Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline

I think you have done great work D. Please understand that I'm not trying to be argumentative. However I believe you are overlooking one important detail. At the end of 3x22 coulson and Mac are chasing daisy on the ground. They've been in that hotel for numerous days. They are on the new directors mission. Then in 4x1 they have been in the air for 6 weeks. They could not have been on the ground chasing daisy for at least 6 weeks since they haven't touched ground. Most likely they were pulled off the daisy case after their failure in 3x22 as they stated that they believed they would be reassigned as they apparently were. To ingnore this is an error in my opinion. Maybe Doctor strange will tighten (or even contradict) the timeline. Maybe it won't. But until such time that more evidence is given I do not believe that this obvious time mark should be ignored. Again I should stress that you have done an excellent job with this timeline. It's by far the most detailed and accurate one out there. Know my medications are to keep that high standard not to be right. If further evidence shifts this in the timeline so be it.

But thats the thing, they're referring to "touching down" not as the jet being in the air for 6 weeks, but being away from the Hub/base for 6 weeks. Obviously they landed the jet to accomplish the recent mission they talk about while playing the game (think it was in Berlin), meaning they haven't been aloft in the jet for 6 weeks. The idea is they've been away from base for 6 weeks, completing missions, etc. That's what they mean by touching down. Normally that would refer to landing at all, but presumably its a part of SHIELD parlance, touching down meaning returning to base, which they hadn't done in 6 weeks.

Again, there's no direct evidence indicating the 6 weeks is since they lost track of Daisy in terms of ending of 3x22. I think its entirely possible Daisy getting away occurred during the 6 weeks they were gone from base on missions.

The AIDA plot also kind of indicates not much time has passed between ending of 3x22 (the flashforward) and 4x01. Its undetermined exactly how much time, could be a few weeks, we just don't know.

But like I said, I doubt very much they're intending that to mean 6 weeks after Daisy's escape in 3x22. There's no evidence of that. The six weeks comment doesn't specify its been since that event, only that that's how long they've been away from base. And the 3x22 ending, with them in hotel room tracking her, very well could've occurred during those six weeks.

And don't worry about being argumentative, that's best way to make determinations.

But I truly don't think that was the intent of the six weeks comment. Its entirely possible the 3x22 ending occurred during those 6 weeks.

We should try to ask one of the showrunners of AoS on Twitter to clarify, assuming any use it.

"How long has it been?"
"Six weeks in the air. Only the Quinjet touched down."
- May and Coulson

You could argue that what we saw in 3x22 was Coulson and Mac on a Quinjet trip, while the Bus was in the air.

While I think the writers meant there is a 6 week gap between 3x22 and 4x01, it can be argued both ways. Guess we should wait for further proof either way.

But how are they performing the recent missions they discussed if they've "been in air" the entire time? Further, whats the point of having two highly trained agents riding around in the jet for 6 weeks? This is the issue I'm having.

When they say "touch down", I'm 99% sure they mean returning to base, not actually landing.

I'm open to the idea if its confirmed, but it seems unlikely, and outright doesn't make sense considering they blatantly state they recently completed missions... they couldn't have done so while on the jet. Hence I'm taking "touch down" to mean return to base, which does make sense given they've recently completed missions as established by their dialogue during the backgammon game.
But how are they performing the recent missions they discussed if they've "been in air" the entire time? Further, whats the point of having two highly trained agents riding around in the jet for 6 weeks? This is the issue I'm having.

When they say "touch down", I'm 99% sure they mean returning to base, not actually landing.
I took it to mean the Bus has been in the air for six weeks, but the Quinjet (which presumably works like a shuttlecraft in Star Trek, a smaller vessel inside the big one) has been used for missions. So yes, they've been busy with missions for six weeks, but the Bus has stayed in the air that whole time, only the Quinjet has landed.

