The Timeline Guy
Am I high? That's exactly what I'm saying given the format of the xx.xx.xx it could be argued that the date in WS isn't a date at all either. I'm not saying it is that way, I'm saying it could be argued. And yeah, but if your rules apply, the film's are more important, so SHIELD's dates don't seems to matter here.
Sigh. Anything can be argued, man. There are people who still think Earth is flat.
That's exactly what I'm arguing with you, you only seem to work in what you want to work in. I'm not arguing for The whiteboard date, I think the white board date is wrong, if you read my post I'm using it as an example of how dates in WS are inaccurate. So, yeah, thought it through.
Lol. Man, you keep making these completely unfounded accusations that I'm ignoring stuff. You continue to claim I'm ignoring you, neither of which is true. This is why I'm losing my patience. You're resorting to softball ad hominem attacks. I'm not ignoring anything. Again, the options were weighed heavily. You're proposing reorganizing the entire section of timeline there which I'd be open to if it didn't require ignoring multiple other dates from multiple other sources. You also are suggesting placing Iron Man 3 AFTER Thor-TDW, CA-WS, and all of AoS Season 1, despite the obvious continuity problems it creates, specifically regarding the Extremis plot. You can posit that AoS pilot happens before IM3, but that's obviously not the intention.
I could say same about placing Iron Man 3 after Thor - TDW, CA-TWS, and AoS Season 1. But I'm trying to be rational and not act like a jerk. Unfortunately you're not affording me same.
We can agree to disagree on this, but everyone celebrates New Years as the upcoming year. New Years at the end of 1999 is celebrated as New Years 2000. Sorry. No one thinks to round up eight days because no one thinks like that in conversation 2000 to 2013. 13 years have passed, hence the numbering system.
Prince disagrees with you.
Also, you're not making the point you think you are. You continue to use flawed logic and round down by almost an entire YEAR to make your point work, but that's simply illogical. Beginning of 2000 to END of 2013 is almost 14 years, not 13.
Very few would refer to span of very end of 1999/first day of 2000 to last week of December, 2013 as 13 years. The vast majority would accurately refer to that as 14 years. You keep saying "no one would" when reality shows otherwise. Most people round up or down to closes whole number, especially in such instances. At this point you've adopted a completely illogical approach here merely to sustain your approach. That's what I'm taking issue with.
I'm not disagreeing with Ward's ID badge, I'm agreeing that the show starts in September. I'm disputing the absurd notion that you think the first 15 or so episodes happen in 5 weeks.
And I'm disputing the absurd idea Iron Man 3 happens after Thor-TDW, CA-WS, and AoS Season 1, specifically when the AoS Pilot references and continues that plot line.
But, like me, you are assuming, we both have a logical answer for this, we would just be going in circles.
But, you're not utilizing logic behind a certain point. When you continue to push idea very end of 1999/first day of 2000 to last week of 2013 is only thirteen years instead of 14 (again, literally days shy of 14) and that most people WOULDN'T round up, that's pretty absurd itself.
Ugh. My inability to do fractions isn't what is being discussed here.
No, but you've already utilized hyperbole in a few cases. Accuracy is important, especially in regards to the which relies so heavily on specifics.
I'm willing to bet I've watched the first season far more recently than you have,
Here's a gold star. I also literally said I hadn't seen it in a couple years. That doesn't discount fact more evidence has to be ignored taking your approach, and requires placing IM3 after 2 films it was clearly meant to occur before.
and I have been sitting down watching the entire first season and counting the days, it how I "relax" after work. And you're ignoring story arcs and DIALOG. "How long have you guys been together?" "A few months"-
Sigh. So, you're willing to illogically round down by almost an entire year, but a comment of a few months when the timeline reflects at least a month is what bothers you? You're contradicting yourself in regards to your approach.
-"We've been tracking Peterson for weeks"-
14 days would qualify. And who's to say they're not rounding up?
and again, Coulson's kidnapping, Skye's recovery, this is why I feel like SHIELD is getting the shaft.
So you instead choose for Winter Soldier to get the shaft? And entirety of the 2013 entries by forcing IM3 after two films and a season of television is was clearly intended to precede?
And no, they begin tracking him after the attack on Skye, seeing as everyone is unaware that he is alive until T.R.A.C.K.S. Plus, before THE BRIDGE he was at a SHIELD base. Wouldn't have to look for him that hard.
