The Timeline Guy
leather_w0lf said:Wow. What a season finale.
First off - I WAS RIGHT:
"3.) Jack and co. are captured by the Others.
In all 3 cases, Michael has been blown in by the Others and has escaped in Desmond's boat"
Well, mostly. I didn't think Michael would blow himself in. And I'm sure that Jack & Kate have another plan. Who else noticed we didn't see Sayid, Jin or Sun after they found the deserted camp. The Others aka The Hostiles are in for it. The "HOTHERS?" lol.
All we learned that has already been posted plus some things that I'm sure we have no clue about. Things people failed to point out:
1.) FACT: Kelvin was indeed Sayid's "handler" in Iraq (See "One of Them."). He wasn't a twin. Or was he?
No, I'm pretty sure its the same guy. I think he even mentioned he worked for the CIA in Iraq before coming there and pressing the button.
2.) SPECULATION: Libby's "dead" husband's name was Dave. Refresh my sarcastic memory. Who was Hurley's imaginary friend? And who was institutionalized with Hurley?
Good point.
3.) MYSTERY: Penny is apparently still looking for Desmond (?). Might we see a rescue attempt in the future which may bring more people to the island? I am speculating that she may not be looking for Desmond as much as she is looking for the island - did Dharma "lose" their island?
Well they somehow made a food drop just outside the Hatch a week before the ending of the finale, so I find it hard to believe they lost its location.
And speaking of the guys at the Antartic research base: Tell me this isn't Matthew Fox in extra make up: http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/gal....html?photo=89
That link doesn't work because it doesn't contain the full link.
4.) MORE MYSTERY: Check this out on Walt's Comics: http://www.lostlinks.net/comic/comic1.htm
Seems that his comics may have some tie to the show itself - especially with the polar bear and the bird in his flashback. It seems Walt's preternatural abilties were enhanced on the island. I wonder if Belle/ Ms. Q is some how blood related to Walt's Mother.
compound said:It wasn't just any old signal -- it now means that there are people in the outside world (namely Penny and her associates, but maybe others) who can now search for the Island. I'd say that's a pretty signficant effect, wouldn't you?
It also confirms that the outside world still exists, effectively ending all the speculation about afterlife and purgatory, that still persists among Lost fans.
Plus, it gave us a decisive answer about the Button AND the cause of the crash.
Maybe he wasn't the person the Others were expecting? What if "Hurley" is not really Hugo Reyes (which was the name on Ms. Klugh's paper)? Maybe "Dave" (Libby's husband or Hurley's friend) could be the real Hugo Reyes?
That seems overly complicated.
Ultimate Houde said:I usually don't add my thoughts, but here they are.
Des, Locke and Eko aren't dead, simply stuck in the now destroyed Hatch. Locke's backstory has yet to be finished, and Eko has recieved too much of a fan base to be killed off this early.
Agreed. Its just one of the cliffhangers for the third season. I guarantee we don't even find out what happens to them until the second or third episode of the third season, as I believe the first several episodes will follow the formula the second season took and have the first three episodes taking place on the same day from different characters viewpoints, etc. But I'm willing to bet none of them are dead. However, this would be a good way to explain Locke being forced back into his wheel chair, since even the leg injury didn't do that. Perhaps he's injured enough to require it, and its a sort of penance for losing faith. This could also be a plot line which brings Locke and Eko to more of an understanding attitude after their altercations in this one.
I have to agree with Goodwill, Des stole the damn finale last night.
The appearence of Clancy Brown, the voice of LEx, as a tie in to Sayid's flashback was great. Has his body been found on the island? If it hasn't, I'm assuming he is still alive and kicking...somewhere.
The Pearl station was the real pyschological test station. Brillant. Didn't see that one at all.
Wait...you didn't see that coming? Thats so unlike you, Houde.
The electromagnet being the cause of the plane's crash, very believable. Are we lead to believe that the button has been pushed for the several years? Something is still fishy about the Hatch's in general.
I'm intrigued.
Goodwill said:Here are a few things...
I've been scouring the internet for Season 3 rumors and I've found a few interesting things. A producer by the name of Carlton Cuse reveals that Season 3 will focus primarily on two things - love and the Others. Now that the Lostaways have been on the island for more than 60 days, it's reasonable, to say the least, that they will become more comfortable with each other. We got small tastes of this throughout the second season (Kate/Jack kissing, Ana Lucia/Sawyer getting 'caught in a net', and most recently Charlie and Claire hooking up). Also, the love between Desmond and Penny resonates throughout the third season, giving hope to the Lostaways... Could there be an opportunity to leave? Finally, the Others. As we are well aware of, the Others have a lot of mysteries surrounding them. Henry Gale will be given a prominant role in the third season as well as Ms. Klugh. It should be nothing short of a thrill to dive even deeper into the relationships as long as it doesn't get to soap opera-y and even better to have more light shed on the Others... Now that we got the initial mystery out of the way, we'll be able to have some fun with these characters to. I really like Henry's character, despite his odd turn last night, and can't wait to see more.
Sounds good to me.
It's interesting, Compound, that you thought about the buttons like that. You've gotta wonder - why was there a giant magnet under the Hatch all this time? Why would someone need one on an island? Also, if it could potentially save them from this 'snow globe', why not just stop pressing the buttons and get out of there? At some point the function of the buttons had to be different or, rather, they had a different meaning before even Kelvin came along.
It is because of this that I believe the Swan was just as much a physcological test as the Pearl. Someone has been pulling a lot of strings since the experiments began.
I'm thinking along the same lines.
The Others... I'm so glad Season 3 promises to shed some light on them because I'm absolutely at a loss. If they wanted Walt so much, why did they give him up just as easily as they took him? What was the purpose? You've got to wonder whether or noth they are finished with him or Michael. They could just be leading them into another trap. Also, what will they do with Jack, Kate, and Sawyer? Why them? This, too, has me scratching my head. Sure, they may be the most capable people, but they were chosen for a very specific reason, right? What?
The fate of Locke, Eko, and Desmond better be explained the very first episode of the third season. If not, I might not watch the show...
Yeah, right...
I am not entirely thrilled with this Penny chick coming in and trying to actually reach the island but we'll see where that goes... Just as long as Desmond is still alive to be reunited with her...
The actor was signed on for Season 3 as a regular, wasn't he?
leather_w0lf said:