So basically, it can be argued both ways.
Trailer for Luke Cage shows a date of December 1 on a police cruiser camera (at 1:44 mark):

So that disputes the claim made by one of the actors in a behind the scenes interview that Luke Cage occurs a few months after Jessica Jones. We'll find out this weekend. The December date is also supported by the cold weather/no leaves on trees.

Presumably Luke Cage will span at least November to December (unless that scene is from first episode and it picks up on Dec 1). This is backed up by an interview with Charlie Cox who revealed Luke Cage would parallel/cross over with Daredevil Season 2 in some ways, and the dates aligning perfectly prove that. :) Love it when a plan comes together. Gonna rewatch Daredevil Season 2 this week and chart it out in detail to prep for inserting the Luke Cage episodes where they fall.

Charlie Cox said:
"One thing that I thought was really cool is that in the second season [of 'Daredevil'], we had a scene together and in the storyline we hadn't seen each other for a long time and it takes place at the hospital," said Cox. "Roasario had — Claire Temple has a cut in her eyebrow. So I was like, 'What is that?' Apparently it had nothing to do with our world but it's part of 'Luke Cage.' The timeline had been thought through and worked out so that whatever's going on in 'Luke Cage,' which we don't know, I don't know, somehow at some point during that show, the next day she's in the hospital talking to me."

I took it to mean the Bus has been in the air for six weeks, but the Quinjet (which presumably works like a shuttlecraft in Star Trek, a smaller vessel inside the big one) has been used for missions. So yes, they've been busy with missions for six weeks, but the Bus has stayed in the air that whole time, only the Quinjet has landed.

So basically, it can be argued both ways.

Fair enough, but again, as said they could've easily taken Quinjet to track down Daisy as shown in ending of 3x22. There's no direct evidence six weeks have passed between that 3x22 flash forward and 4x01, and I'm reluctant to place it as such without hard proof as it'll inevitable create problems for the remaining AoS episodes set in 2016 (likely through at least 4x11, AND any upcoming Doctor Strange crossover episodes).
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Researching Daredevil Season 2. Gonna do my best to find a spot to insert a time jump to account for the heat wave depicted in early episodes, and the July date on police report. If anything, assuming it can work, I'll just account for Punisher's bruises not healing while in custody as new bruises he got from various fights with other prisoners (who would have a vendetta against him). We'll see.
At very end of Daredevil 2x06: "Regrets Only"

Foggy: "Reyes [the DA] pulled every string she has, and fast tracked the trial..."

Matt responds and Foggy says, "You don't understand, Matt. Frank agreed. He thinks he's sticking it to Reyes or something. I hope your schedule is clear, buddy, because the People vs Frank Castle starts next week."

I originally took that to mean Reyes was pushing to start the trial on Monday the following week, but can push that to a full seven days to push back the earlier sections and heat wave stuff to November.

Unfortunately, no other opportunities to place any large time jumps to account for the heat wave (should be summer, July based on police report date, but the show itself just doesn't offer any such opportunities for a large time jump). We'll have to assume the police report dated July 21 was an earlier Castle attack that happened to have a guy who looked and dressed exactly like one of the guys killed in the Kitchen Irish massacre, and that the heat wave was extraordinarily late in the year in the MCU world's New York. I'm moving the dates up by a few days to put a full week in between DD 2x06 and 2x07.
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I think I might have an idea that might work as possible alternative for my earlier suggestion of Zemo travelling for 29 hours to get to Siberia... this is the problem when a movie deals with travel and multiple time zones, the timeline gets tricky :shifty:

I looked it up, and according to the comics, the speed of a Quinjet is Mach 2.1, that's 1611.27 mph. Since Cap and Bucky went to Siberia via Quinjet, that means their flight would have taken about 2.5 hours.

Considering Zemo called his hotel, as it was breakfast time in Berlin and possibly mid-afternoon in Siberia, and Tony was notified shortly afterwards about the dead psychiatrist, perhaps the airport battle in Leipzig actually took place in the morning, and Tony might have been estimating when he said Ross gave him his ultimatum 24 hours ago (in reality, it would have been 17-19 hours ago).

