Millar reveals huge Ultimate Fantastic Four event in Wizard

Well, he's not -actually- finding the regular Marvel Universe, he's finding a mirror Universe to the UU. It is something very very close to the normal Marvel Universe, not exactly it.

Also, we're in UFF, which makes this okay for me, because Reed Richards could discover this other Universe and its pretty plausable, since he's prolly the smartest guy in the UU as of now. As long as the Ultimate X-men dont see the normal X-men, and Ultimate Spidey doesnt meet his 30-something guy.

The big thing is that this is an alternate reality to the alternate reality of 616. If the UU was the Alternate reality to 616, we will be seeing the same Annihilus and Blastaar that we've seen before.

I agree with the whole "i wouldnt like it if it weren't millar"
Baxter said:
Maybe whatever crossover they do will clean the line up a bit. Say crossover into the mainline Ultimate Universe from the little branch they're currently inhabiting.

Then we could have Ultimate Fantastic Four, 616 Fantastic Four, 2099 Doom, and Earth Prime's Jonah Hex all meet up! Yeah!

I'm sorry, I read Crisis on Infinate Earths last night.

Reminds me of what I said back when it was first announced that Millar would be writting UFF again. Minus the silliness.

I would like to see Doom 2099 show up again though.
TheApostle said:
BACK TO SUBJECT!! I hate this idea.. its too soon.. too freaking soon to be so freaking cheesy.. unless it is just an older version of himself somehow.. I dont want them making contact with 616 at all really.. as many continuity issues as these books have had there is nothing compared to how many the 616 universe has had or how cheesily they have worked to make life miserable for the 616 characters.. the less contact the better.. if he is dumb enough to do this.. I hope it ends with all characters back home where they belong with no memory of any of these events whatsoever..

Meeting the 616 is a BAD idea, no matter who's writting it. I love Millar and all, but it'll just add too much confusion. HOWEVER! If this is what Bendis was talking about, clearing up the FF Space-time errors, and it's just an alternate Ultimate Universe, great! It'll be nice to have all of those nasty FF continuity errors solved and I only trust Millar doing it. And Crossover will be happening in either Summer or Fall, just like Bendis said. . .
TheManWithoutFear said:
Please tell me someone else agrees that this is bad...

I personally think that this is terrible. Sure, it needs to be taken in another direction as a whole (the UU) but not towards the 616 universe. One of the reasons why I got into the UU because it was on its own... This kills me to read that this is happening.
Just read something that may put everyone at ease. Does anyone remember Millar saying that sometime this year, he was doing an "Ultimate Ultimate" event that was going to scrap these four years of confusing continuity (*cough* The Old FF appearances *cough*) and start fresh? This might just be it. . .
Wow, miss a minute, miss a lot! (Access Hollywood).

This is great friggin' news, and I JUST saw the article right now in the Wizard Mag. (Page 68).

Millar really is the only person that can do this kind of crossover right. He da man! :wink:
Well, let's hope that 616 doesn't come close enough to touch in the UU, I don't think it would be a strong story to rely on characters that have already been established and all. The "Utlimate Ultimate" idea sounds better.

Also, I know this may be stupid, but do you guys think the X-Men will have anything to do with the "X-Over"? I don't know, I got that idea...
Goodwill said:
Also, I know this may be stupid, but do you guys think the X-Men will have anything to do with the "X-Over"? I don't know, I got that idea...
Nope. Millar said himself that what "CROSSOVER" will be about is what's on the first page. Those are the exact words in the article, in WIZARD (page 68). "CROSSOVER" might just be UU meeting 616, but that's not certain. It just says that Reed will see a pocket universe (or what he thinks it is) where he sees himself married with Sue and has kids.

I won't mind if it's the 616, but we shall see...
Oh, alright. We'll be sending more time in the N-Zone, which is being characterized as a gateway to other dimensions and as a place where everything is not what it is... Hmm... I wonder if Millar will play around with this.

Also, who do you think this threat is going to be? Millar is getting pretty giddy about it.
Goodwill said:
Oh, alright. We'll be sending more time in the N-Zone, which is being characterized as a gateway to other dimensions and as a place where everything is not what it is... Hmm... I wonder if Millar will play around with this.

Also, who do you think this threat is going to be? Millar is getting pretty giddy about it.
One guess, is that maybe that other Reed and family might be the threat. Or maybe, they appear to be another dimension Reed, and maybe it's really Psychoman palying tricks on the UFF or something....

You're absolutely right, but I think the reason why we're all thinking that this particular arc will shake up the entire UU as we know is because Reed is able to be in "contact" with his counterpart... I really don't think that the villain will be Psycho-Man because there's no way that he could, by showing Reed the Other Reed and his family, that other characters not in the title will be affected. This will, hopefully, correct continuity errors, not make more! ;)
TheManWithoutFear said:
Wait I'm confused... Is the dimensional FF gonna be the marvl FF or is that just a crazy wild guess... because if it is I totally disagree with all of this... if it isn't I say it'll be cool...
No one has said that it is officially. Let's put it that way.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Wait I'm confused... Is the dimensional FF gonna be the marvl FF or is that just a crazy wild guess... because if it is I totally disagree with all of this... if it isn't I say it'll be cool...

Once again - pay attention guys - that was SPECULATION on the part of WIZARD. Millar never said what it was (duh) and if you think he's going to spoil the arc to Wizard you've got a couple screws loose.

Anyone see this besides Ice and me? The drawing by Land (the cover according to Ice - I didn't see where it said that but I didn't read the whole thing yet) is gorgeous. After seeing Phoenix Endsong I knew he was going to draw an excellent Sue...
UltimateE said:
The drawing by Land (the cover according to Ice - I didn't see where it said that but I didn't read the whole thing yet) .
Oh no, it's not mentioned in the article. On the next page, (69), there is a cover by Greg Land. I said it's most likely the cover for UFF #19, as the Four are in their ultimate costumes.
icemastertron said:
Oh no, it's not mentioned in the article. On the next page, (69), there is a cover by Greg Land. I said it's most likely the cover for UFF #19, as the Four are in their ultimate costumes.
can we get a post of that cover??
I'm working on it - I hope to have it up today.