Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

I was but only in the sense of "this was going to be REALLY bad, I want to know how bad". That movie script was awful anyway.
I love Nicolas Cage and loved too the look of Ghost Rider in GR: SoV, but the story was pretty bad.
I hope one day Marvel will give him a role in the MCU, why not Purple Man for example, as he is a Luke Cage fan.

ps: Nic Cage has Superman was a veryyy bad idea.
So at Paley Fest, the AoS cast, writers, and producers appeared and aired episode 16 "End of the Beginning" (which airs next week, April 1). A question and answer session led to Jeph Loeb being asked about how AoS ties into Cap-TWS, and his reply was to watch Episode 16 (April 1) and Episode 17 (April 8 ).

Many are speculating that episode 16 "End of the Beginning" leads directly into Captain America - The Winter Soldier, with episode 17 "Turn, Turn, Turn" likely picking up immediately after TWS and possibly continuing with the reveal of the Clairvoyant's identity (rumored to be revealed in TWS). So does this mean we'll see some of the film's stars showing up on AoS? Remains to be seen, but it's very likely, especially considering Loeb played coy when asked directly, and Deathlok returns in "End of the Beginning", likely setting up for the Clairvoyant's debut on the show in the following episode or possibly later in the season.

Now, normally I'd assume they'd save the Clairvoyant reveal for the season finale, but given that's not until mid-May, and they're obviously using the Cap 2 film to attract viewers to AoS, and AoS to advertise Cap 2, it'll be interesting to see what surprises they do have in store for the finale, since I'm 99% sure we'll get the reveal in CA-TWS and on AoS in Episode 17. Which if this holds true, it'll likely be setting up something else for the last "arc" of the season (Episodes 16-22).

I'm guessing it'll relate to the blue alien/Kree that Coulson discovered in T.A.H.I.T.I., possibly with more info shed on how SHIELD obtained the alien body, details on its effects on those it's administered to (Coulson and Skye), and the repercussions of what that serum will do to them.

If Mike Peterson as Deathlok proved anything, it's that the MCU heroes may not always have their comic counterparts' actual first and last name, so as to keep fans guessing. So, does this mean Coulson and/or Skye may end up being superheroes (or at least super-powered individuals)? Well, that remains to be seen.

I think Coulson is and always will be Coulson, possibly displaying no powers beyond being resurrected due to the alien blood. However, given Skye's being an 084, in combination with the alien blood, may indeed lead to her developing powers. And if that was indeed a Kree (which would be nice timing to set up a tie in to Guardians of the Galaxy), which seems the most likely option, could Skye end up being Captain Marvel/Ms. Marvel?

It would make sense if that is a Kree, but part of me doesn't want Skye to be Captain/Ms. Marvel. It just doesn't feel right. For one, Captain/Ms. Marvel seems like a female character well suited for her own film, and I'm not sure her starting out as a hacker, then SHIELD agent in training, and eventual super hero works or flows naturally in any way.

But then again, who knows (besides Jeph Loeb, Jed Whedon, Maurissa Tanchereon, Joss Whedon, Kevin Feige, and the other MCU bigwigs or show writers/producers)? We'll have to wait and see, but it's fun to speculate.
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I think we will see Chris Evans in episode 17, if you remember the trailer of the episode where nick fury appeared, there was an eye-patch on the SHIELD title.. and for the 16-17, we have the Cap's shield.
I think we will see Chris Evans in episode 17, if you remember the trailer of the episode where nick fury appeared, there was an eye-patch on the SHIELD title.. and for the 16-17, we have the Cap's shield.
Yeah, there is a special guest star hinted from the movies appearing in the show and my guess is also Chris Evans.
TWS's premiere here in Finland is tomorrow, but now I'm not sure if I should go before I've seen episode 16. Damn.

Btw, the movie is called Captain America: The Return of the First Avenger here, not sure why.
I think we will see Chris Evans in episode 17, if you remember the trailer of the episode where nick fury appeared, there was an eye-patch on the SHIELD title.. and for the 16-17, we have the Cap's shield.

Yeah, there is a special guest star hinted from the movies appearing in the show and my guess is also Chris Evans.

That could very well be, and it'd be awesome if Evans showed up as Cap. However, the Cap shield logo on the AoS tag doesn't necessarily mean Cap will show up, could just be tying into the events of TWS indirectly. We'll see in a couple weeks.

Hmm, that's a big dilemma.. but we don't know yet if episode 17 is before or after Cap 2 too :s

If I had to guess I'd assume Episode 16 happens, then Cap-TWS, then Episode 17. I have a feeling they're going with the US premiere/episode airing order.
Why isn't the Iron Man: Security Measures comic canon? It is included in the Road to The Avengers collection, which has the official Marvel-tie-in stamp.


Also, do the comic adaptations of the movies add anything new?
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Why isn't the Iron Man: Security Measures comic canon? It is included in the Road to The Avengers collection, which has the official Marvel-tie-in stamp.


According to Will C. Pilgrim, who is editor for all the MCU tie-in comics, was asked by our own wyokid and Captain France (on two separate occasions) awhile back (and just recently) what was and wasn't canon, and Security Measures was listed as "inspired by" canon, meaning it influenced or based off the plot, characters, and design of the MCU, but isn't officially a part of it.

Perhaps it's inclusion in Road to Avengers means that's changed?

Captain France, wyokid, Cap Canuck, what do you think? Technically Security Measures fits fine, and was even originally included as a mini-comic with one of the versions of the Iron Man DVD here in the US.