I found out just now that there are airports closer to Oymyakon than Yakutsk (which is where the 20-hour drive starts, according to my earlier suggestion). Ust-Nera Airport is only a 10 hour-drive away, and Zemo could have theoretically chartered a private plane to arrive at Oymyakon more directly and drive to the HYDRA compound.

Not only would that latter option be quicker for Zemo, but it also would make more sense with the (assumed) 2.5 hour-long flight from Leipzig to Siberia, and the climax of the movie would take place in the same day as the airport fight.

So, my final suggestion for this:

April 11:
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 12: "Hawkeye Returns" (1:25:00 - 1:29:28 )
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 13: "You're After the Wrong Guy" (1:29:29 - 1:34:08 )
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 14: "We Fight" (1:34:09 - 1:45:37)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 15: "We Played This Wrong" (1:45:38 - 1:55:53) (Zemo calls the hotel; morning in Germany, mid-afternoon in Siberia)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 16: "Zemo Revealed" (1:55:54 - 2:01:42)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 16: "Zemo Revealed" (2:01:55 - 2:02:02)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 16: "Zemo Revealed" (2:02:05 - 2:02:06)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 16: "Zemo Revealed" (2:02:09 - 2:02:10)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 16: "Zemo Revealed" (2:02:19 - 2:02:20)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 16: "Zemo Revealed" (2:02:30 - 2:02:34)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 17: "Steve vs. Tony" (2:02:35 - 2:12:13) (Cap, Tony and Winter Soldier fight; mid-morning in Germany, late afternoon in Siberia)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 18: "We All Need Family" (2:12:14 - 2:12:58 ) (Zemo is arrested; afternoon in Germany)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 19: "End Credits" (2:18:34 - 2:19:59) (mid-credits scene; afternoon in Wakanda)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 19: "End Credits" (2:26:29 - 2:27:25) (post-credits scene; evening in New York)

Thoughts, DIrishB? Do you prefer my earlier suggestion of placing the climax in Siberia on the morning of April 12th, or my new suggestion? If it helps, I'm thinking of rewatching the other MCU movies and give suggestions for them based on travel time.
According to this set photo that's been circulating on Reddit, Stark Expo might be in Spider-Man: Homecoming.

If this picture is real, then either Stark Expo (and the movie) are set in October 2018 (between the 17th and the 27th) or Stark Expo is gonna last from October 2017 to October 27th 2018 (a year long, like the Iron Man 2 Expo).
Based on the way the date on the poster is printed, I think it's probably the former.
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I think I might have an idea that might work as possible alternative for my earlier suggestion of Zemo travelling for 29 hours to get to Siberia... this is the problem when a movie deals with travel and multiple time zones, the timeline gets tricky :shifty:

I looked it up, and according to the comics, the speed of a Quinjet is Mach 2.1, that's 1611.27 mph. Since Cap and Bucky went to Siberia via Quinjet, that means their flight would have taken about 2.5 hours.

Considering Zemo called his hotel, as it was breakfast time in Berlin and possibly mid-afternoon in Siberia, and Tony was notified shortly afterwards about the dead psychiatrist, perhaps the airport battle in Leipzig actually took place in the morning, and Tony might have been estimating when he said Ross gave him his ultimatum 24 hours ago (in reality, it would have been 17-19 hours ago).

This I disagree with. Given the set time of 36 hours to bring him in, I don't think Tony would estimate at all in such a short time span which holds such heavy stakes. I take that to actually be 24 hours (or close to it, estimating within an hour of 24 hours after Ross gives Stark the time frame).

Everything else is great work, but I wouldn't presume to shorten the 24 hour comment to 17-19 hours. All evidence shows it to be 24 hours after.

