Lost *spoilers*

Does Jack's kid even really exist?

No, it was just a way for him to deal with his father issues.

I'm encountering a lot of people who seem preoccupied with what "really" did or did not happen. The sideways-verse was certainly a literary device. It allowed for another perspective (and effectual summation) on the character arcs we'd seen so far, but within a postmodern work like LOST, that doesn't necessarily make it more or less "real" than anything else. Jack had a son in the sense that there were stories told where Jack was with his biological offspring. On the other hand, Craig's right in that the show (and Sideways-verse as an effectual purgatory of sorts) was primarily utilizing that as a metaphysical examination of Jack's daddy issues.
If anything, this episode stressed just how unimportant the reoccurring mythology motifs were. The whispers and numbers are hardly even a factor. I've explained so many times why answers, explanations and a clearly defined backdrop are contrary to the entire notion of LOST that I'm just tired of it. It's a show about character interactions, and the finale hammered this point home, with an entirely comprehensive final statement on this aspect. I think that framing a show with deliberately surreal and unexplainable Sci Fi strangeness just helped exemplify the situation that the characters were in, working to accentuate certain points of the narrative. It's hardly implicative of shallowness. The producers have said numerous times that it's meant to be a show along the lines of Twin Peaks, where questions are raised that you have to answer for yourself. Theorizing, thinking and discussing is the whole point.

The only real problem I had with the finale was Jack's fight with MiB. I thought that was anticlimactic and poorly staged. Otherwise, it was great.

Agreed to a T!

Great finale, overall. Nice resolutions to the characters' stories (at least in the Flash-sideways), and the final 15 minutes was some of the most heart-tugging television I've ever been privy to. I was impressed, satisfied, and feel that all the relevant questions were answered. As you said, anything else is just fluff (or just left up to us to answer).
I've just gotten back and don't really feel like reading all the posts yet but I just want to write down my thoughts.
I loved it, very emotional and a great send off to the series and its characters. It'll be easier to point out the things I didn't like, all of which isn't a big deal to me:

1- Smoke Monster's death- I loved everything except we didn't get one final smoke effect. I was hoping to see the body disintegrate into smoke, writhe in absolute pain then dissipate. It makes sense that since he turn mortal there would just be a body, but would be nice to send off the smoke monster in style.

2- Island's destruction - I loved seeing pieces of fall and the peril it put the survivors in. But I wished it showed this to be "fate of the world" climax. I'm thinking if they showed some off island people with a world wide earthquake. Eloise, Aaron, Walt. Specially Walt. I picture him being calm in a room full of people panicking at the quake with a smile knowing everything will be fine.

3- LA X - The idea of it being a purgatory like state of death kind of doesn't sit right with me. It makes perfect sense and everything they remember something it warms my heart. That kind of emotional scenes only work with the six year of character building. And I did love that last moments in the church with christian opening the door, beautiful scene, I also loved that they showed a symbol from every major religion in the casket scene, so people don't get hang up on one religious interpretation. And that revelation was a great one final mind ****. I also didn't like how it took too much focus away from the island action. The final back and forth editing could have been better.

4- the unanswered- As many of you know I don't really care for full out explanations to all these answers but there are a few things I would have like to have clarified. Being Special, could have been mentioned in the scene between Ben and Locke something as simple as "You were able to not just hear Jacob, but the island itself" would have been great. And how Eloise saw the timeline, I assume it's a hyped up version of What Desmond had during season 3. And really that's it.

I really loved it and actually got misty eyed during some of it. Seeing the plane take off after seeing so many that have crashed was great. Jack's final moments were perfect. And they did an unbelievable job keeping the final twist a secret, I didn't get it until after Jack said it. And the moment between him and Christian were great.

Also on my car ride home I thought of something that blew my mind. Some people made it a point to point out that the title LAX was spelt LA X with a space. On Lostpedia they listed Earth X as a possible reference, I thought since Paradise X deals with alternate realities but then I remembered that the dead exist in a reality where they believe they are alive and once they realize their dead work together to find paradise. And I thought "those clever bastards."
I will save more detailed thoughts for my column, but two things:

1) I'm man enough to admit I cried like a baby.

