Just a little aside, we determined that April 10th 2016 in the MCU is a friday, backtracking this should put February 2nd 2016 as a Sunday. February 2nd 2017 would be a Tuesday though. Just a little thought...
Explains why I thought it was September when I just briefly saw it
Yeah the days of week have never lined up.
I will help a little, that Febrary 2nd 2016 date is wrong... If you remember Strange still be a neurosurgeon by the time of the release of WHiH Newsfront videos mention on, for you, March 21s video (for me May 3rd). So analyzing that mention Strange's accident happen after this mention on WHiH.
Not necessarily. The timeline currently has Strange's accident occurring a month and a half before that. It's entirely possible the interview occurred before the accident, and was then edited and scheduled to air on a specific program on a specific date (like 20/20 or Dateline, their stories are often filmed and interviews done weeks before the stories air on TV). Further, Strange's accident wouldn't be public knowledge, necessarily.
It's also possible to just move that video up to before Strange's accident. There's no mention in the video of it occurring on same day, we just assumed that due to the same costumes/outfits worn. It's also possible that's merely a coincidence, but I don't view it that way. I think the interview could've been done just before his accident (few days or weeks) and it was just held off to air towards end of March. That happens all the time with those weekly news programs.
Also you say that we can see only 201- in the watch but if you see carefully you can notice a little a small curve belonging to number 6... Look it again. For me the movie takes place in May 2016 and ending in December 2016 or January 2017 (depending of the rest of Agents of SHIELD episodes so my partners and I will wait until mid season finale to make a choice but early December 2016 still working.)
Doesn't look like anything because the crack clearly covers entire number. Think you're just seeing what you want to see, mate. Further, May - December 2016 doesn't allow anywhere near enough time for his seven surgeries and recuperation time AND his time spent in Kamar Taj studying under Ancient One. Sorry, man, but there's no way it covers only 6-7 months. Even Derrickson himself said the film lasted around a year, not 6-7 months.
Like you said to defend your position of Andrew Garner's imprisonment on the same month of his capture, ignoring the long beard he has, that depends of the person... Strange has his accident and after more than 2 months, will say 2 months and a half he now has a long beard and arrive at Kamar-Taj.
Right, but again you're ignoring the fact he had SEVEN DIFFERENT SURGERIES! That doesn't happen on only a couple months, especially accounting for recuperation time after surgeries and beginning physical therapy after a certain amount of time healing... not unless Strange has similar fast healing like Wolverine, anyway.
Yes, all of you are using as reference the time of Strange training but what about Kaecilius' plot... There is no reason to happen more than a year since the Theft of the Book of Cagliostro to the moment when he decrypts the spell for calling Dormammu to the destruction of London Sanctum... At least 7 months has happened between all those events. Remember that Kaecilius is a very well Masters of the Mystic Arts trained.
True, but the spell he stole was very advanced per Wong's/Ancient One's own words concerning those spell books. Perhaps the spell had to be studied and translated from an ancient language, which took time? Perhaps the spell had to be performed at a specific location and Kaecilius and his team spent that time searching world for that location. There are plenty of explanations that work. The recuperation time of Strange and his time training establish it must be longer than your suggestion.
Obviously the entire world does not know what happened in Hong Kong, everything was restored back to normally when Strange used the Time Stone. The only things tha the world knows is that a bald woman fell from the "sky" and that stranger person were seen on Hong Kong (Wong Strange and Mordo), everything else that happened in Hong Kong is just an unknow incident that is considered a rumor what is mentioned by Nadeer on Episode 5, Lockup... She mentioned the Kree Reapers on Wyoming because it was very recently, 6 months ago, but why she should refer to the Scorch incient that happened 3 years ago and only S.H.I.E.L.D. knew that happened, you know, the SHIELD that every date hid something to the public.
