spider-man 3 is a terrible film, which i say mostly because of its deviation from what spider-man and peter parker are all about.
to take a look at the whole consumptive darkness aspect of the new suit: how does that even come across? okay, sure, he beats the brains out of sandman, and douses him. maybe a bit over-violent for spidey, but honestly, how else would one really take care of sandman? oh, right, and he breaks brock's camera. naughty spider-man.
in the end, how is the darkness of peter's soul demonstrated? the power of dance. a ridiculous, and admittedly, amusing sequence, but really, it doesn't make any damned difference for the character of peter parker: being a swoop-haired punk who's a jerk to ladies isn't interesting because... well, neither is regular peter parker.
and that's my main issue with SP3's take: spider-man isn't a fun character, not anymore, not in this flick. the reason that spider-man is an interesting character isn't because he has awe-inspiring powers, or an overbearing sense of responsibility and the guilt that brings it brings him- it's because he doesn't show it. hell, even the terribly misguided spider-man: reign got that right- when spider-man hits the fray he's always ready with glib remarks and jokes, and SP3 pays nothing to that character convention.
and let's not mistake romance and mj watson for interesting development. for that matter, let's not mistake expensive action sequences for that either. if we did that collateral damage might be considered a good film.
boring, overly serious spider-man equals uninteresting, unentertaining film.