Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

Did a preliminary update for the Agent Carter One-Shot, after viewing it the other day. Still have to get the time break ups added, will try to get that in tomorrow or sometime this weekend. I also moved Agents of SHIELD up a bit after news that it occurs soon after the Battle of New York. There's a certain logic to it also considering SHIELD isn't likely to wait long after the ending of Avengers to form a team to look into other supers, besides the ones recruited into Avengers. The Item 47 One Shot occurs before for two possible reasons: one, its stated to pick up only a few days after the Battle of NY, and two, Coulson is still referred to as being dead. Of course that could be due to most members of even SHIELD not being privy to his resurrection or however he came back, but I'd think by the time of his reveal of being alive in the AoS Pilot and being out in the field, that cat will be out of the bag after the events of the Pilot. We'll see in a couple more weeks.
Speaking of Agent Carter, it looks like Marvel is in the very early stages of making an Agent Carter tv show. It's supposed to start filming sometime next year. My theory is so it can premiere next September.

Interesting. I wonder if Atwell will be open to reprising the role on the small screen, or if they'll recast it. Hopefully, if it happens, she'll be willing.

If not a full on series a mini-series would be cool.
Interesting. I wonder if Atwell will be open to reprising the role on the small screen, or if they'll recast it. Hopefully, if it happens, she'll be willing.

If not a full on series a mini-series would be cool.

Anything about Cold War era SHIELD would be cool.
Interesting. I wonder if Atwell will be open to reprising the role on the small screen, or if they'll recast it. Hopefully, if it happens, she'll be willing.

If not a full on series a mini-series would be cool.

I tend to think that they would be building the show around Atwell, they seem to be in love with her over at Marvel. I feel like if she wasn't on board, they wouldn't go ahead with it.

Personally while I'd be much more interested in seeing the formation of SHIELD and having a period show, don't you think it's odd that Marvel's going with another spy genre show? You'd think they'd branch out a little more. Maybe it's just my preference but I'd much rather see a Daredevil or Heroes for Hire show.

That being said, I'd definitely watch the show.
Anything about Cold War era SHIELD would be cool.

Agreed, but I also agree with Spoon that they may be overplaying the spy/espionage SHIELD thing, with Agents of SHIELD and this possible show about the beginning of SHIELD focused on a particular SHIELD agent. Think it'd be smarter to branch out more with their other properties, namely Daredevil. I'm convinced an hourly action/legal drama show would work much better for the character than a movie, or even series of movies. It'd also be a pretty unique show combining the legal dramas which are so popular with the superhero element which are also popular. Could be a perfect combination of Law & Order mixed with Arrow.

I agree. It's going to be fun seeing ABC have a day for just Marvel shows.

"Marvel Mondays" calling it now!

Will definitely be a ratings juggernaut.

I tend to think that they would be building the show around Atwell, they seem to be in love with her over at Marvel. I feel like if she wasn't on board, they wouldn't go ahead with it.

Good point.

Personally while I'd be much more interested in seeing the formation of SHIELD and having a period show, don't you think it's odd that Marvel's going with another spy genre show? You'd think they'd branch out a little more. Maybe it's just my preference but I'd much rather see a Daredevil or Heroes for Hire show.

That being said, I'd definitely watch the show.

Completely agree.
Agreed, but I also agree with Spoon that they may be overplaying the spy/espionage SHIELD thing, with Agents of SHIELD and this possible show about the beginning of SHIELD focused on a particular SHIELD agent. Think it'd be smarter to branch out more with their other properties, namely Daredevil. I'm convinced an hourly action/legal drama show would work much better for the character than a movie, or even series of movies. It'd also be a pretty unique show combining the legal dramas which are so popular with the superhero element which are also popular. Could be a perfect combination of Law & Order mixed with Arrow.

I agree. A daredevil show would be awesome. It would be cool if it spun out of Agents of SHIELD and/or crossed over.

I'd also love to see the period SHIELD show cross over somehow. Just little references here and there. Coulson referencing zodiac, things like that.
Agreed, but I also agree with Spoon that they may be overplaying the spy/espionage SHIELD thing, with Agents of SHIELD and this possible show about the beginning of SHIELD focused on a particular SHIELD agent. Think it'd be smarter to branch out more with their other properties, namely Daredevil. I'm convinced an hourly action/legal drama show would work much better for the character than a movie, or even series of movies. It'd also be a pretty unique show combining the legal dramas which are so popular with the superhero element which are also popular. Could be a perfect combination of Law & Order mixed with Arrow.

I never thought of it like that, showing an equal balance of legal drama and superhero antics. That would actually be quite cool, if pulled off correctly. And I've always said that Heroes for Hire would be the best Marvel property to be adapted into a television format. New case and new client every week. They don't even need to deal with superhero problems each week. It has potential to be really good.
Putting the last part in spoiler tags. Not everyone will have a chance to have watched the show yet and that's a big reveal.
Updated for the Iron Man 3 DVD Chapters and broke it all up accordingly. Also placed Agents of SHIELD as starting in Sept 2013 since the latest dates on the ID badges for some of the Agents (Coulson, Ward, and May) are dated in September, 2013. This also lines up accordingly with the broadcast date, and much like the movies, the events of the show apparently occur in real time (compared to release date).
It's been a while since I looked at one of your timelines. Your brilliance still stuns me.

Question, what happened to 12:06-13:19 of the Agent Carter one-shot?
It's been a while since I looked at one of your timelines. Your brilliance still stuns me.

Awww, shucks. Now I'm blushing.

Question, what happened to 12:06-13:19 of the Agent Carter one-shot?

That's the "after credits" scene, where Howard Stark and Dum Dum Dugan are staring at a couple of women in bikinis and discussing them. Funny little additional scene, no real bearing on the plot, but it did feature Dugan cameoing. It was sort of this One Shot's version of the Iron Man 3 post credits scene (where Tony is telling his story to Banner, who also cameos in a non essential scene).
Also, did something new with some of the Iron Man 3 entries. Since a few scenes in IM3 feature voice over dialogue by Tony (culminating in the after credits scene with him talking to Banner), I've listed those scenes as normal for the visuals and actions occurring "in the past", then later listed some sections of those scenes again marked with "voice over only", denoting the audio portion takes place later as Tony tells the story to Banner.
Awww, shucks. Now I'm blushing.

That's the "after credits" scene, where Howard Stark and Dum Dum Dugan are staring at a couple of women in bikinis and discussing them. Funny little additional scene, no real bearing on the plot, but it did feature Dugan cameoing. It was sort of this One Shot's version of the Iron Man 3 post credits scene (where Tony is telling his story to Banner, who also cameos in a non essential scene).
Oh, so the missing section is the credits. I didn't even think of that... Now even the one shots have after credits scenes!