So I watched Iron Man 3 again last night, and I had some thoughts on the ending montage 'New Beginnings'. I think a lot of the stuff in the montage takes place quite a bit after January 1st. Probably closer to the end of Spring, if I'm a little generous with timing. Obviously, the arrests of Trevor and of the Vice President would take place right away, but the other scenes have clues to show that they take place a little later on in the year. First off, just taking medical logic into mind, Tony would not be up and around that quickly after surgery. Let's say he decided to have surgery on the 27th, he would probably be bed ridden for a week at minimum. And probably wouldn't be able to travel back to the States to throw his arc in the ocean in that timeframe. Also, quick sidenote, he shouldn't be driving without some sort of body armor either, because he probably no longer has a sternum after his arc was removed. Second, his face wounds, particularly the cut on his nose is completely healed before he is put under for surgery. Also he said that he fixed Pepper's extremis first. That probably took him a few weeks if not months. Then we flash forward to Harley finding his garage all tricked out with new equipment compliments of the Mechanic. The thing I noticed was when Harley gets off the bus, he's in shorts and t-shirt. Obviously it's quite warm there. So this little scene has to take place months after the events of Iron Man 3, because it was snowy in Rose Hill. And finally when Tony throws his arc into the ocean triumphantly, his house is completely cleaned, I mean as much as you can clean up ruins. There's no workers there, and the ruins are starting to get a little overgrown with greenery. That would take awhile. I don't know if you would go in and change that, because it's hard to but dates on a montage. But I would say the later scenes in the montage take place in probably April or May of the next year at the earliest.
All very good points. As for the surgery and recuperation time, normally I'd agree but don't think it was as major as an organ transplant. It seemed relatively non-invasive from what we saw. And removing the arc reactor would also be pretty minor, as scar tissue would've built up around it which wouldn't require much healing time after it's removal. I'm not a doctor or surgeon but between having had half a dozen surgeries myself and family in the health industry, I've got a pretty good layman's knowledge of surgery and healing times depending on what the surgery required. Also, it's important to remember the doctor who performed the surgery is probably in the top of the surgical heap, hence Tony having him perform the surgery.
You do make a good point about the sternum, but again a metal implant to replace it (if necessary) wouldn't require months of recuperation time (though it would require at least a week or two for the graft to cement, etc). Of course, I doubt the fact that for the implanted arc reactor a portion of his sternum would need to be removed really crossed the minds' of the scriptwriters, to tell you the truth.
As for Tony figuring out a cure for Pepper's Extremis, I doubt it took him long. While his specialty is technology, he's a super genius. In fact it was him who gave Maya Hansen the formula/missing portion of the formula which I doubt he spent much time needing to figure out. When he focuses his energy on something completely (and he does tend to be obsessive with his projects, and likely manically so when it concerns the safety of the woman he loves), he gets it solved pretty quickly. It took him weeks or months to build his first armor in a cave, while being slowed by needing to disguise his true goal and working with pretty basic tools and adapting from weapons to create that took him only a few days or a week to build the Mark 2 armor with the more advanced tools and Jarvis' help once back at home. And again, most of that time was spent on construction, not on designing it.
Point is, with the need to cure Pepper of the Extremis being his motivation, and his insane abilities in most scientific and engineering fields, I can buy him curing it within a few days. May not be "real world" believable, but then again neither is much of the subject matter of the MCU.
As for the timing of the New Years date between Tony and Pepper (where he gives her the necklace) and Harley finding all the gifts from Tony, I believe that specific dating came from the novelization, which Captain Francs pointed out. And while he is wearing shorts and the weather was noticeably different, I'd say it was either a production mistake or a weirdly times heat wave?

But seriously, I doubt Tony would wait 2-4 months to thank Harley for his help, let alone with a Christmas-like approach. Don't forget, Shane Black has an obsession with Christmas in his films, so I'm sure the Harley scene was intended to occur close to December. It likely it's a bit into January, since most kids don't return to school from Holiday break until a few days after New Years, but again, the Novelization specifically stated that as when it occurred, if I recall correctly. If not Captain France can set us straight.
As for the clean up at Tony's place being complete, I think a week or two after Christmas is plenty of time for it to have been cleared. Don't forget, it only took the construction crews a couple days to clear out the rubble enough for the basement level to be opened enough for all the other Iron Man armors to get out and help in the final battle against Killian. If they'd done that within a few days, I think by a week or so later they'd have it pretty much cleared up.
It's also worth noting that I'm sure SHIELD had crews removing debris, to both contain the technology and hopefully gain access to some of the suits for their own use. And with Skye's line in Agents of SHIELD that the organization was able to clean up after the Battle of NY "overnight", it stands to reason Tony's mansion wouldn't present much of a problem given their vast resources and manpower. While I'm sure Skye's mention of the Battle of NY being cleaned up overnight was probably exaggeration, it does attest to SHIELD's ability to contain things. The greenery could be a clue to it taking place later. I'll go back and re-examine that. But again, I think it's probably more to do with production not paying very close attention to the timeline. Who knows? The weeds are a good point though. Like I said, I'll double check that.
And in terms of driving time, that's pretty much a non-issue given Tony's billions of dollars and access to private jets. He can be anywhere in the world within a day, after all.