Smallville (spoilers)

the watcher said:
You mean the Clark and Lana make out scene? Ya, it happens. And it made me for the first time, want to be Tom Welling.

You know when I said that I completely forgot about the episode last season. Where Clark dosed with red Krypt. by Alicia (played by Sarah Carter). and had that honeymoon. So that also made me what to be Tom Welling. So that was two times.
the watcher said:
You know when I said that I completely forgot about the episode last season. Where Clark dosed with red Krypt. by Alicia (played by Sarah Carter). and had that honeymoon. So that also made me what to be Tom Welling. So that was two times.
Truth she was hott too. Lana made a reference to her this epsiode too when they both told each other it would be their first time.

You know what really ticks me off. I heard they scrapped the sublevel storyline. The one where Lex was keeping Myx...whatever his name is.
TheManWithoutFear said:
You know what really ticks me off. I heard they scrapped the sublevel storyline. The one where Lex was keeping Myx...whatever his name is.

Mxyzptlk. Yeah, it ticks me off too. Although, I somewhat understand why they did it. It was a storyline originating from a failing season. If they brought it back, not only would all thse new fans be out of the loop, but it would remind us of a year of Smallville that a lot of people now wish to forget.

Yes, it was perhaps the best loose end left open in season 4. But based off those Lex e-mails, Mxyzptlk checked out of Level 33.1 and went off to see the world. So I suppose that's resolved.

And besides, the Pete, Jason, and Alicia references in this last episode prove that the writers are keeping continuity in mind; they're not forgetting all of the past.
Aeroth said:
Yes, it was perhaps the best loose end left open in season 4. But based off those Lex e-mails, Mxyzptlk checked out of Level 33.1 and went off to see the world. So I suppose that's resolved.

And besides, the Pete, Jason, and Alicia references in this last episode prove that the writers are keeping continuity in mind; they're not forgetting all of the past.
Good catch I forgot people were still gettin text's.

Yes, Continuity is goooood.
Spoiler! If you don't what to know to much about the next episode of Smallville do not go to this site. Click on the image of clark in the ER. Under trailer Screencaps (One of the things you will see is something that Spade suggested in this thread).
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As a side note, if there are any Smallville fans out there that have not discovered KryptonSite by this point, they simply haven't harnessed the power of the Internet.
You know for a while now I've been told that they are conecting the Smallville show, to the up coming Superman Returns movie. But I don't know, I think it's just to far of a conection.





I'm giddy... I'm giddy like a school girl.

I was going into this thinking powerless Clark, stupid antagonist... bad episode....

What a ****in' ride!

First the pyscho kid who wants to blow up Smallville... yeah, stupid but the fact that he actually is willing to pull the trigger and kill people makes him an ok villain in my book. He plans on stealing a missle and blowing up Smallville

So where do we go from there.... the whole episode happens fast and crazy and awesome. Lana and Clark wake up next to each other and Ma n' Pa Kent catch them sneaking out of the house at 6:30 in the mornin'. Pa Kent's not too happy.

Then we get the ****in' sheriff *BOOOOOOO!!!!!!* Who apparently for somereason can lead the U.S. Military.... that makes a lot of sense.

Lex is tossin' his daddy around his cell and getting angry about the symbols and Kryptonian talk an unLionel is speaking.

Clark and Chloe try to stop bad guy and.... Clark gets shot. Chloe gets kidnapped.

Lana gives a cliche speech over Clark's almost lifeless body. Clark turns and looks at her smiles and dies.

Then we get a collage of nurses working on Clark to revive him and unLionel coming out of his kyrptonian trance, breaking out of his cell, and superspeeding away.

Lana is sad, Ma and Pa, Kent are sad and then the Nurses say, "Oh My God! He's Gone!"

Chloe unties herself and sneaks up on the bad guy who pushes the buttons to the missle silo. The missle goes up...

Clark wakes up in the fortress of solitude.... (This is where Kyrptonsite ends there spoilers for the episode. They had no idea what was coming and neither did any of us :twisted: :twisted: )

Lionel reveals himself to be a vessel for Jor-El to contact Clark. Clark got his powers back but Jor-El says one of the people he loves is going to die. Clark can't do anything about it. Jor-El says he'll always love him.

