I'd ignore the April 12th, 1997, marquee date in Scream 2. They mention that the first movie happened a couple years ago and there's no way that Gale could have wrote her book on the murders and have it adapted and filmed as Stab within the span of 7 months. Also if Sidney was a high school senior in September 1996, she'd still be one in April 1997. I know Scream (2022) has Stab as releasing in 1997, but like Scream 6 it's just them lazily putting when Scream 2 came out.
The best I could do is December 1997 or April 1998 then. I think that they see Scream 2 as 1997 though. The previous references to years having past would have to be taken as a reference to the 1995-1996 murders, including Maureen Prescott's death "2 years ago". There's just too much evidence supporting 1997, as crappy as that is for Stab's release date and verbal references to time passage.
The best I could do is December 1997 or April 1998 then. I think that they see Scream 2 as 1997 though. The previous references to years having past would have to be taken as a reference to the 1995-1996 murders, including Maureen Prescott's death "2 years ago". There's just too much evidence supporting 1997, as crappy as that is for Stab's release date and verbal references to time passage.
I personally go with April 1998 to still match the month on the marquee and it fits with the Ohio spring look. If we're assuming dates in the universe match ours, right after the April 12th, there's a Mon (Monday), however the 12th was a Saturday so the marquee is wrong either way. The specific line is "all these kids got killed a couple years ago in California" which to me means it's just referencing the events from 1996. Some people used to compensate and place the first movie in 1995, to match the marquee. But now I've seen a majority accept 1996 and 1998. The truth is there's a few inconsistencies in the timeline and we have to choose what evidence is best.
The way I see it: September 1995- Maureen's murder September 1996- Events of the first movie (September 1996 calendar can be seen in the movie) 1997- The Woodsborro Murders is released, and Stab is fast-tracked in production to build off the book's success (some theorize the movie could have had some limited December 1997 release around the time Scream 2 released to compensate for the reference it's a 1997 film in Scream (2022) but like the board in Scream 6 it really is just them placing it when Scream 2 came out). April 1998- Events of the second movie/Stab is released Late 1999 or Early 2000- Events of the third movie.
Romam mentions he found Maureen 4 years ago
/Stab 2 is released (we can see an ad for Stab 2 on a bus so it's safe to assume Stab 3 is in production around the release of the second movie). September 2011- Evens of the fourth movie September 2021- Events of the fifth movie (reporter at the end mentions it's 25 years since the original events, almost to the exact day, Tara's phone shows 9/23) October 2022- Events of the sixth movie (obviously revolves around Halloween, movie trys to act like it's 2023. However it's a year after the last movie that told us it was around the 25th anniversary of the first).