Doc Comic said:
Alfred Gough has said himself that Warner Bros. won't let them use a young Bruce due to the new Bat-film franchise.
What he said.
Ultimate Gambit said:
Definitely what he said...
All right so solid start. Not as good as the season finale... but whose ever gonna beat that.
Starts off right where we left off and The diamond key falls to the ground the fortress pops up and Clark goes inside Jor-El then starts his "education".
Two kryptonians come out of the ship and Lana gets away because the feds/police distract them. They blow all the cars up and walk away they have a kryptonian "Z" tattooed on the females lower back.
Lois goes to Clark's home and brings Dad and Mom to the hospital.
Lex is looking for Chloe in the caves he removes the key from the table.
Chloe somehow is in antartica too and when she investigates the fortress of solitude Jor-el tries to kill her. Clark saves her says he has to get back home and Jor-el says be home before dark or else.
Lex finds Lana in the middle of the road limping away and takes her back to his place.
Clark and Chloe are in a hospital in the Ukon they talk about how Chloe always knew... real cute. Clark buzzes back to Smallville.
Lana wakes up at the Luthor Mansion where Lionel is carving the "Z" symbol into the floor his eyes are faded and he looks creepy. He starts to talk about the two kryptonians, says "ZOD" and tells Lana that "Home can kill them".
The Kyrptonians attack the hospital and Lana shows up and says she knows where Kal-El is.
Clark ends up home and Lex walks in after him. Lex tells him that his parents are at the hospital and then interrogates him about well.... EVERYTHING and Clark walks away.
Clark goes to the hospital and Lois tells him about the kryptonians.
Lana brings the two kryptonians to the Luthor Vault and they're weakend by the kyrptonite inside. The male gets away and throws the vault door shut they toss Lana against the wall.
Clark shows up and refuses their offer to turn Earth into their Utopia. They open a funky portal and think Clark will get sucked in. Clarks superspeeds infront of them and knocks them in. The portal closes and turns into a mirror like thing that flies out the window and into space.
Clark goes to Lana and decides to take care of her instead of going to the fotress. The sun goes down and Clark wipes the broken glass out of Lana's hair and he cuts himself and bleeds.
The Kents get out of the hospital and look at their destroyed home. Jonny makes a comment bout how his son is a one man construction crew and Clark tells them he lost his power.
Chloe is resting in the hospital bed when she's woken up and says, "Clark". Lex says "Now how can Clark be all the way up here? I'm here to take you home Chloe"
Lana is looking at the paper the article says Jason and his mother are dead and it's circled with a message saying "You owe me one -L" Clark and Lana tell eachother they love eachother Lana says she saw the two superpeople come out of a spaceship.
Clark goes to look for the spaceship but it's gone.
A basement at Luthorcorp shows the Spaceship in a hanger. Black fluidity stop drips off the bottom and Branaic appears . The end.
Things I liked
Fortress of Solitude
Kryptonians with Z's on their backs
Chloe was actually cool this episode
The "Mirror prison" thing like Zod was put in in the movie :rockon:
No more Jason
Lex is a total badass!
Things I didn't like
Clark lost his powers again.... lame
commercials suck too...
Mamma and Poppa Kent scenes are boring