
...yay it's almost here. :D I'm so having a Pokémon DVD marathon and video game play session late in the night. I still have yet to get even a silver symbol at the Battle Frontier and my highest amount of Pokémon in the Pokédex is only 204. :l
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Hey, I'm the only true Ice around here!

And no, not "Vanilla Ice".

. . .

Lynx said:
Tomorrow! Tomorrow!

I can't wait until tomorrow!

Diamond & Pearl tomorrow!

I will post my friend code as soon as I know where to get it in the game. My name of course will be "Vanilla Ice."

Happy, you damn penguin?
Oh god, this game is so damn Awesome! I got my first badge at 5:33 (I like taking my time). My first six were Piplup (now Prinplup), Bidoof, Starly (now Staravia), Magikarp, Budew, and Shinx.

My current team is Prinplup, Bidoof, Staravia, Geodude, Beduw, and Shinx. This is for Pearl Version. I started Diamond to get the other three starters, and first up will be Chimchar.

So much sweetness. Graphics is great. Gameplay is great. Sacred&Profane told me that the touchscreen setup when he played the demo was rediculously good. He was wrong. It's really gureakyreadlsoureculously. That's like, ridiculous to the 10th power.

Im already loving this as my favorite versions yet. If only it would go up to 16 badges at least like G/S, it would just be teh max sah-weetness.

w00t! w00t!
Oh god, this game is so damn Awesome! I got my first badge at 5:33 (I like taking my time). My first six were Piplup (now Prinplup), Bidoof, Starly (now Staravia), Magikarp, Budew, and Shinx.

My current team is Prinplup, Bidoof, Staravia, Geodude, Beduw, and Shinx. This is for Pearl Version. I started Diamond to get the other three starters, and first up will be Chimchar.

So much sweetness. Graphics is great. Gameplay is great. Sacred&Profane told me that the touchscreen setup when he played the demo was rediculously good. He was wrong. It's really gureakyreadlsoureculously. That's like, ridiculous to the 10th power.

Im already loving this as my favorite versions yet. If only it would go up to 16 badges at least like G/S, it would just be teh max sah-weetness.

w00t! w00t!

I agree heartily. BEST GAME EVER. I started with Chimchar. Current team is Monferno, Staravia, Luxio, Budew, Buizel, and Shieldon, who I revived from a fossil before stopping for a while.

Has anyone noticed how many more Trainers there are to fight? I just got the second badge this morning. That was possibly the longest I've taken to get from one badge city to another ( I'm talking about getting from Oreburgh to Eterna). I had 8 hours under my belt before even reaching the second gym.

And the Underground is fun. I've only done it solo, so I don't know what multiplayer is like.
I got Chimchar!

I was working on getting Turtwig, but it seems you can't save over files anymore. Now you have to erase them first at the menu screen before starting.

And I also forgot to bring Ranger, which I could've sworn I did. And so getting Manaphy must wait...
Got it today

At what level does Chmchar evolv anyway?

Im about to face the first leader now

Any tips?
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My friends and I have recently begun to play Pokemon on our gameboys once more. We do not play any versions besides yellow, blue and red. That is all.
Make sure you have a good grass pokemon. It's highest level pokemon is at 14.

Where do i get one though? Ive mostly found some normal,an electric and a Geadude
I began my game with Turtwig, and I'm saddened to see that hardly anyone else is. Honestly, Chimchar is only slightly different from last generation's Fire starter Pokemon. I don't see the big deal beyond cuteness factor.

I am enjoying Diamond immensely. 3 badges and 11:30 hours in means many more hours. This game's length is perfect, and the routes are actually LONG this time:D
I began my game with Turtwig, and I'm saddened to see that hardly anyone else is. Honestly, Chimchar is only slightly different from last generation's Fire starter Pokemon. I don't see the big deal beyond cuteness factor.

I am enjoying Diamond immensely. 3 badges and 11:30 hours in means many more hours. This game's length is perfect, and the routes are actually LONG this time:D

well i picked it mainly for its final form wich looks like the monkey king(wich is why i named him Son Goku)
I only just started. So, hopefully, I'll be further along tonight.

Also, as soon as people start getting National Dexs, I can trade A LOT of pokemon from my Fire Red version. I have tons there. I also hope to pick up Colosseum, Gale of Darkness and Ranger to get some of the G/S and Legendary pokemon.
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Just beat em

Thanks ice

Giving Rock smash to geodude also helped
Everyone who has access to Wi-Fi, post your friend codes here.
Remember, DS has a weak wi-fi, so you must be quite close to your router to gain a stable connection.

Evan (Sacred&Profane): 5154 9385 9998
I began my game with Turtwig, and I'm saddened to see that hardly anyone else is. Honestly, Chimchar is only slightly different from last generation's Fire starter Pokemon. I don't see the big deal beyond cuteness factor.

I am enjoying Diamond immensely. 3 badges and 11:30 hours in means many more hours. This game's length is perfect, and the routes are actually LONG this time:D

yeah, the routes are damn long! Anyone go into the wayward cavern thingy?
I hate that place. Take the girl to the exit, and she gives you NOTHING
So I'm reading these posts and I see one of the new Pokemon is called Piplup. You know they've ran out of ideas when they call a Pokemon Piplup. Piplup.
So I'm reading these posts and I see one of the new Pokemon is called Piplup. You know they've ran out of ideas when they call a Pokemon Piplup. Piplup.
Really? I thought that for the Pokemon that's named "Bidoof". :lol:

Also, got my second badge at 13:21 hours last night. Yay me!
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Really? I thought that for the Pokemon that's named "Bidoof". :lol:

Also, got my second badge at 13:21 hours last night. Yay me!

You have time to record the hours you play Pokemon but you don't have time to reply to your e-mails?!