Lol, you literally just said no one could know of the events in Hong Kong due to Strange using time stone to revert/set everything back to how it was. Beyond Strange, Mordo, and Wong (and Kaecilius and his followers who are now dead or stuck in Dark Dimension), literally NO ONE would know anything happened in Hong Kong. Also, Nadeer is a Senator who gets Intel directly from Mace, so she would very likely know about ALL the various Inhuman incidents SHIELD has participated in, but NOT the mystical battle in Hong Kong that occurs at end of Doctor Strange due to timeline being reset.
Further, it's entirely possible the Hong Kong thing is referring to a separate incident entirely.
Obviously the incident from Doctor Strange happened before Agents of SHIELD episode 5 (Lockup). The post credits scene definitely occur in 2017 just like Ant-Man post credit scene.
I disagree.
Why would Ant-Man's post credit scene have to occur in 2017? Spider-Man had been around since late 2015 at least based on comments made in Civil War that he'd been doing it for six months (so around October, 2015, exactly when Ant-Man ends). Why would you push that to 2017?
Also when the clock is smashed on the ground it breaks altering the order of clockwise...
Lol, what? Now you're just making unfounded assumptions. The watch was broken so it wasn't ticking at all, clockwise OR counterclockwise.
And about DD2 placement you can see that DD2 and Luke Cage has the same weather, why can both happen around the same time? There is no necessity to ignore next week statement to such high time jump
Yes there is, to make sense of both heatwave and later established Christmas date. Further, the jury selection process went through over 400 potential jurors... there's no way that happened in only a few days or a week. The judge's annoyance also reflects that they've probably been at it awhile.
Take also into account all the boxes of evidence DA sent them that they had to go through before trial started. No way that was done in a week either.
Start paying attention to those details and it becomes quite clear.
An example of the clock is a very well example of why we ignore those props, the only worth it is the Luke Cage's one due to Founders Day of Harlem mention but for the rest of us not... Also I noiced that in Jessica Jones episode 11 after the attack on Jessica there is a May 5th date from the time of the season was filmed... does that mean that Jessica Jones happens in May 2015? According to your logic
Lol, except most of the prop dates DO work, which you're conveniently ignoring. As for the Jessica Jones date, I'll double check. Maybe I missed that one. Can you share the time code (around when it occurs) in the episode so I can check specifically? But yes, if it does reflect such a date, it would work. What is date on? Newspaper, cell phone, email/computer screen? Or are you referring to a flyer hung on wall of alley or something? If so, in latter case, the flyer may just be old, or it may be advertising an upcoming event in May, a few months away. Without more specifics I can't say.
Man, if you weren't such a condescending prick, the people here would be much more apt to listen to you. But I guarantee, every single person who frequents this thread is going to see that you posted and roll their eyes. You have this attitude about you that makes people dread for when you're going to post next. I really could see you playing a valuable part to this timeline if you didn't act the way you do and weren't as stubborn as you are. You obviously have a good eye for timeline work. But you're so bullheaded that you won't admit when you're wrong, or listen to anyone else's argument. There's a couple things here I don't necessarily agree with. I've tried once or twice to make the argument to include the Stark Expo '74 promo. And the argument to place the WHIH Scott Lang Break-In Footage when the footage was shot. But you know what? I was vetoed and I moved on with my life. But then YOU post these condescending little remarks and make everyone wish you would stick to your own wrong timeline.
@DB and other higher ups in this thread. I'm very sorry if I'm out of line with this post. I'm just sick of seeing this guy come and disrespect your work. This timeline that you've put so much work into, that I've followed and respected for years. And for him to just come with his smug attitude and act like he's the 'know all' of the MCU. So, I do apologize if I've overstepped my boundaries here.
No, man, I appreciate you saying it for me.
Thing is, I want everyone to feel welcome here, even A13G10. But yeah, there is an undeniable element of condescension to his posts, which make it hard to take him seriously, let alone his refusal to utilize sound logic in many of these debates.
A13G10, the problem with your suggestions is that a lot of the time, you don't really back it up with proof as to why you think the placement of something should be changed.
