My personal take on Moon Knight and Love and Thunder after much consideration:
- L+T - opens April 2024 with Jane's diagnosis (4/30 on vial), she travels to New Asgard and gains the powers of Thor, becoming New Asgard's protector until the arrival of Thor Odinson in June 2024 prompted by Gorr's attack. Thor mentions he and Jane broke up "8 years, 7 months, 6 days" ago, placing the break-up early November 2015:
- Thor leaves the Avengers to research the Infinity Stones immediately following the events of Age of Ultron in April-June 2015, however in Ragnarok, taking place in November 2017, Thor says he's been looking for the stones for two years; now obviously he's not going to say "I've been searching for the stones for two years and five months" but this amount of time leaves room for Thor and Jane to have lived together for a few months and split up with Thor leaving Earth November 2015 and searching for the stones for two years until Ragnarok
- MK - April-June 2025 - The overwhelming evidence for this series taking place in 2025 (museum exhibit banners, avoiding overcrowding of 2024, D+ timeline placement [if you put any stock into it], seemingly intentional effort to make the series seem as vague as possible in its timeline placement while simultaneously saying in promotion that there was a definite placement for the series at one point) leads me to the general placement of Spring 2025. This alongside the missing Ennead gods and the removal of any direct references to Gorr in the final release makes me think these gods were killed by Gorr in his culling about a year earlier, hence their absence.
I'm sorry but to think that the producers and vfx artists of the films and series put the effort into the phases of the moon in the background of the shots is a bit absurd, for the series moon knight it's a little understandable what with the theming and attention to detail in the credits but I personally think that was the extent and there was no effort to consciously sync the timelines via the moon phases.