2) There now needs to be a comic showing Hurley and Ben's adventures guarding the island.
I just watched it. Found it fantastic.

High points for me (and I mean punching the air and screaming Yeah!);

- Sawyer calling Flocke Smokey. I've been waiting for that to happen the entire season.
- Sawyer calling Miles Enos. I was all like, no way!? I can't believe I got that reference!
- Hurley ending up the island guardian. I was totally fooled in believing it was going to be Jack.
- Hurley meeting Charley again.
- Most of the couples meeting up. I teared up during most of em.
- The return of frank. Did not see that coming!

Things I liked less:
- I realise the Jack/Kate relationship needed some closure, but I was pretty sick of that love triangle. Even though we all knew she would end up with Jack after Sawyer got with Juliet.
- Not seeing Eko again.
- No girls left on the island. Exept maybe Rose.
The Man in Black's real name is apparently
and there will be some extra footage on the DVD, including something with Walt and some other answers.
The Man in Black's real name is apparently
and there will be some extra footage on the DVD, including something with Walt and some other answers.

Cool. I really can't wait to check out the DVD and hear them talk about the series without having to hold anything back. Also on Lostpedia I found out why Eko didn't appear
Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje was offered a guest spot in this episode, but this was cut after he demanded five times the amount of money he was offered.
Come on Eko, can't you be a team player?

Also I found this interesting, I love when they subtly add in an explanation like this
When Juliet tells Sawyer the secret to get the candy bar out of the vending machine, she says you can unplug it and plug it back in again and its technically legal. This is what Desmond and Jack do with the Heart of the Island
What happens when the Ajira plane lands and two 815 survivors who were apparently dead and one of the Oceanic Six get off?
The Man in Black's real name is apparently
and there will be some extra footage on the DVD, including something with Walt and some other answers.
source plz!

What happens when the Ajira plane lands and two 815 survivors who were apparently dead and one of the Oceanic Six get off?
hahaha, i never thought of that!

I loved Hurley and Ben... That was perfect.
yeah, Ben's redemption was the best part of the episode for me.

The whispers HAVE been answered, and even more so by the fact that the flash-sideways verse was LITERALLY their spirits lingering on the island.
I have to admit, i wasn't satisfied with Michael's quick explanation of the whispers, but after seeing the finale I feel like they addressed the idea of the dead not being able to move on. I'm now satisfied with that.

So they didn't answer a lot of questions. I'm more okay with that than i thought I would have been. It was a great episode and there have been enough clues to try and figure some of the stuff out.

So, let's stop arguing about what the show was about and talk about our theories!

My understanding of the mysteries revealed by the finale is as follows:

The light/electromagnetism is, as they said, the source of life and death, good, evil, reality, time, etc. (They didn't say all of that, but they said some of it explicitly and sort of implied that it was all encompassing.) Desmond was special (either naturally, or because he turned the fail safe key) and was able to travel in space, time, and even between death and life by using the light/electromagnetism.

In the lost mythos, when people die, they have baggage to work out before they can move on (it seems like they rejoin the light in a sort of circle of life type deal). In order to deal with their baggage, they go to a place in between (the "flash-sideways") and "live" a fantasy life, unaware that they're dead. In order for them to move on they have to come to terms with their real life and real death. Then they have to let go (that's been a recurring phrase) of their fantasy and/or the things they did in their lives. Some people refuse to come to terms with their real life and death, others come to terms with it, but can't let go either because they can't forgive themselves (Michael, Ben, Eloise, Ana Lucia) or they feel like they still have work to do (Jacob, Jacob and MiB's biological mother, Richard's wife at the end of Ab Eterno, Charile, possibly Christian Shepherd part of the time). These people are the ghosts we've seen, not the apparition forms that the MiB took (Locke, Yemi, Walt, Christian (at least most of the time), Richard's wife that appears while he's still chained on the boat).

