@Starvel More specifically, right after Steve saves the prisoners of war and they all clap, calling him "Captain America".
yeah, I'm happy with that placement as long as it's before Steve broke out bucky and the howling commandos.
Btw I've locked in what if S02 by looking at the few leaked orders of the episode titles and where they were originally rumoured to air in relation to the other eps and this one is the closest in both release order and story order (E.g. Peggy meeting with strange at the end of 1602 and strange recruiting kahhori before betraying her later off screen, etc.)

I put the iron-man on Sakaar episode back into its chronological/original position in season 1 because it makes more narrative sense and helps pay off the finale a bit better (Yes I know that the pre-titles sequence and the title sequence itself has references to future episodes but I'm either going to remove them and replace the title sequence with season 1's, ignore it or treat it as a fun little foreshadowing of things to come)
My reasoning for keeping Nebula's episode before the 80s Avengers is because of the Rocket Raccoon Variant we see in the finale slightly before the young peter quill in the sanctum (my head cannon is he was a gun for hire on Xandar and split from Groot to pursue his career as a bounty hunter), that and also the fact that every other leaked order had this episode first so theres that too lol.
I put the episode that was cut from season 2 that is now going to be in season 3 in a rough chronological order (Red Guardian was in prison roughly after 1995 in the main timeline, so I put it in 1995 for now until it releases) after the 80s Avengers in 1988.
I also left the kahhori episode before the Hela episode, even though the Hela episode is technically set in a time period before kahhori's, to allow time for strange to betray kahhori, try to recapture her, fail in doing so and ask Peggy for help. Plus, strange has acquired people from kahhori's timeline and has slightly different variants of Hela and Wen-Wu so he mustn't have had time to visit that exact timeline because he was trying to recapture kahhori. Also, these 2 episodes were always in this order right up to release so theres that too.
I know it seems like overkill, but I'd rather have some evidence to back up my reasoning for you guys to understand then nothing at all and to just pawn it off as fan fic (lol I hope I'm getting my point across clearly to you guys)
Final viewing order:
WI S01E01 (1943-1944/1945)
WI S01E02 (2008)
WI S01E03 (2010 or 2011)
WI S02E04 (May 2012) (Remove or ignore pre-titles sequence)
WI S01E04 (Early 2018)
WI S01E05 (May 2018)
WI S01E06 (2008 or 2009 or 2010)
WI S01E07 (2010 or 2011)
WI S01E08 (Mid-Late 2015)
WI S01E09 (Mid-Late 2015)
WI S02E05 (Between January - May 2014)
WI S02E01 (2019)
WI S02E02 (1988)
WI S03E0X (Estimated around 1995) ?
WI S02E03 (Christmas Eve 2014)
WI S02E06 (Somewhere between 1493 - 1504)
WI S02E07 (Somewhere between 575 BC - 965 BC)
WI S02E08 (1602)
WI S02E09 (Outside of Time and Space)
WI S03 (TBD)
Marvel Zombies (TBD)