Marvel Cinematic Universe News, Rumors, and Discussion

I wouldn't be surprised to see Netflix attempt to air all five shows as quickly as possible. Meaning, once production has finished on the first season of AKA JJ, LC, and IF, they'll probably begin pre production on second seasons for them almost immediately. I expect even Iron Fist to also come out next year (AKA JJ in late 2015, Luke Cage in early 2016, Daredevil Season 2 in mid 2016, and Iron Fist in late 2016, with the Defenders airing in early/mid 2017, and likely second seasons of the rest of the show's premiering across the rest of 2017 and into 2018).

That would be cool.

Makes sense, since Wanda will be a part of Cap's new Avengers team at end of Age of Ultron. The new team consists of:

Captain America, Black Widow, War Machine, Scarlet Witch, Vision and Falcon

I bet most, or all, of them will also appear in Civil War. We already know Cap, Widow, Falcon and Scarlet Witch will appear... I wouldn't be surprised to see War Machine and Vision also at least cameo in Civil War (likely with Rhodey siding with Tony, and likely Vision as well since he likely views Tony as a father figure/creator). Plus we know Hawkeye will also appear... And Spidey, of course, and Black Panther (which I'm really looking forward to).
Doctor Strange to make his first appearance in the Iron Fist Netflix series...?

That'd be cool. And I'm sure Cumberbatch would be willing to make a cameo (or just lend his voice as is suggested). In fact they'll likely be filming Iron Fist and Doctor Strange around the same time (likely both will begin filming later this year, though depending on which show premiers first--Iron Fist or Luke Cage--that may not be the case).

Still, it would be cool, and would likely indicate Strange might play a role in The Defenders after all (even if it is a small cameo type role).
Benicio Cumberbottom to be in Iron Fist? I'd be down for that. Kung-fu magic and regular magic. Only way to make it better is to have Dr. Strange in Spider-Man.
i just saw joss left :( that saddens me as I really like him and he was huge hook for me to see more
i just saw joss left :( that saddens me as I really like him and he was huge hook for me to see more

I do think, while Whedon will go on and work on other projects, Marvel will still try to keep him on in a consulting or advisory role, perhaps even relying on him to polish scripts, or whatnot, or input on how to adapt new characters, etc.
I do think, while Whedon will go on and work on other projects, Marvel will still try to keep him on in a consulting or advisory role, perhaps even relying on him to polish scripts, or whatnot, or input on how to adapt new characters, etc.

Not with the way he's been acting in interviews they won't.
Not with the way he's been acting in interviews they won't.

Eh, maybe.

Yeah, the comments about Coulson being brought back to life were oddly snippy.

Considering he wrote the script for the AoS pilot that brought Coulson back to life, I was confused by those statements. I mean, it may have been a move initiated just to bring the MCU to television, and it was a pretty cheap reversal, but if he didn't like the idea he shouldn't have agreed to run with it. It's also kind of inherently insulting to his brother and sister-in-law who run the show, in a way, in regards to resurrected Coulson being the main character of the show.
Well, the Coulson comments, the "I'm so excited" for DC's next film, and him saying he wants to do the next Batman film. I'm sure there's more, but I really try to avoid Whedon like the plague.
Well, the Coulson comments, the "I'm so excited" for DC's next film, and him saying he wants to do the next Batman film. I'm sure there's more, but I really try to avoid Whedon like the plague.

I don't see how any of that is mutually exclusive from him possibly being consulted or playing a smaller role on future Marvel projects, even if only as a producer or brought in to polish up a script, maybe to direct a mid or after credits scene (like he did for Cap-TWS, though that scene did serve as a direct lead in to AoU so it would be a bit different).
All I know is he was brought into to doctor Thor: The Dark World and that's the worst movie Marvel has ever done. I don't like Whedon as a person, I think he's a terrible writer, and The Avengers is average at best with a lot of poor performances from great actors because Whedon is a worse director than he is writer. I'm glad he's gone. Quit trying to keep him :p
All I know is he was brought into to doctor Thor: The Dark World and that's the worst movie Marvel has ever done.

No it's not. Iron Man 2 is far worse. Besides, he wrote, what, a couple scenes? Why not lay the blame at the feet of the people who actually wrote the majority of it?

I don't like Whedon as a person,

Why? That seems entirely over the top.

I think he's a terrible writer,

And I think Ultimates 3 is terrible writing whereas you love it. So what? You thinking he's a terrible writer doesn't make it so anywhere other than in your own mind. He's no Shakespeare, and he may rely on the same familiar tropes too often, but he's far from a terrible writer.

and The Avengers is average at best with a lot of poor performances from great actors because Whedon is a worse director than he is writer. I'm glad he's gone. Quit trying to keep him :p

Which actors gave poor performances in Avengers?

Also, Whedon was able to get mediocre TV actors to act above their caliber in Serenity, so apparently he's not a bad director. The Avengers is a great summer popcorn film and will go down as a classic in the genre, and rightfully so. Once again, it's one of those cases where because almost everyone else likes it, you've got to automatically be opposed to it and rely on vague hyperbole to justify your negativity.

If you're going to call him out, at least elaborate. What in the Avengers film script didn't perfectly capture the team, it's dynamics, and the individual characters?

Who gave a poor performance?

You're just being your usual Debbie Downer self. ;)
Nope, I don't have to do anything. As usual you're being rude and disrespectful when all I'm doing is stating my opinion, you continue to try to label me when you don't even know me and I'm not going continuse feeding you.
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Nope, I don't have to do anything. As usual you're being rude and disrespectful when all I'm doing is stating my opinion, you continue to try to label me when you don't even know me and I'm not going continuse feeding you.

