Smallville (spoilers)

Great episode.

And I think Lana's gonna die. Her and Clark are just a bit too "roses and sunshine everything's happy and perfect!" It feels like they're setting up something bad for her.
moonmaster said:
Great episode.

And I think Lana's gonna die. Her and Clark are just a bit too "roses and sunshine everything's happy and perfect!" It feels like they're setting up something bad for her.
Well in the same light, what about Chloe? I mean all of a sudden she's not the annoying character in the background jumping up and down for attention. She is the center of attention now that it's Clark and Chloe: Private Investigators. They may be building her up just to knock her down.

God I love those boobs.... *Shudders*
TheManWithoutFear said:
Well in the same light, what about Chloe? I mean all of a sudden she's not the annoying character in the background jumping up and down for attention. She is the center of attention now that it's Clark and Chloe: Private Investigators. They may be building her up just to knock her down.
It just seems that every scene with Lana and Clark feels abnormally happy and perfect. I just have a feeling that she's going to die.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Well in the same light, what about Chloe? I mean all of a sudden she's not the annoying character in the background jumping up and down for attention. She is the center of attention now that it's Clark and Chloe: Private Investigators. They may be building her up just to knock her down.[/SIZE]

The only slight indication that this might not be occuring is the fact that DC purchased the rights to use the Chloe Sullivan character in a DC Comic. This is not to say that the writers of show can't kill her off anymore, but it might make a slight nod to the idea of Chloe surviving all the way into the Superman days.

Ultimately, it's either her, or Johnathan.

Chloe knows Clark's secret, so it might make sense to kill her off before Clark becomes Superman.

Johnathan, as we know, dies anyway, and the weaking of his heart condition is definitely a sign that he'll be gone by the end of the series.

However, there is another, somewhat interesting theory involving the forthcoming death that I read on Kryptonsite Forums, but it involves a few spoilers for an upcoming episode -

In the fifth episode of the season "Thirst," Lana joins a sorrority in order to find housing for college. As it turns out, however, the sorrority is composed of vampires (I know, sounds like an incredibly cheesy storyline) and Lana herself is turned into one. Now, Lana is a loved one of Clark, and being turned into a vampire may be considered a form of dying, despite the fact that those who are turned into vampires are known as the "undead." Clark may force Jor-El into counting Lana's temporary condition as "death," thus escaping a bad situation on a technicality.

Yes, it may sound a little farfetched, and it is a long shot, but it just might be the outcome, even though many viewers will probably be angered, and it doesn't seem like this kind of episode will have a lot of connection to Jor-El or the Fortress.
Aeroth said:
The only slight indication that this might not be occuring is the fact that DC purchased the rights to use the Chloe Sullivan character in a DC Comic. This is not to say that the writers of show can't kill her off anymore, but it might make a slight nod to the idea of Chloe surviving all the way into the Superman days.

Ultimately, it's either her, or Johnathan.

Chloe knows Clark's secret, so it might make sense to kill her off before Clark becomes Superman.

Johnathan, as we know, dies anyway, and the weaking of his heart condition is definitely a sign that he'll be gone by the end of the series.

However, there is another, somewhat interesting theory involving the forthcoming death that I read on Kryptonsite Forums, but it involves a few spoilers for an upcoming episode -

In the fifth episode of the season "Thirst," Lana joins a sorrority in order to find housing for college. As it turns out, however, the sorrority is composed of vampires (I know, sounds like an incredibly cheesy storyline) and Lana herself is turned into one. Now, Lana is a loved one of Clark, and being turned into a vampire may be considered a form of dying, despite the fact that those who are turned into vampires are known as the "undead." Clark may force Jor-El into counting Lana's temporary condition as "death," thus escaping a bad situation on a technicality.

Yes, it may sound a little farfetched, and it is a long shot, but it just might be the outcome, even though many viewers will probably be angered, and it doesn't seem like this kind of episode will have a lot of connection to Jor-El or the Fortress.
First a witch, now
a vampire?

I can't wait for "LANA LANG: WAREWOLF-ESS!" next Halloween.
Aeroth said:
The only slight indication that this might not be occuring is the fact that DC purchased the rights to use the Chloe Sullivan character in a DC Comic. This is not to say that the writers of show can't kill her off anymore, but it might make a slight nod to the idea of Chloe surviving all the way into the Superman days.

Ultimately, it's either her, or Johnathan.

Chloe knows Clark's secret, so it might make sense to kill her off before Clark becomes Superman.