Because the Island is where the light source resides, the walls between life and death are a little thinner so sometimes people hear whispers of these dead people who haven't moved on. I'm not sure why it happens especially around the others, maybe because of their connection to Jacob? Hurley and Miles' connection to the dead and ability to communicate with them in their different ways are sort of minor issues that can be swept aside by saying that they are "special"

A lot of the things that happened on the island were just because of Jacob's rules. Ben says that this definitely applies to people not being allowed to leave (although, I'm still not convinced that applies to MiB because of the island as a cork discussion). Jacob's rules may also be the reason babies aren't allowed to be born on the island, but I feel like there was something deeper going on there that ties into Jacob & MiB's relationship with their crazy mom and that ties into the statue of Tawret. Whatever the reason that babies aren't allowed to be born on the island, I'm pretty sure it ties in with all the children being important (Walt, Aaron, Alex, Ethan, the children kidnapped from the tailies).

And I have no idea why throwing MiB into the source turned him into smokey. That one I'd love to hear some theories on.

None of the other mysteries (Jack's grandpa, why was Libby in the mental institute, Hurley Bird, the shooting on the outrigger during the time flashes in season 5, etc, etc, etc) are that important to me.
I think one of the most brilliant things about the series as a whole is that they were able to create a show where the main conflict was faith vs. science and were able to metatextually force the audience to make the same choice the main character did. By the end of Jack's arc he is ready to embrace faith and do the things he needs to do and accept the way things happen because he must. He no longer needs to know why he must lower desmond down a hole or why he must put the pillar back in the slot lkike he did when he was pressing the button. The creators of the show ask the viewer to do the same. Don't ask why Walt is special or how the island cured cancer. Know that it did, believe that he is. That's what's important.
So they didn't answer a lot of questions. I'm more okay with that than i thought I would have been. It was a great episode and there have been enough clues to try and figure some of the stuff out.

So, let's stop arguing about what the show was about and talk about our theories!

My understanding of the mysteries revealed by the finale is as follows:

The light/electromagnetism is, as they said, the source of life and death, good, evil, reality, time, etc. (They didn't say all of that, but they said some of it explicitly and sort of implied that it was all encompassing.) Desmond was special (either naturally, or because he turned the fail safe key) and was able to travel in space, time, and even between death and life by using the light/electromagnetism.

In the lost mythos, when people die, they have baggage to work out before they can move on (it seems like they rejoin the light in a sort of circle of life type deal). In order to deal with their baggage, they go to a place in between (the "flash-sideways") and "live" a fantasy life, unaware that they're dead. In order for them to move on they have to come to terms with their real life and real death. Then they have to let go (that's been a recurring phrase) of their fantasy and/or the things they did in their lives. Some people refuse to come to terms with their real life and death, others come to terms with it, but can't let go either because they can't forgive themselves (Michael, Ben, Eloise, Ana Lucia) or they feel like they still have work to do (Jacob, Jacob and MiB's biological mother, Richard's wife at the end of Ab Eterno, Charile, possibly Christian Shepherd part of the time). These people are the ghosts we've seen, not the apparition forms that the MiB took (Locke, Yemi, Walt, Christian (at least most of the time), Richard's wife that appears while he's still chained on the boat).

Because the Island is where the light source resides, the walls between life and death are a little thinner so sometimes people hear whispers of these dead people who haven't moved on. I'm not sure why it happens especially around the others, maybe because of their connection to Jacob? Hurley and Miles' connection to the dead and ability to communicate with them in their different ways are sort of minor issues that can be swept aside by saying that they are "special"

