Jaina Solo are just "angry men"
No. it's storytelling 101 , the excuse of "They'll explain it in a sequel" does not cut it. Regardless of gender having a character out pilot Han solo , Tell him things about the Falcon he didnt know , out shoot a wave of military trained guys , then out dual someone who had training all the while having NO flaws is terrible
There is a reason people say superman is too perfect or complain at some batman plans. It because gender does not = character. The fact your argument comes down to "if you dont like her your sexist" and "It's ok they'll explain it" means I suspect you kind of already know it's true. I mean "It's also INCREDIBLY likely she had a fair amount of training in Jedi/Force abilities as a child, assuming she's Luke's daughter." But spent the movie saying jedi + luke are just myths, meaning theres no proof she had training.
as for "She's a skywalker" Oh you mean like anakin who first fight with someone trained (dooku) he lost?
Or luke who in movie VI never fought any one and movie V could barly use the force till trained?
She is a bad character the same way Superman usually is.
I agree with all of this: Rey is basically the Jedi equivalent of Jason Bourne. And I wouldn't be surprised if Max von Sydow was watching over her before his untimely demise (hence his knowledge of Kylo Ren and Leia and possessing part of the map to Luke's whereabouts).
Based on the novelization, I am now more than ever convinced that Snoke is actually Darth Plagueis and that he is the one responsible for the creation of Anakin Skywalker.
Here's the thing: no one would would be complaining if Ben Solo had been the one out piloting Han Solo, or being a better tech head or lightsaber dueler, etc.
I think it's inherently untrue to say Rey was a character without flaws. I also think it's inherently ridiculous to complain that some stuff hasn't been accomplished yet in the first part of a film trilogy. Their character arcs are meant to cover the trilogy. Her arc in this film was partially discovering her origins, though admittedly not getting the full explanation. Just like Luke ANH & ESB, and Anakin in the Prequels.
Luke was a pilot great enough to blow up the frigging Death Star a few days after leaving his planet.
Anakin was the first human to win a pod race (in a self built pod racer) and blew up a Trade Federation command ship as a 10 year old kid.
Yet no mentions of Luke or Anakin being overpowered by those same Rey detractors, so yeah, there does seem to be some odd double standard at play.
Kind of a valid point, no?
No, there isn't, except her flashbacks strongly indicating her witnessing Ben Solo/Kylo Ren's turn and slaughter of the other trainees at Luke's school, and the Force abilities she exhibited.
I mean, come ON! Those are the biggest indicators right there! Her parallel childhoods to Anakin and Luke growing up on desolate desert worlds, etc. I mean, we don't know for sure, that's true, but the formula indicates the revelation about Luke being her father will come in the next film, just as Empire did the revelation of Luke/Vader's father & son relationship.
We'll also get the chance to see Luke explain the turn of Ben Solo and why he left Rey on Jakku, why and how he wiped her memory to protect her, etc. It could even be revealed that Luke wiped Ben's memory of Rey to prevent him from hunting her directly.
Yes, Dooku the Sith Lord and master lightsaber dueler. I doubt Kylo Ren is anything close to Dooku at full health (least not yet), let alone with a bowcaster blast through his side. It's amazing how in the rush to label Rey as overpowered/Mary Sue, many ignore that, and the obvious indicators of her lineage. I mean... why do that? There's an inherent dislogic to the entire argument that Rey is overpowered unless you think the same of Anakin and Luke, isn't there?
Did you watch a different version of RotJ than I did?
Yes, the same Luke whose inherently strong Force powers allowed him to make a 1 in a million shot to blow up the first Death Star, who had hardly any training at all (Obi-Wan taught him a day's worth of training before dying at Vader's hands, and Yoda taught him merely Force manipulation and balance focus, I don't remember him flipping around and teaching Luke lightsaber dueling skills like in the Prequels).
It just seems people are rushing to apply the Mary Sue label despite the obvious hints of her genealogy and prior training, and personally, I find it silly.
