The Timeline Guy
I think you have done great work D. Please understand that I'm not trying to be argumentative. However I believe you are overlooking one important detail. At the end of 3x22 coulson and Mac are chasing daisy on the ground. They've been in that hotel for numerous days. They are on the new directors mission. Then in 4x1 they have been in the air for 6 weeks. They could not have been on the ground chasing daisy for at least 6 weeks since they haven't touched ground. Most likely they were pulled off the daisy case after their failure in 3x22 as they stated that they believed they would be reassigned as they apparently were. To ingnore this is an error in my opinion. Maybe Doctor strange will tighten (or even contradict) the timeline. Maybe it won't. But until such time that more evidence is given I do not believe that this obvious time mark should be ignored. Again I should stress that you have done an excellent job with this timeline. It's by far the most detailed and accurate one out there. Know my medications are to keep that high standard not to be right. If further evidence shifts this in the timeline so be it.
But thats the thing, they're referring to "touching down" not as the jet being in the air for 6 weeks, but being away from the Hub/base for 6 weeks. Obviously they landed the jet to accomplish the recent mission they talk about while playing the game (think it was in Berlin), meaning they haven't been aloft in the jet for 6 weeks. The idea is they've been away from base for 6 weeks, completing missions, etc. That's what they mean by touching down. Normally that would refer to landing at all, but presumably its a part of SHIELD parlance, touching down meaning returning to base, which they hadn't done in 6 weeks.
Again, there's no direct evidence indicating the 6 weeks is since they lost track of Daisy in terms of ending of 3x22. I think its entirely possible Daisy getting away occurred during the 6 weeks they were gone from base on missions.
The AIDA plot also kind of indicates not much time has passed between ending of 3x22 (the flashforward) and 4x01. Its undetermined exactly how much time, could be a few weeks, we just don't know.
But like I said, I doubt very much they're intending that to mean 6 weeks after Daisy's escape in 3x22. There's no evidence of that. The six weeks comment doesn't specify its been since that event, only that that's how long they've been away from base. And the 3x22 ending, with them in hotel room tracking her, very well could've occurred during those six weeks.
And don't worry about being argumentative, that's best way to make determinations.
But I truly don't think that was the intent of the six weeks comment. Its entirely possible the 3x22 ending occurred during those 6 weeks.
We should try to ask one of the showrunners of AoS on Twitter to clarify, assuming any use it.
"How long has it been?"
"Six weeks in the air. Only the Quinjet touched down."
- May and Coulson
You could argue that what we saw in 3x22 was Coulson and Mac on a Quinjet trip, while the Bus was in the air.
While I think the writers meant there is a 6 week gap between 3x22 and 4x01, it can be argued both ways. Guess we should wait for further proof either way.
But how are they performing the recent missions they discussed if they've "been in air" the entire time? Further, whats the point of having two highly trained agents riding around in the jet for 6 weeks? This is the issue I'm having.
When they say "touch down", I'm 99% sure they mean returning to base, not actually landing.
I'm open to the idea if its confirmed, but it seems unlikely, and outright doesn't make sense considering they blatantly state they recently completed missions... they couldn't have done so while on the jet. Hence I'm taking "touch down" to mean return to base, which does make sense given they've recently completed missions as established by their dialogue during the backgammon game.