
Curse you, Squirtle!

****ing Doc Comic.
Hmmmm.....I've never played pokeman before.....If I were to purchase a pokeman game, which should I get Diamond or Pearl? :oops:
Hmmmm.....I've never played pokeman before.....If I were to purchase a pokeman game, which should I get Diamond or Pearl? :oops:

The only difference is some pokemon are exclusive to one or the other.

Easiest way to decide is to see which pokemon you like better on the box. Those are exclusive to each game and is the big, Legendary pokemon of that game.
Diamond and Pearl are, hands down, the best they've ever made. Gold and Silver were until D/P, though.

Nothing shall EVER take the throne from G/S/C. EVER. D/P is just new, but it's on its way to take the silver medal.

Unless they remake G/S/C. Then, those will be the best.
Nothing shall EVER take the throne from G/S/C. EVER. D/P is just new, but it's on its way to take the silver medal.

Unless they remake G/S/C. Then, those will be the best.

D/P has everything G/S/C did, plus a larger world and Pokemon that arn't bad type and stat-wise. G/S/C' Pokemon were largely terrible, despite their excellent appearances.

G/S/C had the best looking new Pokemon, though.
And I agree- if they were to remake G/S/C, along with a larger Kanto storyline and some equivalent to the Orange Islands in Fire Red, it would be difficult to beat.
D/P has everything G/S/C did, plus a larger world and Pokemon that arn't bad type and stat-wise. G/S/C' Pokemon were largely terrible, despite their excellent appearances.

Oh, pshaw. The game still had 16 badges and you could fight ****ing ASH (Well. . .Red, but technically, they're the same)! That and some of my favorite pokemon are from the 2nd generation. Ferilagatr, Typhlosion, Tyranitar, Umbreon and Espeon, and freakin' LUGIA!

I love D/P, but nothing will beat the nostalgia of G/S/C.
Oh, pshaw. The game still had 16 badges and you could fight ****ing ASH (Well. . .Red, but technically, they're the same)! That and some of my favorite pokemon are from the 2nd generation. Ferilagatr, Typhlosion, Tyranitar, Umbreon and Espeon, and freakin' LUGIA!

I love D/P, but nothing will beat the nostalgia of G/S/C.

It beat it for me soon after I started playing. :mrgreen:

All the HUGE improvements over the past games, all the awesome things you can do? Helluva better. Yeah, I wish you could do 16 badges again, but that's alright. As for the Pokemon- heh. I will easily get them once I trade them to Sapphire/Emerald from Colleseum & Gale of Darkness. That'd be Lugia, Ho-oh, all three Johto starters with moves not elsewhere, etc.
am I the only one who thought yellow kicked the most ***?
G/S/C Shall always have a hude place in my Heart

But D/P have actualy made a pokemon who's more powerful tham mewtwo...heck its basicly God(Mewtwo will always be my favorite though)

It can even change its own species

Its name Arceus

Wish i knew how to get it

I also love how Team Galactic is basicly a crazy cult
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am I the only one who thought yellow kicked the most ***?

Emphatically Yes.

I want to pick up one of the new ones, but im guessing they're only out on the fancy shmancy new Gameboy, and I only have a Gameboy Advance.

It beat it for me soon after I started playing. :mrgreen:

All the HUGE improvements over the past games, all the awesome things you can do? Helluva better. Yeah, I wish you could do 16 badges again, but that's alright. As for the Pokemon- heh. I will easily get them once I trade them to Sapphire/Emerald from Colleseum & Gale of Darkness. That'd be Lugia, Ho-oh, all three Johto starters with moves not elsewhere, etc.

Oh, I don't count being able to acquire the old Pokemon. I just count the new Pokemon when considering how good the game is, mainly because you can't get a lot of them without using old games. Otherwise, every generation would be better than the previous, and R/S/E were my least favorite games.

I just like Johto better. I like the Gym Leaders better, I like Team Rocket better than Team Galactic (Although Galactic is far better than Aqua/Magma), I liked being able to go back to Kanto, I like the Johto pokemon better than the Sinnoh pokemon. . .

But, most importantly, was being able to fight Red/Ash. That battle was EPIC.

D/P is great, but G/S/C is classic. But, to each his own. :wink:

Venom Melendez said:
But D/P have actualy made a pokemon who's more powerful tham mewtwo...heck its basicly God(Mewtwo will always be my favorite though)

It can even change its own species

Its name Arceus

Wish i knew how to get it

See, that I don't like. All pokemon came from Mew. . .except Arceus? Blah. Plus, now there can't be a pokemon greater than Arceus. It's the Pokemon God. Also, you can't get Arceus in D/P without the item Heaven's Pipe. Which is only given out at Nintendo Events (Or possibly by connecting to Nintendo through WiFi using Mystery Gift).
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I'd actually be interested to see whether they could conceive something more powerful than Arceus... More powerful than Legendary Pokemon.

We'll just have to see.
I'd actually be interested to see whether they could conceive something more powerful than Arceus... More powerful than Legendary Pokemon.

We'll just have to see.

Mythical Pokemon? More powerful than a god?

If they do make something more powerful, they'd have to change the game mechanics. Arceus is the only pokemon to have a perfect base 120 in every stat.