If you would say something like "I think you should put this scene/episode/movie at this date, because of X line, or put this amount of days/months in between in order for Y to happen", then that would be fine. Even if your evidence was disagreed with, you'd still be making valuable contributions. But you repeatedly push forward your "release date" argument, when in fact, the majority of the time, these have no evidence backing it up, and it would make more sense to place the movie's events with the help of the props seen in-movie.
Of course, props can sometimes be wrong, as seen with Iron Man 3's newspaper saying it takes place in December 2013, when it takes place in Christmas around 6 months after The Avengers which takes place in 2012, but they make more sense more often than not.
For an example of timeline placements making more sense with the help of props, see Ant-Man and Civil War. In the climax of Ant-Man, when Scott and Darren are fighting in the suitcase, Darren's iPod says "October 9", which indicates that there was likely a two-month timeskip after Scott gets released from jail. According to props seen in Civil War (the newspaper in Lagos at the beginning and the Fedex package Tony receives at the end), the bulk of the movie takes place in April.
In the final scene of Ant-Man, the existence of Spider-Man is alluded to, while in Civil War, Peter says that he's had his powers for six months. If this takes place in April 2016, and the ending of Ant-Man takes place in October 2015 (which is six months earlier), this aligns perfectly.
Also, please note that the MCU's approach to dates and the timeline is frequently contradictory, as they use props for placing certain characters' birthdays but not for the present-day events of the movies themselves, and sometimes they even make up certain dates for events which had no date markers to indicate their placement, but yet they still choose to ignore props.
Exactly. Well said.
The watch dates seem plausible so far; but I wouldn't necessarily take them to be completely accurate after the crash. (It's possible that the crash would have caused the watch to work incorrectly, and we don't know for sure if Strange would have had it repaired--all we know is that he kept it for sentimental reasons.)
Could be, but again we also have to account for Strange's surgeries and recovery time. And later, his time spent studying in Kamar Taj.
That's...a good point, actually. I think it could still maybe work if it was a little over a month after the accident (according to the current thread timeline) as IIRC Strange was only being interviewed, and could have just been talking about work he was doing before the accident. (Maybe it was a disastrous interview, in keeping with Strange's downhill slide; we don't know.)
Like I said, I think it's more likely it's an interview for one of those weekly nightly news shows like 60 Minutes, 20/20, Dateline. They often do stories/interviews weeks or even a couple months before they finally air. Sometimes it's sooner when a story they're covering is time sensitive, but for such an interview concerning a new experimental surgery, I could see the interview and filming being done weeks before.
That said, is there anything keeping the Newsfront video in March, or could it (and the associated SHIELD episodes with the ATC) be pushed back to January/February, before the accident?
That Newsfront video has the anchors wearing same outfits as the next video focusing on the Lagos incident, indicating it happened on same day. But again, I think the explanation of the video being given weeks before and it then airing in late March makes sense.
Also a good point. But I think the extent of Strange's injuries necessitates a pretty long recovery period. If anything, I'd suggest that the book theft scenes could take place after the early Strange scenes in the movie, as there's nothing connecting the two until Strange arrives in Nepal.
That's the thing, the Strange recovery time sets pace of the timeline and how much likely time passes. There's simply no way the movie occurs over only 6-7 months as A13G10 suggests.
I can't actually make heads or tails about what you're saying here. I vaguely remember a Hong Kong reference in Agents of SHIELD, but Doctor Strange wasn't out yet so I didn't have anything to connect it to. Was this reference discussed here?
Again, that could possibly be a reference to events of Doctor Strange, but as also said (even by A13G10 himself) no one would know anything even happened in Hong Kong relating to end of Doctor Strange film due to Strange essentially resetting timeline. Presumably only Strange, Mordo, and Wong would remember those events. So, the Senator referencing it doesn't really make sense. It makes sense she's referring to a separate Inhuman incident, especially since their entire debate was focused on Inhumans. Presumably the Hong Kong incident the Senator refers to was confirmed to be result of Inhuman, since she's blaming Inhumans for that incident, and not events of Doctor Strange film since timeline was reset and no one besides Strange, Wong, and Mordo would remember (well, and Dormammu).