Millar reveals huge Ultimate Fantastic Four event in Wizard


Excelsior Club
May 17, 2004
[IMGL][/IMGL] The latest Wizard features Mark Millar and Greg Land talking about the first arc of Ultimate Fantastic Four, including possibly the biggest Ultimate event yet (Ultimate Fantastic Four spoilers ahead).

"The First arc is sure to raise some eye-brows, as Miller plans to introduce a new wrinkle that could spell the first hints of a long-awaited development for the Ultimate Universe.

"Reeds finds something on the other side of the Negative Zone (N-Zone) that appears to be a mirror univere of sorts," reveals Miller. "As far as he's concerned, it's slightly warped reality where he's much older, is married to Sue and has couple of kids. However, as everyone who's ever read a comic understands, he seems to have stumbled across something very very close to what we call the regular Marvel Universe'"

Does this mean the Marvel U. and the Ultimate U. are finally going to collide Crisis on Infinite Earths-Style?

"There's a lot going on," Says Miller, " including a threat I'm pretty bloody delighted with. But this might-just might-be the crossover some people have been waiting for since the Ultimate Universe was created."

Mark Millar replied in the thread at Millarworld,

"I can't believe this info has been released already. Bloody Hell!

Cover is being drawn as we speak, but I can't wait to get this out there. Honestly have never had as much fun as I'm having on UFF. It's six issue arcs every issue with this little book. First up is X-Over. That's all I'm saying."

Taken from Wizard and Millarworld
That would be so freakin cool to see. Cant wait to read it. I hope it is Ultimate U vs 616 U.
Ok that's ridiculous it just throws everything the ultimate universe stands for out the window... I don't like it one bit

wait I do like one bit of it... the fact that he's going to meet franklin richards in an alternate dimension which is what my prediction was...

but for the event as a whole things are going to start getting real crappy in the UU...
Sounds okay... I'd only want Millar to do this though...
oooohhhh... so this might explain some of those ultimate team-up issues that everyone says are out of continuity.

I still have not read those yet. Trying to find them on ebay for a decent price is hard. :(
It would be bad if it wasn't Millar writing it.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Please tell me someone else agrees that this is bad...

You're jumping to conclusions. The possible connetion to 616 is an inference by Wizard.

I think it's a lot more likely that this addresses the older vs. younger FF then UU meets MU.

ProjectX2 said:
It would be bad if it wasn't Millar writing it.

Yes - always trust Millar. The man knows what he's doing
eroz said:
oooohhhh... so this might explain some of those ultimate team-up issues that everyone says are out of continuity.

I still have not read those yet. Trying to find them on ebay for a decent price is hard. :(

It's just Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #9 that is out of continuity. All the rest - even if they feature or mention the older version of the UFF - are in continuity as it stands now.
I can't believe I just told the comics guru something he didn't know! ;)

And as for the price on these issues - the most expensive one I've seen was #1 (at a local shop) and it was only $5. You should be able to find most of them for just over cover price.
really???? my shop (or any one near me) doesn't have any issues. I find them on ebay but with the amount of shipping they are charging it makes it not worth it. I would like to get the Hardcover if I could find it also.
eroz said:
really???? my shop (or any one near me) doesn't have any issues. I find them on ebay but with the amount of shipping they are charging it makes it not worth it. I would like to get the Hardcover if I could find it also.

PM Ultxon - he has most or all of the issues for sale, and at a pretty decent price if I'm not mistaken. I'm pretty sure the hardcover is out of print. At any rate it's pretty tough to find.
I tried to get the HC from my shop but he didn't have it. The trades don't include the DD story so I dont't really want them. it's probably going to have to be a combo of trades and issues.
I just went to check on ebay and some guy was selling #1-#16 plus the Ultimate Spiderman Super Special for $23. I bought them. :D Now I have the entire Ultimate Universe........ :D
The TPBs don't include the Daredevil issues, but the hardcover has all the issues as well as the Super Special.
Well.... dang, lost another sell to ebay. Why eroz, why, why give someone you don't know money and not me? [That's me being sarcastic by the way]. But seriously I'm trying to get rid of the issues and i'm trying to sell them in a set, so if anyone is interested, just pm me.................. please.
BACK TO SUBJECT!! I hate this idea.. its too soon.. too freaking soon to be so freaking cheesy.. unless it is just an older version of himself somehow.. I dont want them making contact with 616 at all really.. as many continuity issues as these books have had there is nothing compared to how many the 616 universe has had or how cheesily they have worked to make life miserable for the 616 characters.. the less contact the better.. if he is dumb enough to do this.. I hope it ends with all characters back home where they belong with no memory of any of these events whatsoever..