While I love The Timeline Site (I use the Arrowverse timeline all the time), the one thing it's missing is a community aspect. I often wonder why things get placed where they are. Just wondering if you're planning on implementing something like that. Despite you obviously doing most of the work, I'd like to believe the reason that this is the best MCU timeline on the Internet is that it's peer reviewed. Just my two cents, I still admire your work

E is working on that. He's been busy but we'll hopefully get the community aspect up and running soon.
In the meantime just post questions, corrections, etc here, and I'll pop in from time to time to answer them or make changes as necessary. I still fully intend to keep it a community effort.
I just don't want to split traffic between the two sites when I'm trying to increase the internet traffic to thetimelinesite.com, but until we get the community aspect figured out on tTS we'll leave the posting here in the meantime.
Yeah, I'm going to be sad to loose that. When I found the timeline originally I was disconnected, but joining in and seeing the thought behind it all become some of why it was fun. Either way, thank you for everything Irish.
No worries, like I said the community aspect will live on, and right here in this thread in the meantime for questions/corrections.
100% agree. I also think quality of the timeline will suffer without the community cross checking.
Relax, the timeline will still be a community effort.
I'm sorry to see you go, DIB!
Not sure if you'll see this, but I think I speak for everyone here when I say that not just your timeline but your diligence and leadership keep us in awe of you.
And I do think I speak for myself when I say that working through the timeline has gotten me through some rough times in my life. I went through it when I was terribly bored while unemployed. And when I was depressed after my friend tragically passed away from an accident. And through some awful, though thankfully short-lived, illnesses. It kept my attention for weeks, months, and now years. It's helped me cope, and coping is nothing to scoff at when things are bad.
If you've got reasons to take a break, I respect that. But know we'll miss you.
And we're thankful for all you've done here!
Thanks, man. Don't worry, the community aspect and effort will still keep rolling here in meantime, and eventually we'll transfer it over the thetimelinesite when the community posting thing is implemented. E has been busy with real life which has to take precedence, but the community aspect has always and will continue to be a key factor of the MCU timeline, and will continue here until the posting function is added to the other site.
That said, I was recently diagnosed with thyroid cancer and its caused me to re-examine aspects of my life. I still love comics and comic book films/TV shows, but there's been a large amount of negativity on the boards lately regarding some of those projects. I understand everyone is entitled to their opinion, but many criticisms lack anything constructive to them and amount to essentially just pointless negativity. I realize that goes with the territory regarding any comic fanboy material, but I'm just exhausted by it (and the chemo, and hypothyroidism that's resulted from the cancer).
I'm an extremely passionate person and am unable to keep quiet about things. I'm one of those annoying folks who always make their opinion heard,

. Unfortunately that results in arguing and debates that often devolve into mere negativity, and I don't need or want that in my life at this point. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, I just wish people would be more constructive with them. So, its best I just step away from the site. This is the only comic forum I ever frequented, and I'll be sorry not to regularly converse with a lot of you, but its just whats best for me right now.
I will stop in from time to time to answer questions/make corrections, so don't worry, the community aspect of the timeline will be retained.
Really appreciate the kind words, though. Means a lot that its been helpful to people through rough patches in their lives. Thats very cool. I'll keep at it, and will always include the community here in the MCU timeline's continued development.
Don't forget, I stuck with the damn Ultimate Marvel timeline for 12 years or so, I'll be with the MCU timeline far longer. It isn't going to disappear, only change locations.