Lost *spoilers*

Pretty good explanation there, Random. I'll buy that.

I was surprised they did not include Walt in the finale, too. There were pictures of him on the set circulating on DarkUFO with Michael Emerson. I wonder what the deal was. Ultimately, I was glad that he didn't show up because, since he left in season two, he wasn't relevant. Neither was Michael but they had to rap his story up, I guess.

I thought it was interesting how Ben didn't go inside. I thought that was him trying to let them all be after what he did to them... Although they have reconciled.
I thought it was interesting how Ben didn't go inside. I thought that was him trying to let them all be after what he did to them... Although they have reconciled.

He wasn't ready. I think he wanted to spend more time with Alex and Rousseau. It's like Eloise not wanting Daniel to go with them just yet.
Pretty good explanation there, Random. I'll buy that.
I was surprised they did not include Walt in the finale, too. There were pictures of him on the set circulating on DarkUFO with Michael Emerson. I wonder what the deal was. Ultimately, I was glad that he didn't show up because, since he left in season two, he wasn't relevant. Neither was Michael but they had to rap his story up, I guess.
It probably was a pacing problem, that the scene was just out of place and didn't flow well and they already had so much.
I thought it was interesting how Ben didn't go inside. I thought that was him trying to let them all be after what he did to them... Although they have reconciled.

He wasn't ready. I think he wanted to spend more time with Alex and Rousseau. It's like Eloise not wanting Daniel to go with them just yet.

Definitely, he got over the things he's done but he still wants to see Alex grow and be happy for a while before moving on. Like Eloise wanting to see her son happy after forcing him into a life he didn't want that was full of pain and loss just so he'll die all for the island. I find that more fitting to leave those characters there than simply moving on with the rest.
I can't wait to watch the episode today... wait... uh oh.

I don't know if this is a huge fan issue already, but how did the MiB appear(as Christian) to Michael on the freighter, or Jack in the hospital that night?

I think that was actually Christian's ghost, Hurley did relay a message from Charlie to Jack that someone will be visiting him too. And a part of me thinks Christian was one of the whisperers and was able to move on as Michael took his place.

Christian was certainly actually Christian some times. At least when he appeared to Jack off island (unless that was a drug induced hallucination). I wonder about the "missing pieces" episode where he tells Vincent to go wake Jack up before the opening shot. And as far as him appearing to Michael on the freighter, I don't understand why the actual Christian would do that. But Then again, i can't figure out how smoke would have been able to get there or why he would have appeared to him either.

Awesome discovery today:
EDIT: Never mind...i was wrong, but read below to see the actual cool discovery.
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Awesome discovery today:
My friend and I were discussing LOST and he wondered what Juliet meant when she told Sawyer that "it worked" in the premiere. We realized that in the finale she told Sawyer (in the afterlife world) to unplug the vending machine and then plug it back in, and when he did it the candy bar came out and Sawyer said, "It worked."
when Sawyer forced Miles to tell him what her final thoughts were, Miles said it was something about a candy bar!
I thought Miles only told Sawyer "it worked" I don't recall anything about a candy bar. But remember before she died she mumbled something about getting coffee. Also a thought I just had was she could have been a fail safe like Desmond if she hadn't died. That hitting the bomb prevented the pocket of energy from being released and gave her a momentary visit to the after life just like Desmond. And like Desmond she didn't realize it was death thinking the bomb worked.
Awesome discovery today:
My friend and I were discussing LOST and he wondered what Juliet meant when she told Sawyer that "it worked" in the premiere. We realized that in the finale she told Sawyer (in the afterlife world) to unplug the vending machine and then plug it back in, and when he did it the candy bar came out and Sawyer said, "It worked."
when Sawyer forced Miles to tell him what her final thoughts were, Miles said it was something about a candy bar!

Christian was certainly actually Christian some times. At least when he appeared to Jack off island (unless that was a drug induced hallucination). I wonder about the "missing pieces" episode where he tells Vincent to go wake Jack up before the opening shot. And as far as him appearing to Michael on the freighter, I don't understand why the actual Christian would do that. But Then again, i can't figure out how smoke would have been able to get there or why he would have appeared to him either.

