Millar reveals huge Ultimate Fantastic Four event in Wizard

UltimateE said:
I disagree - all of the covers so far have them with the 4s on the uniforms. I don't think it means anything.
Yeah I guess....

Well, there goes a crushed dream... :(

J/K :wink:
Wait, so you're saying that the older FF are the ones on the covers of the series because there's a four on their costumes?
Goodwill said:
Wait, so you're saying that the older FF are the ones on the covers of the series because there's a four on their costumes?
That's wha I thought at first, cuz they appeared different for a second to me. But I forgot that the covers for the other issues had a 4 on their suit... :oops:
Well, I don't think this was initially planned when the line came up... I think Millar notices things and saw that the UFF was lacking in a sense. It had no connection to the other titles thus far, which it really needed to be. I think this is a shot in the dark to bring the FF into a much larger picture, here.
Goodwill said:
Well, I don't think this was initially planned when the line came up... I think Millar notices things and saw that the UFF was lacking in a sense. It had no connection to the other titles thus far, which it really needed to be. I think this is a shot in the dark to bring the FF into a much larger picture, here.

True. Reed Richards is everywhere in the 616 universe I mean everyone goes to him for help, right?
Well, I wouldn't know, I don't read 616, but I imagine that Millar wanted the FF to become more familiar with their surroundings and vice versa. Sure, Reed could really help SHIELD out, you know? Johnny could befriend Spider-Man a little more and become allies.