I found out just now that there are airports closer to Oymyakon than Yakutsk (which is where the 20-hour drive starts, according to my earlier suggestion). Ust-Nera Airport is only a 10 hour-drive away, and Zemo could have theoretically chartered a private plane to arrive at Oymyakon more directly and drive to the HYDRA compound.

Not only would that latter option be quicker for Zemo, but it also would make more sense with the (assumed) 2.5 hour-long flight from Leipzig to Siberia, and the climax of the movie would take place in the same day as the airport fight.

So, my final suggestion for this:

April 11:
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 12: "Hawkeye Returns" (1:25:00 - 1:29:28 )
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 13: "You're After the Wrong Guy" (1:29:29 - 1:34:08 )
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 14: "We Fight" (1:34:09 - 1:45:37)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 15: "We Played This Wrong" (1:45:38 - 1:55:53) (Zemo calls the hotel; morning in Germany, mid-afternoon in Siberia)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 16: "Zemo Revealed" (1:55:54 - 2:01:42)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 16: "Zemo Revealed" (2:01:55 - 2:02:02)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 16: "Zemo Revealed" (2:02:05 - 2:02:06)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 16: "Zemo Revealed" (2:02:09 - 2:02:10)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 16: "Zemo Revealed" (2:02:19 - 2:02:20)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 16: "Zemo Revealed" (2:02:30 - 2:02:34)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 17: "Steve vs. Tony" (2:02:35 - 2:12:13) (Cap, Tony and Winter Soldier fight; mid-morning in Germany, late afternoon in Siberia)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 18: "We All Need Family" (2:12:14 - 2:12:58 ) (Zemo is arrested; afternoon in Germany)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 19: "End Credits" (2:18:34 - 2:19:59) (mid-credits scene; afternoon in Wakanda)
-Captain America - Civil War Chapter 19: "End Credits" (2:26:29 - 2:27:25) (post-credits scene; evening in New York)

Thoughts, DIrishB? Do you prefer my earlier suggestion of placing the climax in Siberia on the morning of April 12th, or my new suggestion? If it helps, I'm thinking of rewatching the other MCU movies and give suggestions for them based on travel time.

I think its better to leave the day between. It crams too much into a single day and depends too much on ignoring the 24 hour comment by Tony.
According to this set photo that's been circulating on Reddit, Stark Expo might be in Spider-Man: Homecoming.

If this picture is real, then either Stark Expo (and the movie) are set in October 2018 (between the 17th and the 27th) or Stark Expo is gonna last from October 2017 to October 27th 2018 (a year long, like the Iron Man 2 Expo).
Based on the way the date on the poster is printed, I think it's probably the former.

Nice! Great info.

Pretty sure the Homecoming Dance tickets showed a September 2017 date. Maybe it was just a September date with no specific day, can't remember.

If I had to guess, I'd say these tickets are for a Stark Expo the next year after the events of the film. It'd be weird to set the film a year ahead of its release year. Though, it could be there is a year flash forward towards end or something where these play in. We'll see.

Good info, though!
Currently on episode 4 of Luke Cage. Without spoilers, episode 4 is a flashback episode to his time at Seagate. I had previously assumed that because of the dashcam footage in the latest trailer, he got his powers in 2001. But, in prison he's just name dropped Nicki Minaj. So he was in prison within the last six years and the dashcam footage (If it's actually cannon and appears in a future episode) places the series around November/December. Which would match Daredevil season 2 being set at the same time.


Episode 5 counteracts that slightly. Claire tells the story of the Hand's attack on the hospital. She arrives in Harlem just after the attack (Maybe a couple of weeks after) So it's happening concurrently, but she doesn't have any cuts on her like she did in Daredevil.

Turk (The arms dealer from Daredevil) appears in the first two episodes, and at the end of episode 2 he says "I'm heading back to Hell's Kitchen". He appeared in Daredevil episode 2x13 and it's mentioned he's under house arrest.
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Towards end of Luke Cage 1x02, Luke mentions he's been working at the barber shop for five months. If Luke Cage Season 1 covers November-December as I suspect, that means Luke got the job at shop a few months after events of Jessica Jones, most likely. Only 2 episodes in so not sure if there are any time jumps or places to insert a larger period of time, but the direct crossover elements from Daredevil Season 2 will help.