A lot of the things that happened on the island were just because of Jacob's rules. Ben says that this definitely applies to people not being allowed to leave (although, I'm still not convinced that applies to MiB because of the island as a cork discussion). Jacob's rules may also be the reason babies aren't allowed to be born on the island, but I feel like there was something deeper going on there that ties into Jacob & MiB's relationship with their crazy mom and that ties into the statue of Tawret. Whatever the reason that babies aren't allowed to be born on the island, I'm pretty sure it ties in with all the children being important (Walt, Aaron, Alex, Ethan, the children kidnapped from the tailies).
I feel that's a good summary of how things happen. As for births, I still think the Incident caused that. Making it ironic the Juliet caused the incident
And I have no idea why throwing MiB into the source turned him into smokey. That one I'd love to hear some theories on.
I think that would happen to anyone, they cave also was noticeably dimmer in the finale than it was when Smokey was thrown it, I think that event dimmed the light a bit. Desmond survived from building an immunity during the fail safe, and his connection of mind, body and soul that was forged through his travels. I think the protector of the island is also immune which is why Jack survived with his soul intact.
the first video's not available. But I'm certainly glad they're going to answer some more questions on the DVD. I wish they did it as missing pieces episodes though.

And after seeing Malcom David Kelly (Walt) I can understand why it would be difficult to do anything more with him.

I feel that's a good summary of how things happen.

As for births, I still think the Incident caused that. Making it ironic the Juliet caused the incident
I've heard that theory, did they ever say that's the explanation? They were worried about Ethan's Mom giving birth on the island before the incident.

I think that would happen to anyone, they cave also was noticeably dimmer in the finale than it was when Smokey was thrown it, I think that event dimmed the light a bit. Desmond survived from building an immunity during the fail safe, and his connection of mind, body and soul that was forged through his travels. I think the protector of the island is also immune which is why Jack survived with his soul intact.
I read a theory that Jack became the smoke monster after the fixed the source. (How did he get out of the cave?) I don't think that's true, but it was an interesting theory.

There were also some theories that the smoke monster was older than MiB, since the temple had pictures of it and Egypt came before Rome (Claudia and her ship were pretty clearly Roman). So maybe there was a protective curse on the cave that if anyone went down into it, they would become the smoke monster and be forced to be a security system for the island; they would be stuck as the security system until the current guardian (Jacob) died.
I've heard that theory, did they ever say that's the explanation? They were worried about Ethan's Mom giving birth on the island before the incident.
Nope they never explained it, but if I'm right than where would they have the chance to?
I read a theory that Jack became the smoke monster after the fixed the source. (How did he get out of the cave?) I don't think that's true, but it was an interesting theory.
I thought of that possibility too, I think for that theory when he died and closed his eyes that's when he was released in smoke monster form. But I really don't think that's the case
There were also some theories that the smoke monster was older than MiB, since the temple had pictures of it and Egypt came before Rome (Claudia and her ship were pretty clearly Roman). So maybe there was a protective curse on the cave that if anyone went down into it, they would become the smoke monster and be forced to be a security system for the island; they would be stuck as the security system until the current guardian (Jacob) died.
Actually that's pretty good, some rule were lifted when Jacob died. I think there have been Smoke monsters before who were defeated Just as MIB was
The Man in Black's real name is apparently
and there will be some extra footage on the DVD, including something with Walt and some other answers.

Thats good news. The lack of Walt in the finale was really the only thing that bugged me (well, him and Eko). Glad we're getting some more material on the DVD. It'd be cool if they extended the episode instead of just deleted scenes.

I think one of the most brilliant things about the series as a whole is that they were able to create a show where the main conflict was faith vs. science and were able to metatextually force the audience to make the same choice the main character did. By the end of Jack's arc he is ready to embrace faith and do the things he needs to do and accept the way things happen because he must. He no longer needs to know why he must lower desmond down a hole or why he must put the pillar back in the slot lkike he did when he was pressing the button. The creators of the show ask the viewer to do the same. Don't ask why Walt is special or how the island cured cancer. Know that it did, believe that he is. That's what's important.

Well said.
I don't know if this is a huge fan issue already, but how did the MiB appear(as Christian) to Michael on the freighter, or Jack in the hospital that night?

I think that was actually Christian's ghost, Hurley did relay a message from Charlie to Jack that someone will be visiting him too. And a part of me thinks Christian was one of the whisperers and was able to move on as Michael took his place.