Marvel vs Capcom 3

So I have my copy and totally suck but would love to play against people. We can start a little social club room and take turns beating the crap out of each other. My PS3 name is TwanTwan87.
You mean you play games and not just watch movies only on the PS3? :p
I have no PS3 or XBOX360 and thus, I cannot play. But if I did, I would be online kickin' yo' ass.

Also, does anyone find it odd that a guy with a 360 online can't play a guy with a PS3 online at this game?
Probably because the server it's played on is the same. :wink:

Yep plus all PC's function more or less the same as oppose to consoles. They are able to run the exact same programs and services the only question is quality not capability. When a developer is making a game for different consoles they may have to adjust the codes according so the game themselves may not match right. The programs that guide the two networks are different, so even if you just hook them to the same server they just wouldn't be able to communicate with each other properly. It's probably possible to have a go between network the could allow both to connect but the mountain of problems, amount of debugging, plus the downside of helping your competitor just doesn't make it reasonable.
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I just think it's weird. In my mind, the game is the game is the game and it should work so there. *thpppbbbt*
I just saw Deadpool die in a youtube video and I howled when he screams: "You pressed the wrong buttooooooooonnnnnnnn....!" :lol:
I can't think of any games that have ever had cross console online play Bass, it's just not how it's done

Star wars Battlefront 2.

I was playing it on my 360 I had ages ago. I was playing against people on regular xbox. :p
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Possible spoiler alert. In Cap's ending, there's that collage in the background and in it, there is an in-game 3-D rendering of the Ultimate Cap outfit. Possible DLC?

Nah, his DLC outfit is his Captain Steve Rogers suit.

why are there only like 8 stages in this game?

i just realized this and now it bugs the crap out of me

between the entire Marvel Universe, and all the locales in the various Capcom games, they could really only make 8 or 9 stages?

Most fighters have an average of 10 stages and then even when they have more than that, they usually have a repeated stage(City and City at night or something like that).

9 is fine really and most people just hit the random button anyway.
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Only Capcom fighters have so few stages. Tekken usually has an abundance in all of it's incarnations. The Naruto fighters have many as well. I don't care much for mortal kombat so I wouldn't know, but it just seems like a Capcom discrepancy.
Mortal Kombat tends to pretty much have one for every character (Scorpions Lair, Noobs Dorfen, etc.), even if it's not explicitly stated like with the Icepit being Sub-Zeros

also Soul Calibur always has a plethora

seriously with a 2D fighing game there's no excuse NOT to have a healthy selection of stages since they're literally just backgrounds, I'm inclined to be more accepting for 3D fighters since they have to pretty much design arena's that can very in size and shape.
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3


Strider is back and now we have Ghost Rider and Hawkeye! Also Firebrand on the Capcom side!

I love that Hawkeye's level 3 has Ant-man.

Damn it looks awesome.


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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

how is this different from regular Marvel vs Capcom 3? it doesn't seem to be using Ultimate Marvel characters.

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