Again, so two weeks would qualify. Hell, even 10 days could be rounded up to two weeks. Yes, it's an assumption, but so is the approach I used to fix the problem created by Iron Man 2's retcon to 2011 from 2009.
This is insane, how do you justify ignoring flat dates.
The same way you choose to with Winter Soldier and the intended order of the films.
If you acknowledge the Iron Man 3 dates, not a lot changes
Actually, a lot changes. You're approach requires completely reordering the early Phase 2 stuff (which I'm not opposed to) to ignore the intended chronology (which I am opposed to).
12.02.2012- Soldiers ID photo is taken
02/2013- Soldier blows up
Sep. 2013- SHIELD begins
November 11, 2013- Selvig is released from hospital in Thor: Dark World (Yet another date you have chosen to ignore due to stubbornness I guess)
Sigh. Not stubbornness, necessity. But thanks for continuing your ad hominem attacks.
Early 2014- Winter Soldier
I've discussed my reasoning for the Extremis thing already, not too out there to think Coulson would know.
Except you're overlooking fact Extremis was controlled by Killian and Hansen until their deaths. It wasn't ever shown to be tested/utilized beyond anyone else but them until their deaths in IM3. The entire Centipede plot arose from Extremis being acquired by SHIELD and as a result, as well as the super soldier serum, gamma radiation, and Chitauri metal from the previous films. That isn't to say Coulson couldn't have known, that isn't the point. It's the fact no one else had access to Extremis until after IM3. Most importantly and which backs that up is fact Pepper Potts was first to be cured of it thanks to Tony. That same cure or a variation of it is likely what helped stabilize Deathlok/Peterson.
And if SHIELD fell in October, why would Darcy call them, and someone pick up, in November. I feel like someone else may be ignoring dialog.
Because Thor TDW doesn't happen in November. Now you're intentionally conflating the two. Further, did you stop to consider that the date shown in Thor-TDW (that portion is set in UK) is likely using European dating system, which is day/month/year, and not month/day/year? That may not work if the month numerical is more than 12, granted. I have to go back and double check.
But you clearly know my position, as it's listed on timeline, and know that I don't place TDW in November, so why even ask this question?
Born in 88, rescued in 89, put into foster care, 91 agents start dying.
Again, no info corroborates that, only your assumption.
We obviously see this differently.
Simple math and principles of rounding to closest whole number disprove you on that one, man. You're leaning on illogical and extreme case of rounding down by almost an entire year to support your point. That's illogical.
Yeah, man, but they wouldn't, you are ignoring HARD DATES for unspecified dialog. Illogical.
Lol, again, most people round to closest whole number. That's reality. You're making blanket statements that directly fly in face of that common practice.
Most people aren't going to say, at very end of 2013, that the VERY BEGINNING of 2000 was only 13 years ago. Simply because it's literally a week shy of actually being 14 years. It's simple math. We all learned about rounding to closest whole number in elementary school. And in such an OBVIOUS case, it's clear. It's also quite specific dialogue, of 12-13 years. That's pretty specific, and as said deductive reasoning shows it can't be 12, which leaves only 13... not 14, as your approach requires.
I'm not ignoring simple math at all, if I ask anyone how many years passed between 2000 and 2013, they will say 13, that's why we have this system, so you don't have to count it out everytime.
But you are ignoring simple math, as well as intentionally ignoring the important detail of the fact it's VERY FIRST DAY of 2000, to VERY END of 2013 (according to the newspapers). In that instance with those specifics, which you're ignoring, yes, that's 14 years. If you were talking about end of 2000 yes, then that would only be 13 years, but you're intentionally ignoring those specific to push your flawed argument. When you have to rely on such illogical approach and ignoring common practice to push your position, it's not worth defending.
Also, what are you reading? I never disregarded the Ward ID badge, and I ignored one date In winter soldier In favor of a date from Thor Dark World, some pretty clear lines from AOS, and SEVERAL dates from IM3, if anyone is ignoring information, it is you my friend.
You're also ignoring the intended and chronological order of the films to place IM3 after TDW, WS, and AoS Season 1. You're also ignoring the "all winter" line in AoS 2x01 which can't work with your approach (another point I made that you conveniently ignored and failed to address).
Unless, it does, seeing as AOS has a pretty large gap between seasons (actually stated by Jed Whedon, Simmons has been within HYDRA for a bit, and the season actually pretty heavily ties in with Ultron which is dated in 2015, so if you keep it at 2013, then the first 18 episodes of season 2 happen over the course of OVER A YEAR. Which is insane.