Currently on episode 4 of Luke Cage. Without spoilers, episode 4 is a flashback episode to his time at Seagate. I had previously assumed that because of the dashcam footage in the latest trailer, he got his powers in 2001. But, in prison he's just name dropped Nicki Minaj. So he was in prison within the last six years and the dashcam footage (If it's actually cannon and appears in a future episode) places the series around November/December. Which would match Daredevil season 2 being set at the same time.


Episode 5 counteracts that slightly. Claire tells the story of the Hand's attack on the hospital. She arrives in Harlem just after the attack (Maybe a couple of weeks after) So it's happening concurrently, but she doesn't have any cuts on her like she did in Daredevil.

Turk (The arms dealer from Daredevil) appears in the first two episodes, and at the end of episode 2 he says "I'm heading back to Hell's Kitchen". He appeared in Daredevil episode 2x13 and it's mentioned he's under house arrest.

Turk also appears in Daredevil 2x01. Great info. I'm slowly going through it now, enjoying the show.
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Towards end of Luke Cage 1x02, Luke mentions he's been working at the barber shop for five months. If Luke Cage Season 1 covers November-December as I suspect, that means Luke got the job at shop a few months after events of Jessica Jones, most likely. Only 2 episodes in so not sure if there are any time jumps or places to insert a larger period of time, but the direct crossover elements from Daredevil Season 2 will help.

Turk also appears in Daredevil 2x01. Great info. I'm slowly going through it now, enjoying the show.

In the first episode they mention JJ in the form of the shotgun blast scene. Pops and Cage talk about it. I don't remember the exact dialogue since I'm not going back to check until its done. I'm 7 in and taking a break.

There is also the joke about his bartending in the same episode implying he once worked at a bar. Very certain its after JJ at that point.
So Luke Cage 1x05 features Claire Temple returning home to her mother's restaurant after events of Daredevil Season 2 (specifically 2x11 due to her specifically mentioning the events of that episode).

I would think the entirety of Luke Cage picks up after Daredevil Season 2, though weather wise it doesn't seem to be the case, though plot wise it must.
Just started watching Luke Cage 1x06. There's a possible time jump between 1x05 and 1x06.

A radio show hosted by Trish Walker (from Jessica Jones) had a caller mention Luke Cage broke up a fight "last week". Only 5 days have passed from 1x01 to 1x05, and Luke only publicly showed his super powers in 1x04 (the night of Day 4).

Therefore 1x06 must occur at least a week after 1x04.
Just started watching Luke Cage 1x06. There's a possible time jump between 1x05 and 1x06.

A radio show hosted by Trish Walker (from Jessica Jones) had a caller mention Luke Cage broke up a fight "last week". Only 5 days have passed from 1x01 to 1x05, and Luke only publicly showed his super powers in 1x04 (the night of Day 4).

Therefore 1x06 must occur at least a week after 1x04.

I have only watched the first four episodes so far, but is it possible that the "last week" comment could take place on Monday and refer to the previous Friday? It might not necessitate a week-long jump.
So Luke Cage 1x05 features Claire Temple returning home to her mother's restaurant after events of Daredevil Season 2 (specifically 2x11 due to her specifically mentioning the events of that episode).

I would think the entirety of Luke Cage picks up after Daredevil Season 2, though weather wise it doesn't seem to be the case, though plot wise it must.

It's not just the weather that doesn't make sense. The police footage that goes viral in episode 9 is dated for December 1st.

Also, in the first episode, the guys in the barber shop are talking about the upcoming 2015 Knicks season and their trepidation on the recent drafting of Porzingis, meaning the first episode is set before October 28. EDIT: My friend reminded me that Pop would have started to form an opinion on Porzingis once the preseason was underway, so the episode is probably before October 7th.

