Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

I think the real issue is with Nick Lowe, the editor of Spider-Man instead of Wells. (but the two together can really be destructive). Lowe was the editor who refused TWICE of Slott to remarry Peter and MJ. Until the editors finally give in or get replaced, no writer will make ASM any better. That is big reason why larger names refuse to work on the title, because they would be under such a big chokehold on what to write, they would not want to work under those cirumstances, nor face the backlash releasing from it.
I heard this was a big issue with Batman a while back as well that it was bad because editors refused to have the character written even slightly off of what they allowed, and after a big editor change the title became solid again.

But on the bright side, Zebb wil leave the run after #58 and that is confirmed. Also rumors are that Nick Lowe will finally leave the editor position of Spider-Man, because apparently his name is not on future stuff anymore (or yet), so that is maybe something to look forward to.
I think the real issue is with Nick Lowe, the editor of Spider-Man instead of Wells. (but the two together can really be destructive). Lowe was the editor who refused TWICE of Slott to remarry Peter and MJ. Until the editors finally give in or get replaced, no writer will make ASM any better. That is big reason why larger names refuse to work on the title, because they would be under such a big chokehold on what to write, they would not want to work under those cirumstances, nor face the backlash releasing from it.
I heard this was a big issue with Batman a while back as well that it was bad because editors refused to have the character written even slightly off of what they allowed, and after a big editor change the title became solid again.

But on the bright side, Zebb wil leave the run after #58 and that is confirmed. Also rumors are that Nick Lowe will finally leave the editor position of Spider-Man, because apparently his name is not on future stuff anymore (or yet), so that is maybe something to look forward to.
Honestly, I think that until there's a massive shakeup that gets rid of all the "Peter and MJ not being married" supporters at Marvel, we're never gonna see any change in the status quo.

It'll just be a cycle of endless suffering for Peter while MJ gets with Irrelevant Character X who the writer only created as a means to cockblock Peter.

On another note, it's fun to see Slott losing his shit elsewhere about how the current Ultimate Spider-Man run is outselling Amazing Spider-Man and how fans are loving the former more, mainly because Hickman actually gives a DAMN about the fans and gave us Peter and MJ married with two kids!!

Fingers crossed that October 13 is the actual date that scene is taking place and the series is that easy with its timeline. The weather does fit Fall and I could see Halloween playing a role in the show. They've also said it's been 3 years since WandaVision so October 2026. Hopefully, Disney + correctly places it before Secret Invasion.
So now we've reached the point where at most so far it's 2 years ahead of time in the MCU compared to our world. I feel like by Avengers 5 it will be "1 year" in advance. Then by Phase 7 we're caught up in real time.
I'd be surprised if we caught up. The only reason we're caught up to 2 now is the strikes. I don't really see the need to anyway. Nothing's really gained having the MCU set in our real time. Maybe after Secret Wars, they'll take the opportunity to have present day match again, but until then, I'm expecting to stay slightly in the future.
I'd be surprised if we caught up. The only reason we're caught up to 2 now is the strikes. I don't really see the need to anyway. Nothing's really gained having the MCU set in our real time. Maybe after Secret Wars, they'll take the opportunity to have present day match again, but until then, I'm expecting to stay slightly in the future.
Wasn't that the case for the longest time?
At a certain point it's going to be difficult to keep track of how many years ahead and shit will mess up again.
This one isn't in the simplified order:
Chienese Exclusive Scene (Link)

Also, I don't know if everything is in the simplified order?

And I have a question, is the immersive story of What If canon? If it is, does someone have a link to whatch it? Because it's too expensive for me aha :p
This one isn't in the simplified order:
Chienese Exclusive Scene (Link)

Also, I don't know if everything is in the simplified order?

And I have a question, is the immersive story of What If canon? If it is, does someone have a link to whatch it? Because it's too expensive for me aha :p
If you check on YouTube you can find some playthroughs but I believe they're all with commentary from the players but it'll do the trick for ya.
If you check on YouTube you can find some playthroughs but I believe they're all with commentary from the players but it'll do the trick for ya.
I found something but there are two different endings. Which one is canon?
I guess we can count both and use the multiverse excuse?
I found something but there are two different endings. Which one is canon?
I guess we can count both and use the multiverse excuse?
  • Haha
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