I mean, it's the classic hero's journey arc:
Hero discovers talents/destiny beyond their previous scope, embark on journey to defeat antagonist/accomplish quest.
Hero then discovers limitations of that power, must embark on further quest to train/hone/overcome their shortcomings, often unsuccessfully to a degree in second chapter.
Hero then overcomes, often at great personal sacrifice in third chapter.
We've only gotten the first chapter so far, so... aren't these complaints premature, considering that?
Unless there are different rules for chicks?![]()
I would if he did ALL of them, Then again I didn't like his character anyway,
Not really. Luke blew up death star in first movie so he had pilot part , Anakin first film had podracing + building c3p0 and People still complained about him so having shooting , piloting , lightsabering , forcing + correcting Han = I would complain. I complained at Anakin in episode 1 when he was a bad character too. so yes there is a "some odd double standard at play." Episode I male lead = everyone complain , Fault episode VII with female and it's wrong!
The flashbacks though never said it was her remembering and seemed to be more "visions" so I would not count them, The Force abilities as I said felt out of no where
Really? so in a new hope + Phantom Menace , They both had piloting , shooting guns at military , correcting han solo (who wouldn't even let luke touch much fyi) out lightsabered a force user and more? no they didnt they had 2.
I meant IV , if in IX shes grown I have 0 complaint but she has grown too fast ant too convenient
That's 1 thing and it was mentioned he shot for a living. That's okay. If she had only resisted the mind torture cool , only used saber , cool. or only any of her other feats then cool . But ALL is silly.
Apparently there is "different rules for chicks" As the prequels people hated it anytime Anakin had something similar to luke and hated in phantom menace BUT if we fault Rey her sex means that's the only reason and she must be protected, THAT is sexist. The idea that faulting a woman is due to her sex. Like you cant look past it.
I complained when Anakain built c3p0 , I complained when he said yippee , I complained when he blew up what i call "my first death star" in episode I. And i complain at Rey but hey that's me I see characters and story not sex. Hence I insulted Kylo too and I insulted "Harrison Bored" in VI. I mocked Dooku and complained at the clones in II. Sorry I believe characters should be critiqued equally.
Doesn't matter if she's luke's daughter or not it's not revealed in this movie. It's like I can watch spider-man 1 and not think "sandman killed uncle ben" as a movie they need to explain it. As the "we'll explain stuff later" means in this movie she's overpowered out of no where.
The limit is what I put on any character. You cant do it all it's dumb to do that. As for your
"We can both agree there was no huge outcry that Anakin or Luke were overpowered in their trilogies, so why is it such a common complaint about Rey?"
YES THERE was. Not for Luke but can not say no one said "Oh he's whinny" if Anakin expressed emotion, People were outraged they made Anakin the chosen one. People complained about anything prequel era Anakin did. People complained he was OP during movies + clone wars. Personally I liked him and thought he was flawed enough his OP made him far from perfect.
This film with Rey she is OP. Could they explain it later? yes but a first film of a trilogy shouldn't need an explanation that huge to justify a character. As it stands I'd use the Mary sue for her as in this movie there's 0 point to anyone other than her. Finn was a tropper but so? she can out gun him. It just seems silly. She felt too powerful to quick. Like Luke did not feel too powerful in IV or Anakin in I , they did in VI and III. She just felt too good too powerful and had no flaws to me. Can she get better? yes like i said I love prequel Anakin BUT i admit i hate episode I anakin. Maybe I'll like VIII and IX Rey but I dont like VII Rey and I feel people feel shes OP they can say it, and I feel this movie didn't do a good job of finding balance between be chosen by destiny + desert Girl.
That's fine that you think that. As I keep saying to me they didnt confirm or hint at anything and the "wait and see" is lazy.
Also people cant argue "This trilogy will likely follow the original trilogy in many aspects" then complain when she is compared to Luke who in the first film did nothing impressive and even blowing up the death star he would have died if Han had not come back.