I'm messing with you. I don't know you personally but we've conversed enough through PM's about our personal lives enough that I can safely say I probably know more about you than anyone else on the board, and vice versa.

Further, you were being pretty rude as well. Calling a guy a terrible person without explaining why is a pretty terrible thing to do in and of itself. You're hurling an accusation without backing it up or justifying it in any form.

Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Zedong... those were terrible people. Whedon doesn't qualify as that.

I genuinely asked. You state your opinions, and that's fine, but you resort to using so much hyperbole and exaggeration that you beg to be called out for it. I do it partially seriously, both for conversation's sake and debate's sake, and partly to rib and joke. But you make claims and then never back them up. It's classic trolling behavior.

If those are genuinely your opinions fine, but have the courtesy to explain what you mean. That is essentially the point of these boards, after all: discussion.
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I was thinking it'd be cool if Netflix also eventually did a series sort of like The Pulse comic, following a reporter or group of reporters who focus on super hero stories. It can offer an outsider's view of the superhero world we see from those characters' points of views in the films, whereas that show could show the other side of that coin: the regular people who witness and are affected by these superhuman individuals or disasters like the Battle of New York or the Ultron incident.

It would allow for plenty of cameos (that wouldn't even require the actors who play those roles to show up a lot of the time--instead we can see Iron Man flying through the air in the background, or mentions of Hulk at random spots across the world, or a photographer using a telephoto lens to get shots of Spidey swinging along through the city (assuming Sony sees profit potential in expanding their agreement with Marvel to appearances by Spidey on TV/Netflix). And given the success of Daredevil, and the likely success the future Netflix offerings, erm... offer, I could see Sony being open to that.

But even better, that allows the Daily Bugle to be used, and even more important, the characters that populate it. Urich may be gone, but characters like J. Jonah Jameson, Robbie Robertson, Betty Brant, Jessica Jones (would be a good opportunity to utilize Jessica again after her own show and Defenders appearances, and fit with her comics character history), Kat Farrell, Frederick Foswell, Ned Leeds, Christine Everhart (could bring back the actress from the first two Iron Man films to play an inter-office antagonist role to Jessica or Kat), even Eddie Brock could show up working for a rival newspaper or the Bugle itself.

It could keep the secondary characters from the new Spider-Man movie involved outside the Spidey films, assuming Sony would be onboard.

And even if not, while that does limit the character selection--down to pretty much Jessica, Kat, Christine, and some other Marvel journalist characters not outright owned by Sony (which is tough given Spidey's close association with the preeminent newspaper in the Marvel universe--at least in NYC) and forces the use of a different newspaper (like the one Urich already worked for in Daredevil).

It can delve into both sides of the coin of the super hero world in terms of covering the fantastic and dangerous aspects of it, from the regular citizen's point of view (interviews, etc), offer plenty of world building opportunities (not that it's needed at this point but more usually is a good thing), and actually make utilizing cameos and offhanded mentions of superhero antics (something that often comes off as forced in AoS) seem perfectly natural for the setting and plot of the show.

It'd essentially be the ultimate tool for Marvel to drop Easter Eggs, world build, etc (something they love to do) while still telling compelling stories.

Just liked that idea the more I thought about it. Plus it's been awhile since a good journalism-focused show has been on outside of The Newsroom.
I was thinking it'd be cool if Netflix also eventually did a series sort of like The Pulse comic, following a reporter or group of reporters who focus on super hero stories. It can offer an outsider's view of the superhero world we see from those characters' points of views in the films, whereas that show could show the other side of that coin: the regular people who witness and are affected by these superhuman individuals or disasters like the Battle of New York or the Ultron incident.

It would allow for plenty of cameos (that wouldn't even require the actors who play those roles to show up a lot of the time--instead we can see Iron Man flying through the air in the background, or mentions of Hulk at random spots across the world, or a photographer using a telephoto lens to get shots of Spidey swinging along through the city (assuming Sony sees profit potential in expanding their agreement with Marvel to appearances by Spidey on TV/Netflix). And given the success of Daredevil, and the likely success the future Netflix offerings, erm... offer, I could see Sony being open to that.

But even better, that allows the Daily Bugle to be used, and even more important, the characters that populate it. Urich may be gone, but characters like J. Jonah Jameson, Robbie Robertson, Betty Brant, Jessica Jones (would be a good opportunity to utilize Jessica again after her own show and Defenders appearances, and fit with her comics character history), Kat Farrell, Frederick Foswell, Ned Leeds, Christine Everhart (could bring back the actress from the first two Iron Man films to play an inter-office antagonist role to Jessica or Kat), even Eddie Brock could show up working for a rival newspaper or the Bugle itself.

It could keep the secondary characters from the new Spider-Man movie involved outside the Spidey films, assuming Sony would be onboard.

And even if not, while that does limit the character selection--down to pretty much Jessica, Kat, Christine, and some other Marvel journalist characters not outright owned by Sony (which is tough given Spidey's close association with the preeminent newspaper in the Marvel universe--at least in NYC) and forces the use of a different newspaper (like the one Urich already worked for in Daredevil).

It can delve into both sides of the coin of the super hero world in terms of covering the fantastic and dangerous aspects of it, from the regular citizen's point of view (interviews, etc), offer plenty of world building opportunities (not that it's needed at this point but more usually is a good thing), and actually make utilizing cameos and offhanded mentions of superhero antics (something that often comes off as forced in AoS) seem perfectly natural for the setting and plot of the show.

It'd essentially be the ultimate tool for Marvel to drop Easter Eggs, world build, etc (something they love to do) while still telling compelling stories.

Just liked that idea the more I thought about it. Plus it's been awhile since a good journalism-focused show has been on outside of The Newsroom.

I like it.

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