Would it be possible to ask Mr. Pilgrim about that one, and if it's not canon, why it was included in the RttA TPB?


Here's the original post concerning what comics were canon--it's several years old at this point so doesn't include the canon comics which were released afterward:

Me: @Strommy @willgrem Was told by @Agent_M that you two would be the ones to ask if there was a list of all the film tie-in comics somewhere.

Will Corona Pilgrim (Creative Manager, Research & Development @Marvel Studios): @Agent_M @wyokid @strommy Iron Man: I Am Iron Man!; IM2: Public Identity & Agents of SHIELD, & Captain America: First Vengeance are all #MCU

Me: @willgrem I got a one shot called Captain America and Thor: Avengers and couple the sponsored (Audi and Target) IM ones. These not related?

Will: @wyokid those would be considered 'inspired by' but not #MCU canon.

Me: @willgrem Oh cool! I have them all then, yay! Would the video games go under "inspired by" too?

Will: @wyokid in a sense, yes. @cbake76 and the fellas over in Marvel Games like to use a term coined by TQ Jefferson as 'Film Agnostic'
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That's one thing I've wondered about. I'm holding a copy of the Road to Marvel's The Avengers TPB in my hands and I don't see Iron Man: Security Measures anywhere in it. It's not listed on the front page with the rest of the comics, it's not listed on the back cover with the rest of the comics, and it's nowhere to be found in the TPB. Yet, I've always heard that Iron Man: Security Measures was in the TPB, including being listed on Amazon. Would anyone be willing to just look through his or her TPB and let me know if there is a similar occurrence?

Another thing I'm curious about is the Guardians of the Galaxy Infinite comic. The only current Guardians of the Galaxy Infinite comic is the four-part comic issued digitally in 2013, which ties in with the comic universe, but (I believe) not the MCU. Yet, the Twitter, the following took place:

@Aztlan1984: @willgrem Hello Mr. Pilgrim, can you light our lantern about CA:Homecoming, CA:TWS Infinite, GotG:Infinite? Are they MCU canon or Inspired?
@willgrem: @Aztlan1984 'Homecoming' = inspired, Infinite Comics are canon

which makes it seem like Will Corona Pilgrim is saying that the Guardians of the Galaxy Infinite comic is within the world of MCU. Is it the four-part comic from 2013? Is it a yet unreleased (even unannounced) comic? We may not know until the GotG Prelude TPB comes out, but I would definitely like to know before then!
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That's one thing I've wondered about. I'm holding a copy of the Road to Marvel's The Avengers TPB in my hands and I don't see Iron Man: Security Measures anywhere in it. It's not listed on the front page with the rest of the comics, it's not listed on the back cover with the rest of the comics, and it's nowhere to be found in the TPB. Yet, I've always heard that Iron Man: Security Measures was in the TPB, including being listed on Amazon. Would anyone be willing to just look through his or her TPB and let me know if there is a similar occurrence?

I'm not sure, as I don't own that TPB, but the individual canon issues that are collected in it.

Perhaps the solicitation for it (which includes Security Measures) might have been written, then it was decided not to include Security Measures and remove it from MCU canon.

Very interesting. But the fact it's not included in the trade (despite the solicitations claiming it is) does seem to indicate Security Measures is not canon.

Another thing I'm curious about is the Guardians of the Galaxy Infinite comic. The only current Guardians of the Galaxy Infinite comic is the four-part comic issued digitally in 2013, which ties in with the comic universe, but (I believe) not the MCU. Yet, the Twitter, the following took place: @Aztlan1984: @willgrem Hello Mr. Pilgrim, can you light our lantern about CA:Homecoming, CA:TWS Infinite, GotG:Infinite? Are they MCU canon or Inspired? @willgrem: @Aztlan1984 'Homecoming' = inspired, Infinite Comics are canon which makes it seem like Will Corona Pilgrim is saying that the Guardians of the Galaxy Infinite comic is within the world of MCU. Is it the four-part comic from 2013? Is it a yet unreleased (even unannounced) comic? We may not know until the GotG Prelude TPB comes out, but I would definitely like to know before then!

There's a new GotG Infinite comic (I believe it's a One Shot but it may be multiple issues) coming out soon that is MCU canon, completely separate from the previous 4-issue GotG Infinite comic.

So yeah, the one mentioned by Will Pilgrim is a new GotG Infinite comic, believe it comes out July 1. And there's the upcoming GotG Prelude #1-2 comics coming out in April and May. Those are also canon.
Thanks for the response, DIrishB.

Do you (or anyone) have a link announcing or discussing that Guardians of the Galaxy Infinite comic that is coming out soon?
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So, Security Measures wasn't included after all... thanks!

I guess you missed that part of my post because I edited it shortly before you answered, so I'll ask again: do the comic adaptations of the movies add anything new?
Security Measures isn't in that trade. Had to run to my room and check lol.

The adaptations rarely add anything new.
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So, Security Measures wasn't included after all... thanks! I guess you missed that part of my post because I edited it shortly before you answered, so I'll ask again: do the comic adaptations of the movies add anything new?

I believe only the Iron Man 1 adaptation adds a new scene, can't recall off the top of my head, but I know one of them adds a scene.

Security Measures isn't in that trade. Had to run to my room and check lol. The adaptations rarely add anything new.

Thanks for checking. And yeah, as I said I believe only one of the adaptations adds a new scene.

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