Clark speeds back to Smallville where he sees the missle going up. He "Super Jumps" (FLIES *****ES!!! :rockon: ) and grabs the rocket as it shoots into space he disarms it and it explodes sending him back to Earth.

Chloe and The bad guy fight where he accidently shoots and kills himself.

Ma and Pa Kent are worrying about Clark and he returns home but doesn't tell them Jor-El said someone is gonna die. Lana walks in and is in shock... they hug... everyone's happy.

Lana goes to Lex with his hospital report and says Clark's normal leave him alone. Lex says the normal people don't rise from the dead and Clark's lying to her. She leaves upset.

Lionel shows up and they reunite. Lionel says he remembers nothing about speaking Krypton and being in that state of mind and the last thing he remembers is arguing with Lex. (Season Finale)

Chloe visits Clark and she says she's glad she's the only one who knows about the secret because it seems "special". Clark says he's made a mistake...

End Episode

Lana's speech bedside was cheese, TOOOOO MANY DAMN COMMMERCIALS!!! Stupid Sheriff *HIIIISSSS*...

Otherwise AWESOME Episode! Lana's Hott when you think about how she just had sex!... Clark Semi-Flies and has powers back, good bad guy, Chloe's boobs were phenominal!!, AQUAMAN NEXT WEEK!!!

I absolutely loved it. It's great how we've seen him progress from taking down a small meteor freak who was only threatening two people, to saving entire masses of people now. That thing with the missile was truly super, and that's the kind of thing that Superman is there to do.

I can narrow it down to two people who will die: either Jonathan or Chloe. Jonathan, because in the pre-Crisis comics and films (which Smallville seems to follow alot), he died. Or Chloe, which would explain why we don't see her in the comics. Either way, it's going to be one of those two that Jor-El takes the "life force" from.
Doc Comic said:
I absolutely loved it. It's great how we've seen him progress from taking down a small meteor freak who was only threatening two people, to saving entire masses of people now. That thing with the missile was truly super, and that's the kind of thing that Superman is there to do.

I can narrow it down to two people who will die: either Jonathan or Chloe. Jonathan, because in the pre-Crisis comics and films (which Smallville seems to follow alot), he died. Or Chloe, which would explain why we don't see her in the comics. Either way, it's going to be one of those two that Jor-El takes the "life force" from.

did you notest that when Clark Came back to the farm. He did not tell his parents of the price someone has to pay. But he told Cloe. Maybe that a clue. Maybe it is Jonathan.
Loved the episode. It wasn't a premiere, finale, or sweeps month episode, and yet it had great special effects, and the suspense that we don't usually get in regular episodes.

I do want to see Johnathan die by the end of the series, but not through these means. But yes, it's either him or Chloe who will bite the dust.
Spade said:
so is lana working for lex?? at the end of the eppisode it seemed like lex was telling her to get together with him to find out his secret.

No I think Lana got the file to proove to Lex nothing was goin on with Clark. This was to emphasize the fact Clark is still not completely honest with her. Something I found extremely wrong with the episode... How can Lana just be like, "Thank god you're ok" and that's it? I mean he disappeared.
Isn't a part of Superman's motto "truth", too? What pisses me off is that he jumped into bed with Lana without being honest with her. Shouldn't you let a person know that they're sexing up an alien?
Doc Comic said:
Isn't a part of Superman's motto "truth", too? What pisses me off is that he jumped into bed with Lana without being honest with her. Shouldn't you let a person know that they're sexing up an alien?

"Oh, and by the way Lona. Before we sleep with each other, you should know that not only am I an alien. But the Meteor Shower that brought me here killed you're parents. Oh, and one more thing. I gave up my powers that I use to save people. So I can be with you." Ya... I think Lona would have alot of mix feelings. And most of them would probably be anger. For the death of her parents. In fact I think she would of stoped listening. after I might of killed you parents.
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the watcher said:
"Oh, and by the way Lona. Before we sleep with each other, you should know that not only am I an alien. But the Meteor Shower that brought me here killed you're parents. Oh, and one more thing. I gave up my powers that I use to save people. So I can be with you." Ya... I think Lona would have alot of mix feelings. And most of them would probably be anger. For the death of her parents. In fact I think she would of stoped listening. after I might of killed you parents.
They really need to emphasize the fact that the meteor shower originally killed Lana's parents. That always seems to get lost.