Awesome discovery today:
My friend and I were discussing LOST and he wondered what Juliet meant when she told Sawyer that "it worked" in the premiere. We realized that in the finale she told Sawyer (in the afterlife world) to unplug the vending machine and then plug it back in, and when he did it the candy bar came out and Sawyer said, "It worked."
when Sawyer forced Miles to tell him what her final thoughts were, Miles said it was something about a candy bar!

I thought Miles only told Sawyer "it worked" I don't recall anything about a candy bar. But remember before she died she mumbled something about getting coffee. Also a thought I just had was she could have been a fail safe like Desmond if she hadn't died. That hitting the bomb prevented the pocket of energy from being released and gave her a momentary visit to the after life just like Desmond. And like Desmond she didn't realize it was death thinking the bomb worked.

You're right Random. i messed that one up. My bad.

Miles didn't say anything about a candy bar, he said she was thinking that it worked. But before Juliet died, she said, "we should go for coffee some time" and "kiss me James" which she said after they remembered each other in the afterlife.

so it's still pretty cool.

I think that was actually Christian's ghost, Hurley did relay a message from Charlie to Jack that someone will be visiting him too. And a part of me thinks Christian was one of the whisperers and was able to move on as Michael took his place.

You're probably right about the hospital visit. That theory makes sense about the freighter visit too but I kind of have a hard time believing they planned it that way and just hadn't figured out the MiB's parameters yet.

You're right Random. i messed that one up. My bad.

Miles didn't say anything about a candy bar, he said she was thinking that it worked. But before Juliet died, she said, "we should go for coffee some time" and "kiss me James" which she said after they remembered each other in the afterlife.

so it's still pretty cool.

I think this illustrates my point.

If she had said something about a candy bar, and the series never mentioned it again, anyone who asked in retrospect about this strangely specific detail would be met with "It's just a meaningless detail! How can you be hung up on something that unimportant?".

But as soon as we thought it actually did have a brilliant meaning dozens of episodes later, it's this AWESOME detail people are flipping out over.

THIS is how the series could've been much better, and one of the key things I always loved about it. I wanted and expected them to do stuff like this with the Numbers, Walt's computer, the Hurley bird, and so on, and if they could've, apparently you guys would've loved it too.
I saw that before, brilliant

You're probably right about the hospital visit. That theory makes sense about the freighter visit too but I kind of have a hard time believing they planned it that way and just hadn't figured out the MiB's parameters yet.
That's a very real possibility, though I think they knew that MIB was going to be the villain and thus didn't speak on behalf of the island. I think they knew Michael was going to join the whispers and he'd be the means which we found out about it. The exact details would be filled in later. It just seems to odd that the smoke monster would tell him he can go now. But who knows.
I think this illustrates my point.

If she had said something about a candy bar, and the series never mentioned it again, anyone who asked in retrospect about this strangely specific detail would be met with "It's just a meaningless detail! How can you be hung up on something that unimportant?".

But as soon as we thought it actually did have a brilliant meaning dozens of episodes later, it's this AWESOME detail people are flipping out over.

THIS is how the series could've been much better, and one of the key things I always loved about it. I wanted and expected them to do stuff like this with the Numbers, Walt's computer, the Hurley bird, and so on, and if they could've, apparently you guys would've loved it too.

I completely get that and I feel they had an answer for all those things but opted to focus on ending the story as best they can than play connect the dots which could have resulted in a much more convolted story telling. But I think "Meaningless" is the wrong word to describe it, "not-as-important" would be better phrasing for it. If they never brought up the coffee again, nothing would have changed. The story would be exactly the same and you can come to your own very simple conclusions what that means. It could have been just to illustrate how she was close to death, hallucinating and/or just telling the audience the flash sideways will be important by the "it worked" phrase. It does add a layer of interest, but not as important a plot point. If they had said "Numbers is the equation of fate, Hurely bird is just a rare endangered bird on the island, and Walt found a computer in room 23 that the other didn't know was connected to the Dharma network and thus the Swan. This doesn't change the story, it doesn't develop the characters or lead into the ending. It will just be another layer that makes you go "oh, cool". Now this isn't to say that I wouldn't love to hear these answers, but I don't think it's worth getting riled up over.

