Marvel vs Capcom 3


It's capcom looking to make more money off of us without putting in the effort.

Evidently there is also new stages and a spectator mode.

Cause I like watching other people play online.
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i see, that's sort of weird. So it's basically like a special extended edition of the game?

You never heard of Street Fighter II turbo, Street Fighter II Champion edition, etc. It's a Capcom thing.

Evidently there is also new stages and a spectator mode.

Cause I like watching other people play online.

Spectator mode was a highly demanded feature by fighting fans actually. Especially when you are waiting in the game lobby for your turn.

I just noticed that there is a Shadowland stage and Daredevil makes a cameo.

Also, ti seems Nova, Rocket Racoon, Dr.Strange and Iron Fist will be in.
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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

Ghost Rider's "eyes" finisher is awesome, but damn, Hawkeye is magnificent. Particularly his Ant-Man/Giant-Man finisher. Brilliant idea.

As for it being a money-grabbing thing: there seems to not just be these four characters, but more to come, it has the DLC characters of the old one... but this, I agree, should just be DLC. They should release the new version but have the option for you to just upgrade the old one. I always get annoyed with two games that are identical, but one is a better sequel. It seems like the old one is a waste, just collecting dust. But with DLC, there's no real excuse for this, you can just keep updating the old one and newbies can jump on and buy the most recent version with all the stuff, while older players can just upgrade online.

This, however, is totally not the case if the game's coding changes. And... there does seem to be something new here. I don't recall the "X" at the edges of the health bar in the previous version. Here, the "X"s seem to flash and turn heavy red and they seem to have some kind of effect on the game (but I don't know what), and if this is a new mechanical element, then a sequel does make some sense since I assume that kinda stuff can't be DLC...

EDIT: Dr Strange, Iron Fist, and Nova are all cool. Rocket Raccoon is a hysterically silly choice. I like it. But I am annoyed that there's no Fantastic Four... I also wouldn't mind Juggernaut. I like being able to have teams. I'd like more Avengers villains like Red Skull and Kang and more Fantastic Four villains. Would Annihilus be too much, Capcom? Essentially, I want them to dump all the Capcom characters and replace them with Marvel characters. And DC ones too. :please:
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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

The cover!


And check out the Alt costumes!
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Re: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

MODOK Elvis is hell yes! :rockon:

The red X is for when your X Factor is ready to use. I remember it in the first one, but maybe not as pronounced.

I do not recall it, and I never used it. This is clearly why I lost.
Re: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

It was an odd move where if you wanted until you were down to your last character and activated it, the effect would last longer.

It made you character stronger, tougher, and slowly regenerate health for a small period of time. I think you mashed all the buttons wildly to activate it.
Re: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

It was an odd move where if you wanted until you were down to your last character and activated it, the effect would last longer.

It made you character stronger, tougher, and slowly regenerate health for a small period of time. I think you mashed all the buttons wildly to activate it.

This is true. The friend I was playing against kept having this red aura pop around his characters. I assumed it was an ability of Wolverine or whoever he picked. Obviously, his button-mashing is why he won.

Daredevil cameo.


I would ask why Daredevil is on a throne, but I don't really care.
Re: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

I want to see J. Jonah Jameson in one of these things.

Partly because it'd be hilarious, and partly because he has the energy for it.
Re: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3


Those Magnificient Bastards!


Hawkeye, Dr. Strange, Iron Fist, Ghost Rider, Nova, ROCKET ****ING RACCOON?!

It's like they said "Hey Gemini, what six characters would you most like to have had in MVC3?" I can't believe I was stupid enough to buy the original damnit damnit damnit

Also Virgil (cool), Nemesis, Phoenix Wright (!!!!!!!!!!!!), Frank West, Strider, and Firebrand

Nice that they're taking the stage count to an average (at best) 16

I wonder if Jill Valentine and Shuma Gorath will be included?

Still no Megaman?
Re: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

They said the DL characters from before were still staying as DLs or something like that. I also wish they would add Iceman.

And for $40, I'm glad I never bought the original.
Re: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

Rejected characters, the Mega Man bit is my favorite.

Re: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

I love Ghost Rider's penance stare, and Hawkeye's level three combo, but I am pissed that this new game isn't DLC.