You keep utilizing discrediting put downs like "insane" and "absurd", and in this case you're blatantly incorrect.
Here's the thing. Watch Episode 2x20 again. That clearly shows that indeed a year DOES pass between 2x01 and 2x20. That episode features a flashback at very beginning to a year before, and that flashback leads directly into opening of 2x01.
Which, again, reinforces my approach, and helps disprove yours.
I guess you haven't gotten to Season 2 yet. You'll see.
Also, Daisy "Wait '88, I'm 26?"
Once again, details matter. Her birthday is in July, so yes, she's be 25 up until July of 2014, and 26 from July 2014 to July 2015. And the timeline has that episode in December, 2014. So she's 26 and a half to get technical.
Again, don't know why you have decided that I am ignoring Ward's badge. And the "all winter" comment hurts your placement of Ultron in 2015.
Not at all, not when you get caught up and see that Season 2 does indeed cover over a year due to the explicitly clear flashback in 2x20 that leads directly into 2x01.
Things ignored.
12.02.2012 date in Avengers (Only hard date in Avengers, just sayin)
Where is that shown?
12.02.2012 date in IM3
02/2013 date in IM3
Multiple pieces of dialog in AOS S1
Daisy line in AOS season 2
11/14/2013 the only hard date in Thor Dark World, which puts down your AOS theory.
Which is likely using day/month/year dating system since its in UK, not US dating system of month/day/year. But again I have to look at it again
12/23/2013 date in IM3
Yeah, but as the cost of ACTUAL GIVEN DATES.
Things you're ignoring:
Dialogue in IM3 that places it 12-13 years after New Years Eve 1999, not 14 years.
Simple math and commonly used practice of rounding up or down to closest whole number. A week shy of a year would mean rounding up.
Hard date in Winter Soldier.
Hard date in AoS 1x01.
The "all winter" comment in AoS 2x01.
The flashback in AoS 2x20 that proves Season 2 spans a year or more.
The INTENDED CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER of the films themself since you posit placing IM3 after Thor-TDW and CA-TWS, and AoS Season 1.
Plot lines related to that ordering like the Extremis/Centipede plot in AoS.
Well, I'm sorry you're getting worked up, that is not my intention,
Then I'd ask you to not refer to my reasoning as absurd or insane. It's rude, and uncalled for. I've clearly outlined the details and reasons for placements, you just refuse to accept them.
but you're criticizing me for doing the exact same thing you are doing. Look above at all the hard evidence you have ignored. What is you're reasoning to ignore the Dark World date? Or the Avengers date, you're ignoring a lot of dates to maintain this one computer date and that, my friend, is illogical.
You need to start sourcing your info. Time codes for dates, etc. I already asked you to do so but you're not. If you want to support your point, provide evidence. Specifics.
Well, unless it's any of the prop dates I listed above...
Again, because they're overridden by other evidence.
Born 88, taken home 89, SHIELD agents start dying in 90/91
Again, early 1991 to late 2013 would be almost 24 years. Rounding numbers is a thing you seem to not acknowledge at all.
Born 88, town home 89, Agents start dying in 90/91. Also, while we're talking about Skye, there is a dialog in AOS season 2 "Wait '88, I'm 26?" Guess where that puts Season 2? And it's dialog.
And again, she's born in July, 1988. Do the math. That means she's 26 through July, 2014.
Also, again, please utilize specifics. Which episode is that said in?
Yeah, but, Thor Dark World too. Come on man. This is from the same movie that put corridinates on screen with two lattitudes. If any of these movies made mistakes. In just saying evidence from IM3, Dark World, and AOS. Contradict Winter Soldier 3 to 1.
And the dialogue in IM3 contradicts itself. The Dark World dates may be using day/month/year dating approach, and AoS's dialogue actually supports my placements as I've explained.
This is my time to give credit to you. I really dig your whole 6 months after Vanko finished his suit approach. Genius. But, if your rule is that film is the most important part of the canon, why would you adjust dates in the movie, based on a comic book?
Because it's canon, and retconned the events of those three films to occur at same time. Not doing so requires ignoring a part of the canon. Further, NOTHING IN IM2 itself disputes my theory. Obviously that wasn't original intention, but the retcon required it. Same applies to Iron Man 3's 2013 dates, especially since the dialogue in IM3 directly disputes those dates.
