Re: Runaways series discussion (spoilers)
I doubt Marvel would hire an unknown. Isn't this her only writing credit?
Then again...*shrug*
It is. And it was...meh-city.
I wanted to like it, but it's really just meh after Vaughan goodness and right before Whedon just didn't work.
I'm happy she got a writing gig, but giving Runaways to an unknown....that will kill the series, it's still sort of new and it has a loyal fanbase, but it's not a big fanbase.
I want Runaways to live longer than a year or so more after Vaughan leaves.
It would be a stupid move, if they give her a title, give her a meh title that always know X-Men.
Although, I'm sure they didn't give her much room to work with. I don't understand why this book was published. We live in a world where trades are cheaper and easier to find than the actual back-issues. A recap....seems pointless.
Why not print up a cool cover and have a two page splash as the whole comic. The comic would show Gert looking a bit pissed at the reader and saying, "You want a recap? Go wiki Runaways, you idiot!"