PG-Friendly Asian Girls Thread

Joy Osmanski


I found the DVD of "The Loop" (yet another cancelled FOX show).....and Joy plays an assistant named Darcy.

Damn I miss that show.
Please describe the exact nature of Ms. Osmanski's hotness in a PG-friendly manner for us.

To describe her must understand her character.

Darcy is a graduate of M.I.T---where she graduated 4th in her class. All of her other classmates are in space....or so she says. And while this brilliant woman may be the smartest hot chick we will ever see----she is stuck working as an assistant to some young goofball. Meanwhile, she holds 2 other side jobs as a caterer and standing on the corner in a hot dog suit holding arrow point to some random resturaunt.

Imagine this degrading lifestyle and knowing that you are better than that. Imagine all the fustration building inside you. All that rage. Imagine channelling all that rage into raw sexual energy devoted to the single purpose of pleasure.

Now in my mind---I imagine Darcy to loathe the white man......yet because she is surrounded by them all day---she is oddly attracted to them. Take this hate-fueled attraction and turn it loose and you have a hot asian girl who is ready to pounce at the opportunity to slap you around while getting it on. That's hot.

Plus she has sexy glasses.

So to sum it up---she's the hot girl who puts up the reserved front.....but deep down is a volcano of rage and kinky passion. Plus she has sexy glasses.

She also reminds you of that hot asian chick your friend used to date but you couldn't really do anything because she was with your friend. But even if she wasn't with him---you still probably wouldn't make a move beause you don't have the Yellow Fever....but you'd still hit it because a hot girl is a hot girl.
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Imagine this degrading lifestyle and knowing that you are better than that. Imagine all the fustration building inside you. All that rage. Imagine channelling all that rage into raw sexual energy devoted to the single purpose of pleasure.

Now in my mind---I imagine Darcy to loathe the white man......yet because she is surrounded by them all day---she is oddly attracted to them. Take this hate-fueled attraction and turn it loose and you have a hot asian girl who is ready to pounce at the opportunity to slap you around while getting it on. That's hot.

Plus she has sexy glasses.

So to sum it up---she's the hot girl who puts up the reserved front.....but deep down is a volcano of rage and kinky passion. Plus she has sexy glasses.
That actually almost crossed the line of being PG-Friendly, I'd suspect, but damn if that ain't hot.

God, I am so hard now.

And yes, by being hard I mean Post of the Day.
To describe her must understand her character.

Darcy is a graduate of M.I.T---where she graduated 4th in her class. All of her other classmates are in space....or so she says. And while this brilliant woman may be the smartest hot chick we will ever see----she is stuck working as an assistant to some young goofball. Meanwhile, she holds 2 other side jobs as a caterer and standing on the corner in a hot dog suit holding arrow point to some random resturaunt.

Imagine this degrading lifestyle and knowing that you are better than that. Imagine all the fustration building inside you. All that rage. Imagine channelling all that rage into raw sexual energy devoted to the single purpose of pleasure.

Now in my mind---I imagine Darcy to loathe the white man......yet because she is surrounded by them all day---she is oddly attracted to them. Take this hate-fueled attraction and turn it loose and you have a hot asian girl who is ready to pounce at the opportunity to slap you around while getting it on. That's hot.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I have nipple hair.

(I hope I killed the erection,. if only for his nephew's sake...)
Killed it???
So what's the point of this thread? Posting pictures of hot Asian chicks (I'm not trying to insult, I'm genuinely curious)?
So what's the point of this thread? Posting pictures of hot Asian chicks (I'm not trying to insult, I'm genuinely curious)?
As Ourchair himself put it:
I don't use this thread as an excuse for 'softporn', since it's really just a non-empirical 'research' thread I've made for determining how people respond to Asian beauty.
To actually ADD something to this thread for a change...........

I watched Azumi as a refresher last week as i hadnt seen it for ages. Was so hyped for it when i saw the original trailers and just figured with the things Kitamura did on Versus that it was gonna be so freakin awesome. I have heard people speak quite negative about the film but i thoroughly enjoyed it.
Upon hearing that Kitamura would not be taking on Azumi 2 i was pretty much against watching it in case it ruined my appreciation for the story of Azumi but i bit the bullet this week, watched it and realised i was so wrong. I definitely feel its as good as the first movie. But you know the best thing about Azumi? Aya Ueto of course!

The scene where she is being made to look more lady-like by the travelling performer (name?) she looked so beautiful

I was talking to a Japanese girl the other day about "Azumi" and she told me "Aya Ueto is not good looking". She told me that in Japan she is not considered so pretty but i think she was just pissed off because i was obsessing over her
She has a music career too but ive no idea what her songs are like
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To actually ADD something to this thread for a change........... I was talking to a Japanese girl the other day about "Azumi" and she told me "Aya Ueto is not good looking". She told me that in Japan she is not considered so pretty but i think she was just pissed off because i was obsessing over her

She has a music career too but ive no idea what her songs are like
I myself don't regard Aya Ueto as so pretty, but I certainly don't begrudge anyone for seeing her that way either. I've seen Azumi and she gives a very good performance both in terms of acting and fighting, even if the film's plot isn't anything terribly interesting to write about.

I think what your friend meant to suggest was that she's not considered SUPER-pretty in Japan. In the same way that Kirsten Dunst or Maggie Gyllenhaal are not exactly SUPER-pretty actresses but they are still regarded as good-looking.

In any case, I think Ueto's career owes itself to her charisma and an ability to play to the camera that even more 'nuanced' actresses don't have.

Incidentally, I would've featured her but I already have too many Japanese people in this thread.
I can look at her and realise why some people dont think she is so much to rave about but im drooling over her at the moment :drooling:
Yeah thats probably what she meant (japanese friend) but i think also she was annoyed because of my droolinz but she did use the word "ugly" also. needless to say.......i was very annoyed

Ive seen some really awful pictures of that ogre Kirsten Dunce
I can look at her and realise why some people dont think she is so much to rave about but im drooling over her at the moment :drooling:
Yeah thats probably what she meant (japanese friend) but i think also she was annoyed because of my droolinz but she did use the word "ugly" also. needless to say.......i was very annoyed
That's probably it.

Don't sweat it. I tend to behave the same way, even though I think that if you stop and think about it... what I think is fugly, yet pretty to others is reasonably understandable. It's just a matter of understanding what subjectively makes something attractive without using your own personal criteria for what is attractive to you.

I mean, I pick on compound for liking Drew Barrymore ALL the time, but I only do that to be a dick, and even if I fail to find her *personally* attractive, it's easy to why one would consider her to be attractive if I merely distance my own criteria from myself.

JonnyFreeze said:
Ive seen some really awful pictures of that ogre Kirsten Dunce
I've seen them too. I'm hoping to find a picture of her s fugly, she'll replace my current avatar.
Damn sometimes ya know Yunjin Kim (Sun from "Lost") she doesnt look like much to rave about but some episodes she looks pretty hot!
Damn sometimes ya know Yunjin Kim (Sun from "Lost") she doesnt look like much to rave about but some episodes she looks pretty hot!
I've never seen Lost. But I see what you mean. I'd feature more Koreans if I knew more about Korean celebrity culture.

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