Welp, this does it. Wilson Fisk was the real Mandarin all along!The Ten Rings in Daredevil Season One Episode 5, Vladimir Ranskahov:
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Credits to Temporaryeditor78
Can you elaborate? How do they connect?I received the GotG Vol. 2 deluxe junior novel today. The bonus story sounded vaguely familiar, so I checked The Pirate Angel, The Talking Tree and Captain Rabbit, and guess what? Chapter 11 starts right after that bonus story.
Can you elaborate? How do they connect?
I don't think I'm spoiling anything by saying this but...I guess we won't get answers on the whereabouts of Vijay Nadeer, Blizzard and the Watchdogs. Plus, resolution on Felix Blake betraying SHIELD.Marvel Cinematic Universe Wikia - Discussion
in General
Rumoured Season 7 Explanation for Lack of Snap in Agents of S.H.IE.L.D.
A supposed plot leak has surfaced on Reddit for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 7.
I have intentionally not read the whole post as I do not wish to spoil it for myself, and I have redacted every spoiler in this section of the post not related to the subject of this post.
However, an interesting part of the rumour is that it would provide an explanation for why the Snap was never addressed in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 6 despite it being set a year later.
While Reddit is often not to be trusted, there is some evidence this might be true: https://mcucosmic.com/2020/03/16/ne...dibility-a-recent-agents-of-s-h-i-e-l-d-leak/ , and it would align with Jed Whedon's comment about how the Snap would be addressed in a fashion, as well as other aspects of the rumour aligning with things like us being told Season 6 and 7 are like one big season split in two.
If true, I believe it's about as good of an explanation as they could have given, honestly. I would be happy with it (assuming it's executed fairly cleanly), plus it would put paid to people using the lack of acknowledgement as ammunition against the show's MCU status, or the feeling among some people that it precludes the show from ever getting to cross over into Marvel Studios content.
Still, big grain of salt.
Can someone clarify this for me, because I was told that Disney+ cut the cliffhanger with the glowing Attilan throne from Inhumans' final episode.
Is that true? If so...good. One less loose end to worry about.
Welp, I don't expect that to get acknowledged on Ms Marvel or anywhere. The showrunner shot himself in the foot with that one.I checked, and it's still there.
Welp, I don't expect that to get acknowledged on Ms Marvel or anywhere. The showrunner shot himself in the foot with that one.![]()
Yeah? I guess it was meant to set up some "ultimate power" that Maximus would have gotten to somehow without breathing in the Moon's airless surface.There was a glowing throne in the finale? xD
Who said that the whole season will be set in 1931?https://ew.com/tv/agents-of-shield-final-season-agent-carter-enver-gjokaj-photo/
Nice to see confirmation. What are we thinking, does he appear in 1931? He looks too old to be a 1931 Sousa, right?
Who said that the whole season will be set in 1931?