It's lazy writing to me and to me she felt OP.
Sorry if she didnt to you but as I keep pointing everyone complained over and over about prequel Anakin been OP and hating everything he did, Rey can be critiqued the exact same way.
The "wait and see" lazyness is why i dont want marvel's agents of shield as all they do is say "the series will have something important ..... later" and dont work on the now.
Copying of episode IV , complaining about the OPness of the main hero, not liking the villians ect... ALL happened during prequels too. Only difference was it was somehow cool to hate the prequels and cool to say this is flawless
So I've skimmed this argument, and here's my take.
It's fine, or even great that Rey is a strong and amazing character. I think so for two reasons:
1) There is clearly more going on with her than they have revealed. Probably previous training that is awakening in her, as DIB is saying. Whether or not she is anyone's daughter, she is clearly a powerful jedi that was sent into hiding after Kylo Ren turned and started hunting Jedi.
2) Star Wars PURPOSEFULLY gave us a really really strong female character. They made fun of the trope that they have used in the past, of the females needing rescued. She's capable, smart, and way more skilled than she should be (see point one). That's good. It's on purpose. It's not lazy. She's not a Mary Sue, she's a Jason Bourne.
On the other hand, here is the problem with the way Rey was portrayed: She didn't have a character arc in THIS MOVIE. She, like the rest of the characters were just teased and introduced. They needed to spend a bit more time explicitly asking the question, "who is Rey?" and then actually given us some sort of answer at the end. Even if Rey had wondered out loud, "how am I doing this?!" And then when she got to Luke, he had said something like "I've been waiting for you Rey, it's time to continue your training." That would have helped a lot.
Overall, Episode VII doesn't stand on it's own as a coherent story. At all. Without the original trilogy, you don't care about the old characters. They didn't do justice in introducing them. Without sequels to this movie, there is no arc for any of the new characters besides Kylo Ren (which was well done). Nothing was explained. The plot was very thin, and recycled. The movie was carried by spectacle, fast-paced action, humour, and fun characters that we're left wanting to get to know more, but don't really know at all. Which, I guess is fine, but it was ultimately dissatisfying for me.
Along those lines (this has nothing to do with Rey), I wish they had given us a bit more context of what was going on. It's fine to drop us into this world with no idea of what's happening if this is the first time, but I went to see this movie because I'm invested in the larger narrative. So just show me a bit more of the New Republic and explain that these Imperial empathizers have risen up in the past 30 years and are challenging the New Republic for power. Explain the relationship there, just a bit. Why is there a resistance against the First Order, but not a war between the NR and the FO?
At the end of the day, Abrams is a tv director. And this movie was the pilot for his new series. When the whole trilogy is finished, I'm sure it will be awesome.
EDIT: but do you guys seriously like episode 2 more than episode 1? Episode 1 isn't good, but Episode 2 is just PAINFUL!
EDIT: but do you guys seriously like episode 2 more than episode 1? Episode 1 isn't good, but Episode 2 is just PAINFUL!
SSJmole said:Edit: also this guy explains my Rey thing better than me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpS6TlqgLIQ&html5=1 note he has other videos about it too. Also note I didnt search this out I followed him since his "wrestling isn't wrestling" (check that out its awesome)
I can agree with that mostly. But I disagree Rey didn't experience any character development or an arc in the film. It wasn't detailed or original of expansive, but as a cyclical saga in many ways that's to be expected in the into chapters (which TFA was). She discovered her abilities and got swept up in larger events just as Anakin and Luke did. Inherently, how was Luke's or Anakin's arcs in ANH or TPM superior or better?
Episode 2 Anakin was more fun like Padme/Anakin was great, Obi/Anakin scenes like "you'll be the death of me" were great, Jango fett was awesome , Obi vs Jango is still one of my favourite fights, and overall the film just felt great.
My only complaints with II is I don't like Dooku and yoda jumping around then walking away on stick is silly lol