
Oh, pshaw. The game still had 16 badges and you could fight ****ing ASH (Well. . .Red, but technically, they're the same)!
Eh, but the Johto gym leaders and the Elite Four were so weak it was pathetic. :p

G/S/C had the best looking new Pokemon, though.
Completely agreed.
And I agree- if they were to remake G/S/C, along with a larger Kanto storyline and some equivalent to the Orange Islands in Fire Red, it would be difficult to beat.
Well, and give the opposing trainers more powerful teams. ^^ But yeah, G/S/C are awesome and making it super difficult would be great.

Lynx said:
See, that I don't like. All pokemon came from Mew. . .except Arceus? Blah. Plus, now there can't be a pokemon greater than Arceus.
Eh, by this point I think it's become clear that most of the stories about legendaries are just that: stories. It's like how in the sixth movie they had Jirachi's wish-granting powers being a myth.

That sounds like an interesting idea for the twelth movie (assuming the eleventh will be on Shaymin)... There's mass panic because people believe that Arceus's appearance is the Judgement of God, but it turns out that it's just a really powerful Pokémon... heh..

Mythical Pokemon? More powerful than a god?

If they do make something more powerful, they'd have to change the game mechanics. Arceus is the only pokemon to have a perfect base 120 in every stat.
I forsee this thing being abused in tournaments. x.x Hopefully they make Arceus and the other unobtainables up for grabs multiple times, but rule legendaries out of official competitions.
:lol: but surfing pikachu , pikachu following you around like cartoon. it's great

But the darn thing wouldnt evolve into Raichu

Oh and i also love how the new legendary have their own signature moves

See, that I don't like. All pokemon came from Mew. . .except Arceus? Blah. Plus, now there can't be a pokemon greater than Arceus.

Well the way i see it Arceus created Dialga and Palkia(Space and time) then the other three wich names escaped me(spirite)

Then came mew

Though im sure arceus might be ban from tournaments...becouse really what can defeat him? especialy since he can even change its type

And it thru a nintendo event?
That show (back when I liked pokemon) made me love the little guy.

When Ash and co. were still in Kanto, it was good. The Mewtwo and Lugia movies were also pretty good.

After that, it was basically the same thing over and over. "Get 8 badges, get *** kicked in the League, go to the next region, rinse and repeat".
When Ash and co. were still in Kanto, it was good. The Mewtwo and Lugia movies were also pretty good.

After that, it was basically the same thing over and over. "Get 8 badges, get *** kicked in the League, go to the next region, rinse and repeat".

i stopped watching after they got rid of brock for an obviously gay guy with a big gay blue mouse with him.

stopped playing when gold and silver came out some of the new ones who were basically a cow or a a sheep named something else showed they just ran of ideas and I soon got bored.

but if a fully 3d version came out I would buy it.
From what I understand, Mew was the Pokemon whom all others descended. Arceus created Mew, and possibly the Space/Time pokemon.

Also, the show totally ruined Pikachu for me. Raichu for the win!

Is no one else able to play online? :(
I'll take Pikachu over Raichu anyday. Don't like Raichu much.

Also, got my fourth badge just now!

1st Badge-> 5:33
2nd Badge -> 13:21
3rd Badge-> 24:43
4th Badge-> 30:57

I caught Quagsire, Wooper, and Marill at the Safari Zone. I like the place, but I don't like how they still have Pokemon you can capture anywhere else (for some).

I really like how the cities aren't just big cities, but they're bigger than any city from the previous games, save Twinleaf Town. That one is just a replicate of the one before from R/S.

But they're so many awesome things, even the small tiny tiny things in the game, it's not easy picking a place where to start. There's just so many improvements that kick ***.
When Ash and co. were still in Kanto, it was good. The Mewtwo and Lugia movies were also pretty good.

After that, it was basically the same thing over and over. "Get 8 badges, get *** kicked in the League, go to the next region, rinse and repeat".

And dont forget about the sexual tension between ash and Misty

Also i just Captured Dialga and two of the three Legendary Psychics...Gladly i did it without using the master ball im saving it for arceus if get the chance to fight him Arceus.....I used the dusk ball thouse things are better than the Ultra balls man

And now im going for the final badge
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I'm up against the elite four. Dialgia was the easiest legendary I have ever caught. Now I'm just waiting for daytime to evolve Railou into Lucario, to serve as my Fighting (replacing Medicham, who has gotten me through some tough scrapes but has a ****ty dual-type.)
Can someone tell where the are the ruins to where the Unknowns are at?
And dont forget about the sexual tension between ash and Misty

Also i just Captured Dialga and two of the three Legendary Psychics...Gladly i did it without using the master ball im saving it for arceus if get the chance to fight him Arceus.....I used the dusk ball thouse things are better than the Ultra balls man

And now im going for the final badge

Yeah, Arceus is level 80. :? But, I haven't heard anything about Wi-Fi events yet, so. . .
Ok I picked up Diamond yesterday. It's not bad. :D I got my first badge and I'm using princelup (sp?). He kicked all kinds of *** in the mines.
I just got goratina the third Legendary dragon

He's rules he's a Ghost/Dragon

I always thought people who played these games were idiots.

I started playing my girlfriend's Pokemon Gold a few nights ago

I stand corrected, the game is like ****ing crack. Though, I'm sure I'm pissing people in the game of, I'm not catching everyone, I'm sticking it out with the ten or so pokemon I got.
I'm considering buying Pokemon XD for gamecube (will play on Wii) How is it? and can you catch pikachu on it?
I'm considering buying Pokemon XD for gamecube (will play on Wii) How is it? and can you catch pikachu on it?
The 'cube versions aren't like the handheld ones. There are no Pokemon in the wild to catch. The games aren't that good, but they're good enough to get legendaries and other pokemons easier.