Also the kids in the shop are playing NBA 2k16 which was released September 29th.
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The Seagate prison flashbacks in Luke Cage 1x04 likely occur in 2012. The Nicki Minaj statement implies it's at least 2010, the Zoe Kravitz comment implies at least 2011 (when she gained more fame), and the GoPro HERO3 HD cameras used to film the prison fights weren't released until 2012.

This also aligns well with the established timeline of Jessica Jones which had Reva dying in January, 2014. Presumably, Luke was in prison at Seagate around 2012 when the flashbacks occur. He escapes in same year, and he and Reva live together for a year or so before her death in Jan 2014.

I have only watched the first four episodes so far, but is it possible that the "last week" comment could take place on Monday and refer to the previous Friday? It might not necessitate a week-long jump.

Like I said:

A radio show hosted by Trish Walker (from Jessica Jones) had a caller mention Luke Cage broke up a fight "last week". Only 5 days have passed from 1x01 to 1x05, and Luke only publicly showed his super powers in 1x04 (the night of Day 4).

That'd mean he publicly displayed his powers the night of Day 4 (1x04, with 1x03 happening earlier that same day). 1x05 occurs over Day 5, meaning one day after he publicly displayed powers and started helping his neighborhood publicly. 1x06, the episode that has that "last week" comment, can't occur only on Day 6 (2 days after he revealed himself, one day after he started involving himself). He wasn't using his powers for vigilante justice before that.

Also, there are some notable repairs made to the barber shop. The glass mirrors and front windows aren't replaced yet, but all the bullet holes in the plaster walls have been patched and painted over also. The shooting occurred on Day 3 (end of 1x02), and hadn't been repaired by Day 5 (1x05), but is in 1x06. A week span allows for that, while being backed up by the dialogue.

It's not just the weather that doesn't make sense. The police footage that goes viral in episode 9 is dated for December 1st.

Also, in the first episode, the guys in the barber shop are talking about the upcoming 2015 Knicks season and their trepidation on the recent drafting of Porzingis, meaning the first episode is set before October 28. EDIT: My friend reminded me that Pop would have started to form an opinion on Porzingis once the preseason was underway, so the episode is probably before October 7th.

Also the kids in the shop are playing NBA 2k16 which was released September 29th.

Ugh. Yep. They weren't even trying, it seems. Sigh.
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Haven't seen Luke Cage, but I think that for things like NBA 2K16 and the mention of the Knicks, we should just hand-wave it as the video game release date and the Knicks season being at different dates in the MCU than in the real world if they contradict, while reverse-calculating other dates from how the show matches up with the other two Netflix shows if possible.
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Actually, maybe there isn't a week span between 1x05 and 1x06.

In 1x08, Misty is interviewing the hostess, Candace, who mentions she saw Luke and Misty together the "other night" at the club. This refers to the first episode, so there must not have been any large expanse of time between those two episodes (1x05 and 1x06) as I previously thought. Maybe Luke was using his powers more subtly to stop problems in neighborhood before?

Episode 9 is on December 1st thanks to the dash cam.

We just have to assume the dash cam is wrong due to the hard Christmas dates in Daredevil Season 2, and Luke Cage occurring after DD Season 2 (at the very least after 2x11, and given 2x12-2x13 follow immediately after, its safe to assume entirely of Luke Cage picks up after DD Season 2.

Its easier to assume the dash cam was wrong than trying to rewrite when Christmas occurs in the MCU. ;)

Haven't seen Luke Cage, but I think that for things like NBA 2K16 and the mention of the Knicks, we should just hand-wave it as the video game release date and the Knicks season being at different dates in the MCU than in the real world if they contradict, while reverse-calculating other dates from how the show matches up with the other two Netflix shows if possible.

Yup. Not everything in the MCU aligns with our reality. Events occur on different dates, etc.
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