Johnathan, as we know, dies anyway, and the weaking of his heart condition is definitely a sign that he'll be gone by the end of the series.

However, there is another, somewhat interesting theory involving the forthcoming death that I read on Kryptonsite Forums, but it involves a few spoilers for an upcoming episode -

In the fifth episode of the season "Thirst," Lana joins a sorrority in order to find housing for college. As it turns out, however, the sorrority is composed of vampires (I know, sounds like an incredibly cheesy storyline) and Lana herself is turned into one. Now, Lana is a loved one of Clark, and being turned into a vampire may be considered a form of dying, despite the fact that those who are turned into vampires are known as the "undead." Clark may force Jor-El into counting Lana's temporary condition as "death," thus escaping a bad situation on a technicality.

Yes, it may sound a little farfetched, and it is a long shot, but it just might be the outcome, even though many viewers will probably be angered, and it doesn't seem like this kind of episode will have a lot of connection to Jor-El or the Fortress.
I'm totally not looking forward to that episode. And it could happen but... it's a cop-out.
Maybe it is Chloe. All most everyone who found out about Clark is dead. Pete & Bart are the only ones that are still alive. Well beside the bad guys the people Who saw things and had their memories erased.
the watcher said:
Maybe it is Chloe. All most everyone who found out about Clark is dead. Pete & Bart are the only ones that are still alive. Well beside the bad guys the people Who saw things and had their memories erased.
So pretty much everyone who found about Clark isn't dead and you just made your own post void. Very clever of you.
the watcher said:
Maybe it is Chloe. All most everyone who found out about Clark is dead. Pete & Bart are the only ones that are still alive. Well beside the bad guys the people Who saw things and had their memories erased.
Which is like, half of Smallville by now, right?
Just read this on KryptonSite:

- Executive Producer Alfred Gough revealed in TV Guide that the major character death of someone close to Clark (first teased in "Hidden") will occur in Episode #100. But, Gough has also teased that there will actually be more than one major death in the episode. Let the speculation begin!

Episode #100 will be airing during the February sweeps.
Aeroth said:
Just read this on KryptonSite:

Episode #100 will be airing during the February sweeps.

OK, father's got to go not only because is he not part of Superman's life when he's out of Smallville but also because he struck a deal with Jor-El earlier.

Chloe should die too. But her fanbase is too big... and her boobs are too big.

One of those two are the first major deaths.

Sub-major death... hopefully the sheriff. Maybe Lionel...
TheManWithoutFear said:

OK, father's got to go not only because is he not part of Superman's life when he's out of Smallville
That depends on which version you're talking about: pre-Crisis, film, or post-Crisis.

Chloe should die too. But her fanbase is too big... and her boobs are too big.
Chloe is probably the most likely to die with Lionel in a close second. Look at it: the character's in her prime. She's doing her own thing and she knows Clark's secret. It's a perfect time for her to die. It'd explain why she's not around later.

And no boobs are too big. I like her boobs.

Sub-major death... hopefully the sheriff. Maybe Lionel...
I don't think it'll be Lionel yet. Jor-El is probably going to use him up until the season finale as his "vessel."
TheManWithoutFear said:
OH snap! Just read what I wrote.

Lionel and Pa Kent.... it'd be perfect and would set a good connection between the arch rivals and their journey's running parallel to each other.
Doc Comic, I'm sticking with this.

Also Wouldn't it be great if Lionel is actually Jor-El the entire time until his death. Could you imagine the revealation where we get hints that lionel is trying to stop Lex's findings on Clark. And at the end of Lionel's life he tells Clark he loves him in the Jor-El voice.
TheManWithoutFear said:
And at the end of Lionel's life he tells Clark he loves him in the Jor-El voice.
What if right when Jor-El telsl Clark that, Lex comes in and thinks it's Lionel telling Clark "I love you" before dying? That will really put him over the edge.
Aquaman Tonight

Some pre-episode spoilers from Krytponsite.

Professor Fine Propositions Clark
- Professor Fine tells Clark that he should come work for him, even though Clark shows up late for his class and fumbles with excuses. "Actually, I'm not looking for a job, sir," Clark tells him. "The only thing worse than the fear of speaking the truth, is the fear of uncovering it," Fine tells him. "If you know Lex Luthor, ask him yourself."

