Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 2)

At this point, I'm not counting any of the TV/streaming series when figuring out the "Phases". A phase begins with and ends with a feature film. The shows are just set whenever they are set.

"Although Marvel hasn't officially confirmed when Moon Knight takes place in the MCU Phase 4 timeline, it does seem to be a show set during the spring or summer. It is for that reason that a setting in the first half of 2024 makes the most sense for Moon Knight. This would mean it takes place at roughly the same time as Shang-Chi and Falcon & Winter Soldier. In any case, the self-contained nature of Moon Knight's story could give Marvel flexibility in determining when exactly it takes place."

"Although Marvel hasn't officially confirmed when Moon Knight takes place in the MCU Phase 4 timeline, it does seem to be a show set during the spring or summer. It is for that reason that a setting in the first half of 2024 makes the most sense for Moon Knight. This would mean it takes place at roughly the same time as Shang-Chi and Falcon & Winter Soldier. In any case, the self-contained nature of Moon Knight's story could give Marvel flexibility in determining when exactly it takes place."
Yet another project that takes place between Endgame and the supposed ending of Phase 3...go figure.

"Although Marvel hasn't officially confirmed when Moon Knight takes place in the MCU Phase 4 timeline, it does seem to be a show set during the spring or summer. It is for that reason that a setting in the first half of 2024 makes the most sense for Moon Knight. This would mean it takes place at roughly the same time as Shang-Chi and Falcon & Winter Soldier. In any case, the self-contained nature of Moon Knight's story could give Marvel flexibility in determining when exactly it takes place."
It's speculation. I feel like 2025 makes more sense since it continues to move the MCU forward and while not always accurate, the Disney + timeline placed it after Hawkeye. If there are no contradictions to this like with Eternals and Shang-Chi's placements, I don't see why it can't work.
At this point, I'm not counting any of the TV/streaming series when figuring out the "Phases". A phase begins with and ends with a feature film. The shows are just set whenever they are set.
The Marvel Studios shows should be considered part of the "Phases" because they actually add to the overall narrative and tie in with the movies in meaningful ways. Unlike the Marvel Television shows which are more supplementary.
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As someone who enjoyed the show, but still found the series canonicity at the very least questionable, I'm glad to see something more concrete when it comes to confirmation. I never understood why Marvel Studios could never commit 100% either way. Even the way Fisk and Matt have been handled so far comes off as people can believe what they want. I just wish if they do consider it canon, that they would at least add it and by association the other shows on the Marvel Cinematic Universe section of Disney +. Which can easily be done without placing them on the actual timeline.
Morbius leaks
Set in Sony's Spider-Man Universe, obviously. Incident in San Francisco is mentioned and the "I Am Venom" line is kept. The Spider-Man graffiti is removed, Oscorp is removed, and Vulture's scenes in prison were cut.

Vulture is transported from Earth-199999 into Sony's Spider-Man Universe by Doctor Strange's spell somehow. It is unknown why he was sent to another universe since the spell appeared to only bring those who know Peter is Spider-Man to Earth-199999, but that is certainly the case. Adrian Toomes finds Michael and asks him if he wants to join a team and take down Spider-Man.

So Toomes is either recruiting characters from Sony's Spider-Man Universe to fight the Spider-Man of that universe or he's going to return with these multiverse characters to the MCU to take on Spider-Man. I don't know, man.
Yes this is true. Just saw the movie today.
I'm guessing that somehow when Eddie was sent back home, Adrian was pulled along with him.
I just wish if they do consider it canon, that they would at least add it and by association the other shows on the Marvel Cinematic Universe section of Disney +. Which can easily be done without placing them on the actual timeline.
That section is a list of Marvel Studios produced content that is essential to the MCU. It is not a statement of canon.

Disney+ sections and timelines are quite literally complete crap anyway. I'm sick of people talking about them to be honest...
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Lol :). But still... screenshot with a Loeb's tv show in MCU section would be even funnier :p.

And I meant on Disney+.
No, I don't think it is on the MCU section. The Defenders Saga is put in the middle of various MCU sections though! Just not the actual MCU section.
So I think the reason for the delay of Morbius was to
add/ change references to No Way Home. And remove other Spider-Man references that wouldn't have made sense. I bet they didn't really have a "reason" for Adrian Tooms to be in the movie (especially if it was really completed in 2019), until they found a reason after watching No Way Home. Wonder if maybe all of the "bad guys" that were in the MCU "illegally" were transported to the Sony-verse, and somehow Tooms came along for the ride?
Now that would be interesting!
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