Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 2)

That section is a list of Marvel Studios produced content that is essential to the MCU. It is not a statement of canon.

Disney+ sections and timelines are quite literally complete crap anyway. I'm sick of people talking about them to be honest...
I mean they have both the Phases and Timeline sections that can still remain exclusive for Marvel Studios content. I just don't see any reason why they couldn't place the shows in the Marvel Cinematic Universe section if they do in fact still see them as being canon.

So I think the reason for the delay of Morbius was to
add/ change references to No Way Home. And remove other Spider-Man references that wouldn't have made sense. I bet they didn't really have a "reason" for Adrian Tooms to be in the movie (especially if it was really completed in 2019), until they found a reason after watching No Way Home. Wonder if maybe all of the "bad guys" that were in the MCU "illegally" were transported to the Sony-verse, and somehow Tooms came along for the ride?
Now that would be interesting!
After Venom's success, I think Sony believed they could get away with acting like their universe was its own corner within the MCU. This is why there were references to Venom, Toomes appearing without the multiverse angle, and apparently, the Spider-Man poster was going to switch to Holland and the "Murderer" was going to be in reference to Far From Home's ending.

Then, probably while working on No Way Home with Marvel Studios, they agreed to use that movie's multiverse plot to confirm their universe was in fact separate. Allowing them to still loosely be connected to the MCU, without affecting it. This meant the MCU references had to be removed and the Toomes stuff was reshot to tie-in with No Way Home and bring him into their universe.

So, the Marvel page do not lists Wilson Fisk's appearences on Hawkeye on his profile, but includes an image from episode 6 and lists Hawkeye as related to the character
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I wonder what charaters about will be Marvel Legends episodes before the Echo release. I doubt it will be Echo because she was only in Hawkeye and it's not enauh in my opinion. I bet it will be Kingpin nad maybe Daredevil. I wish they use Defenders Saga scenes.
I wonder what charaters about will be Marvel Legends episodes before the Echo release. I doubt it will be Echo because she was only in Hawkeye and it's not enauh in my opinion. I bet it will be Kingpin nad maybe Daredevil. I wish they use Defenders Saga scenes.
She'll probably be like Moon Knight and not have one.
Sometime before the final swing/reveal I'd imagine.
Personally I don't consider the MCU adverts (E.g. Team Thor, NBA Spider-Man, Loki, Wandavision and TFATWS Car adverts) canon because even though they have mini stories or adventures they weren't created by Marvel or Disney and don't make any logical sense story wise or timeline wise

The only one I think could be canon is the driving lesson one from Spider-Man Homecoming but id have to reference back to the clip and Spider-Man Homecoming to see if the details match up.
Btw can we please decipher the daily bugle videos and tik toks when the physical edition of no way home comes out because its a pain to fit all of them together atm
It has no scenes in the MCU, only the Vulture appears in the postcredit scenes set in the SSU
True, but there's only evidence of time travel during "multiverse transfers" occurring for the "sinister five" (maybe not counting Sandman, since the others were transported before their defeats). I think it's safe to assume that the Peters, Venom and Vulture transfers happened in "real time", meaning whatever moment they left/ entered the MCU would be the same moment in their own universe. Those characters are clearly appearing in their "current" versions, which is safe to assume, occouring parallell to the MCU universe. Right?
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