At the Luthor mansion.... (this scene may be cut... see below)
- Lex has hired a swim coach. He's surprised to find "A.C.," a 19-year old phenom from the Stanford swim team. Why are my Hoyay alarms going off? "Your inexperience is a concern," Lex tells the young man. We learn that A.C. - Arthur Curry - bowed out of the Olympic trials. "There are more important things in life than chlorine and winning medals," Arthur tells Lex. "Like what? Finding the perfect wave?" "Among other things."
- Lex introduces Clark to his new swim coach. Arthur recognizes Clark for a rescue from earlier in the day. "You were like a torpedo out there," Clark tells him. "I'm going to show our boy Lex everything I know," Arthur replies.
- Clark confronts Lex, as he always does, and asks him why he needs a swim coach. Lex tells him that Arthur can do the 100 meter free-style in under fifty seconds, and Lex wants to try out for a Pentathlon. "It's something I need to do," Lex tells him. "Is building weapons something you need to do, too?" Clark asks him. Professor Fine has told him some new information about his bald friend...

Lana and Lois Discuss "A.C."
- Lana and Lois have a scene together in the Talon. "He goes to Stanford, he's the star of the swim team, and he's passionately interested in something meaningful," Lana tells her, easily impressed.
- "I kind of wish I had never met him. Because now my head is in a constant fog," Lois tells her. Lana tells Lois the fog is about to lift, because A.C. has just entered through the Talon's doors.
- Arthur looks at Lois and says "Do you look beautiful or what? Even with that seaweed in your hair, and that sand all over your face, you looked beautiful." Seems at this point he's already saved her life. Arthur spots something on the floor - it's Lois's military ID badge. He picks it up and gives it to her. Lois tells A.C. that her father would have "lined me up in front of a firing squad" if she lost that, so now, he's saved her life twice. She tells him he deserves an award. She guides him to a table, and then brings him coffee and a scone "on the house."
- "You're not like most chicks, are you?" Arthur asks Lois. "Life would be a whole lot easier if I were," she tells him. He calls her on her "bad-***" attitude, but inside sees her tenderness. Arthur starts to get even fliriter, and kisses her. Lois melts into his arms, and at that very moment, Clark walks in to the Talon.

Later, at night...
- Arthur, Clark, Lois and Lana are all hanging out in the Talon late at night. Clark suspiciously eyes Arthur from across the table. Clark is sitting with Lana, and a smitten Lois is sitting with Arthur. Lois comments that Stanford must have been hard to get into, and Clark says "when you're a star swimmer, it kind of helps, right?"
- Arthur tells them he wasn't on the swim team freshman year. He joined when the swim coach saw him swimming laps in the pool and "reeled him in."
- Clark is inquisitive. He asks A.C. how he learned to swim so fast. "Guess it's in my genes, you know?" Arthur says. Clark keeps plugging away with questions. "Clark, this isn't a Barbara Walters special," Lana reminds him, embarrasased.
- We learn Arthur's dad operates a lighthouse in Northern California. Arthur says his mom died when he was very young, so, she "must've been the one with all the skills."
- Arthur talks more about his childhood. Lana tells him she's always wanted to go diving, because that's probably "as close to another planet as you can get."
- Clark is still suspicious. "You seem to know an awful lot about the ocean," he says. Arthur reveals that he's a marine biology major. He then talks about his environmental concerns. "I've decided to dedicate my life to protecting the sea," he tells them.
- Clark keeps grilling. "Why are you here? Smallville's a long way from Stanford." A.C. tells him that he's there hoping to get a chance to talk to Lex Luthor about his environmental practices. This response makes us wonder if the whole "swim coach" aspect of the character, mentioned in previous spoilers, has been cut in favor of this new direction. if that's the case, we apologize for the erroneous spoilers.
- Clark's still asking far too many questions. Lois asks Clark for a word. "I already have an overprotective father," she tells him. "There's something fishy about A.C.," Clark tells her. Lois accuses him of being jealous, because A.C. is "smart, passionate, and looks like Adonis." Clark tells her he thinks A.C. may be a meteor freak. "Oh, so now you're playing the meteor freak card?" The call is interrupted by a call from General Lane. "It wasn't me, I swear..." Lois tells him. No ideas, though, on what it is she is talking to him about.
Awesome Episode.

Lois looked smokin' in that two piece.

Aquaman's acting needed some work but overall he was a very cool character. I really want to see a pre-JLA teamup with Flash and him but I can't see a plausible way to see that work. Where the **** is Bruce Wayne.

Lex was brilliant as always.

I'm confused about Brainiac. I have no knowledge of him but I'm glad to see his storyline's rolling.