I guess you'll just have to let it go. Ah, you see what I just did right there? Awesome.

Also I found this interesting a guy wrote on sl-lost.com
I doubt I'll buy the extended collection that's due out in August, as I have no desire to know any of the "secrets" that the producers want to share. I'd rather speculate for eternity, thank you very much.
Now that's a true fan if I ever saw one.
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That's a very real possibility, though I think they knew that MIB was going to be the villain and thus didn't speak on behalf of the island. I think they knew Michael was going to join the whispers and he'd be the means which we found out about it. The exact details would be filled in later. It just seems to odd that the smoke monster would tell him he can go now. But who knows.

What could shed light on it is what he was wearing. For the last couple seasons, the smoke monster always Christianed around on the island in casual button-up shirts, but in the hospital scene (the presumably real)Christian was wearing the suit he died in again. I can't remember what he was wearing on the freighter, but I think it was a normal shirt.

I completely get that and I feel they had an answer for all those things but opted to focus on ending the story as best they can than play connect the dots which could have resulted in a much more convolted story telling. But I think "Meaningless" is the wrong word to describe it, "not-as-important" would be better phrasing for it.

You're right about the phrasing, but even so, I think everything weirdly specific like that was at least important enough to make sense of later.

If they never brought up the coffee again, nothing would have changed. The story would be exactly the same and you can come to your own very simple conclusions what that means. It could have been just to illustrate how she was close to death, hallucinating and/or just telling the audience the flash sideways will be important by the "it worked" phrase. It does add a layer of interest, but not as important a plot point. If they had said "Numbers is the equation of fate, Hurely bird is just a rare endangered bird on the island, and Walt found a computer in room 23 that the other didn't know was connected to the Dharma network and thus the Swan. This doesn't change the story, it doesn't develop the characters or lead into the ending. It will just be another layer that makes you go "oh, cool". Now this isn't to say that I wouldn't love to hear these answers, but I don't think it's worth getting riled up over.

It's not that it changes the story or that the last season was in any way bad for lacking it. It's just that stuff like this, IMO, proves it could've been a lot better(assuming the answers were better than endangered birds and stuff). Heck, they could've worked this stuff in all throughout the last season and had the finale episode be identical to what we saw.

Anyway, I'm not riled up because I thought it was bad or anything. It just wasn't the best(non-LOTR or Ocarina of Time) thing I've ever seen, and it totally could've been. "Exodus" pretty much was.

I guess you'll just have to let it go. Ah, you see what I just did right there? Awesome.

You proved that even some forum guy can work perfect mytharc moments into a post without ruining the flow or meaning. So why can't they?;)
Remember when Sawyer was watching Little House on the Prairie in "Recon"?

LAURA: It's not me I'm worried about. I just don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to you or Ma.

CHARLES: Anyway, nothing's gonna happen to us. Not today, anyway. It's the way you live this life; each day, one at a time. Now, if you spend your whole life worryin' about something that's gonna happen, before you know it, your life's over and you spent an awful lot of it just worryin'.

[Laughter is heard in the background on the show.]

CHARLES: Hey, you hear that? Now that's what life's all about. Laughin' and lovin' each other. And knowin' that people aren't really gone when they die. We have all the good memories to sustain us until we see 'em again.

LAURA: It's hard not being afraid, Pa...

CHARLES: I know, sweetheart. I know.

I think these flashsideways are going to be much better upon rewatching.
This has me worried:

Disney has officially set Lost: The Final Season for DVD and Blu-ray Disc release on 8/24 (SRP $59.99 and $79.99). The 5-disc set will include original scripted content produced by Damon Lindeloff and Carlton Cuse, bloopers and deleted scenes, audio commentaries, the Lost on Location and Crafting a Final Season featurettes and more. Meanwhile, Disney will also release Lost: The Complete Series on DVD and Blu-ray on 8/24 (SRP $229.99 and $279.99). That will be a 38-disc DVD set and a 36-disc Blu-ray set. Extras will include a full disc of exclusive-to-this-set bonus content (2+ hours) and all of the bonus content from the previous season sets. More details are expected to be announced soon.

It would be kind of cruel to only have the bonus content available with the complete series. :(