Yeah, but, I don't think WS was meant to contradict 3 pieces of canon.
It's not just WS. It's also AoS (in multiple places).
Sorry, that was me childishly mocking the retcon cop out. Apologies.
Lol, it's not a cop out, but thanks again for continually feeling need to resort to ad hominem attacks. Sigh. Again, one retcon and already been utilized, explicitly, by Fury's Big Week aligning IH, IM2, and Thor. IM3's newspaper dates were also retconned. Specifically due to WS and AoS.
Yeah, I'm currently watching it, 3rd time around I think. Really like the show.
Arguements above
I.....think I've established how much that this timeline is ignoring above. The Dark World date and Darcy calling SHIELD alone discredit your placement. I'm not pissed at all, dude.
Lol, only if you lean on unintended chronology of films and place IM3 after Thor-TDW, WS, and AoS Season 1.
Not mad, just passionate. Again, we're doing the same thing. I don't think I'm ignoring anything but the WS dates, which the white board proves as unreliable.
Except the white board proves no such thing. You're only assuming that. Again, white board date with the April date could easily just be a few months old. It was in a random room, not a main hallway by nurses station with assignments/coverage or anything.
Hell, for all we know, it could have been a date written for something that occurred in April, a patient surgery or something, and wasn't erased. It could be an intentional dating of an event, procedure, etc that occurred months before.
Again, as I explained, logic would dictate the interrogation video of the world's foremost intelligence and security agency would utilize correct date, as opposed to a random white board in a hospital. The white board date doesn't discount the video date at all.
But, again, so many dates. There is ONE date in Dark World and you ignored it.
And Thor Dark World. Two movies and a show.
"Wait '88, I'm 26?!"
So many dates.
It screws up the placement of two movies and a show. Dark World also supports it. Two films to your one.
But, those dates, Dark Worlds dates....come on man.
Just checked Thor-TDW. Are you talking about Selvig's discharge papers? Cuz the shot is taken from too far away to make out any dates (or anything really):

I absolutely acknowledge your arguements, hence why I am responding.
Hey, free psych evaluation, because I say things and your argue the wrong points. Like the white board, I in no way was arguing its canon, just using it as justification in my lack of trust for WS. But, here you come slamming me like I want it to be law.
Slamming you? Not at all. Never once have I insulted you. Meanwhile you're one throwing around "insane" and "absurd" regarding my reasoning, so...
The dialog is not specific in the slightest, the 4 dates are. "Wait '88, I'm 26?"
The dialogue is specific, to 12-13 years. We know it can't be 12, thus must be 13.
And again, she was born in July, 1988. If I'm not mistaken that line is from the 2x10 "What They Become" episode, placed in December of 2014 on the timeline. In July, 2014 she turns 26. In December of 2014 she'd still be 26... what's the problem? You're only reinforcing the placement I currently have.
In One source....WS.
In multiple sources, including AoS itself. Again, you conveniently keep ignoring anything that disputes your theory.
And Scarlett Johanson said that WS happens in real time...two years after the Avengers...so if we're using inteviews
And again, you're conveniently overlooking the override factor. The onscreen dates show otherwise. Further, you're also hypocritically leaning on interview here, but ignoring interview with Shane Black that places IM3 six months after Avengers. You can't have it both ways, man.
Again, the onscreen dates override behind the scenes interviews. When the onscreen dates conflict, whatever minimizes the discrepancies is approach we use.
I'm not ignoring anything, you have ignored far more than me, I'm just saying the unspecific ballpark dialog should,not contradict hard dates from two films and specific dialog from the show. I don't think that is too crazy.
But the thing is, the dialogue is quite specific. 12-13 years. And we know it can't be 12. Thus it must be 13. It is illogical (not crazy) to force IM3 after events of AoS Season 1, Thor-TDW, and CA-WS though, as your approach requires.
Absolutely I acknowledge that. Sorry man, can't justify ignoring all of those dates and dialog, you've done good work here, but too much is being shafted for one date.
I truly respect the work you have done here, it's probably arrogance that keeps pushing me to continue this conversation. But, I truly believe that the dates from IM3 and TDW as well as the AOS lines are there for a reason. I'm sorry we don't agree, but I do appreciate the effort you put forth even though we do not see eye to eye.
Here's the thing. There is no visible date in Thor - TDW, as I showed. If it's shown elsewhere you let me know (please, use time coding so it makes it easy to check).
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