Avengers New Avengers: Revolution discussion (#26-31; spoilers)

Re: New Avengers discussion (#26+; spoilers)

oh..I was thinking Ronin would be Moonknight...just cuz bendis can't hold two seperate ideas in his head at once...I think It'd be really funny, if he accidentally made that mistake.

He can't? I thought Bendis actually could hold multiple ideas with his multiple persona. The one that writes everything else and the one that writes USM.
Re: New Avengers discussion (#26+; spoilers)

Ok....fine. I'll say it-----I like Mighty Avengers more.

There. I said it.

I still like this book......but I like Mighty more. Hawkeye is Ronin? Hmmm....ok. I think alot of people called it...but to be honest would rather it be Hawkeye or Shang Chi?

Maya/Echo is evil. Ok....who hasn't been evil in 616? I think at one point Jubilee went all evil and kicked rocks down the street and stole some gum. You know....cuz she's evil.

I don't know....I think it might have something to do with Yu's art. I like it.....but oddly enough---not here.

I don't know...I really can't put my finger on it. There's something about this book I'm not enjoying. It's still good.......I just can't get into it anymore. But this feeling is extending to a lot of books I'm reading.
Re: New Avengers discussion (#26+; spoilers)

I like both books and, like I say, this was my favorite issue of this series. I'm inclined to agree about liking Mighty more, but my enjoyment of NA 30 and my disappointment with MA 2 after really liking 1 leads me downa separate path. Sorry.
Re: New Avengers discussion (#26+; spoilers)

I liked the last one better, this one had too much dialogue. TOO MUCH they were actually getting in the way of the panels.
Art was ok.
Everyone in Marvel is an *******. Mighty Avengers are *******s, everyone that works for Mighty Avengers is an *******. Luke Cage thinks he can be an ******* because everyone is an ******* to him.
Too much *******s, that's why there is so much poop in the Marvel Universe.

For me it was a 2/5, but I'm totally biased so anyone that digs Bendis should try.
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Re: New Avengers discussion (#26+; spoilers)


Wow, this book is good.

If I read this and then read Mighty Avengers having not read either of them before and knowing nothing about them, I would not believe they are written by the same person.

When Bendis is good, he is GOOD. New Avengers, particularly this arc but really the whole run is Daredevil-level awesomeness. This is not just good, it is right up there with his best work.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - I love how he is writing Spidey in this book. Kicks a little butt, makes dumb comments, and is generally annoying...it's perfect. He should not be a leader, and he shouldn't even really be very significant. Perfectly handled.

Luke Cage - awesome. He's not perfect, in fact, he is kind of struggling in his role right now. As is exactly how it should be. I love that they were second guessing him in this issue. I love that he doesn't trust anyone and was a total dick to Hawkeye for no reason at all, even though Doc was vouching for him.

Loved when Tony went back in and was taking to them. Exactly what I would have expected. He's not a villain, he's just misguided. Spidey's speech about the villains not knowing they are villains was great.

Additionally, the concepts in the book are great. I still think hiding out in Doc's house with him casting a cloaking spell around it is an awesome idea.

Now I'm wondering if Echo will be killed...

My only complaint on this issue - the purity spell thing was kind of hokey. Not terrible though.

Also the ending was a typical hokey Bendis cliffhanger, but it didn't ruin anything.

Minor problems though. 4.999999 for the issue, same for hte arc so far.
Re: New Avengers discussion (#26+; spoilers)

I like how they're finally talking about the conspiracy. That plot's been forgotten about for like 25 issues now.
Re: New Avengers discussion (#26+; spoilers)

That's another thing that bothers me. They say New Avengers 1 happened "weeks ago." That's crazy.

Yeah, I hate Bendis' timelines. Like how everything in USM happens in less than a year. It's ridiculous.
Re: New Avengers discussion (#26+; spoilers)

One of these days I'll go through USM and count how many days the stories actually take place in.

I'd put all the crap arcs in February 29th of the leap year, so every other year we can just forget about them. :(
Re: New Avengers discussion (#26+; spoilers)

The art was horrid is this.

But the book is mildly decent.

Hawkeye is Ronin. I can live with that.

I did like that Bendis did more set up with issue 26 and him talking to the rest of them. Instead of Ronin just pulling off his mask and "Surpise!", it's me.
Re: New Avengers discussion (#26+; spoilers)

I like how they're finally talking about the conspiracy. That plot's been forgotten about for like 25 issues now.

It would be nice if he would deal with it in this book, but there's no way Marvel lets that whole thing go without a OMG SUMMR BLOKBUTSTER!!!11111
New Avengers 31-Marvel's next big event...

I know there's a new avengers thread, but i feel like this might warrant it's own.

Rich Johnston over at CBR has this to say about NA 31:

"Joe Quesada and Brian Bendis have dropped non-too-subtle hints that the last page of "New Avengers" #31 will have universe-changing implications for the Marvel Universe.

Now, I'd hate to drop spoilers for something Marvel have been building up for so long. But I'm told by a good source that this issue will be the start of the events that make up the 2008 mega-Marvel crossover thing.

As far as I can tell, there's no way certain retailers will have ordered enough copies. This isn't a "Captain America" #25 moment; it's more of a "Civil War" #1. So if you want a copy, either reserve it, camp out, or wait and see how much Wizard are selling them for on eBay. "

so.. any ideas? and can someone give a quick summary of what's been going on for the past few issues?
Re: New Avengers 31-Marvel's next big event...

I actually am totally excited about this and totally falling for the hype. This is my favorite book and I almost feel like Bendis can do no wrong. Shame on me, I know.

Anyway I just called my LCS and added this to my pull list.
Re: New Avengers 31-Marvel's next big event...

I shame you not, oh illustrious moderator. Takes courage to be pro-Bendis around here. I'm excited too, but we don't know what it is, much less who's gonna write it, yeah?
Re: New Avengers 31-Marvel's next big event...

I'm kicking myself in the *** for not reading this title... It looks so interesting and, not only that, but it's got one of the coolest artists around on the title. I need to know what happens in New Avengers #31... So I hope this thread'll stay open!
Re: New Avengers 31-Marvel's next big event...

Oh, good, the Marvel Universe will never be the same again... again! Whooo!

Not feeling it. :l No more crossovers, blargh blah urrrgh.
Re: New Avengers 31-Marvel's next big event...

I shame you not, oh illustrious moderator. Takes courage to be pro-Bendis around here. I'm excited too, but we don't know what it is, much less who's gonna write it, yeah?

Bendis is going to write it...is that what you mean?

I'm actually very wishy washy on Bendis. His good stuff is VERY good - some of the best I've ever read (Alias, Daredevil, New Avengers). His other stuff (Ultimate Spider-Man, Mighty Avengers)...not so much, to put it nicely. I've said it before, I'll say it again: Mighty Avengers is the worst book ever published. It's almost incomprehensible that the same guy wrote Alias.

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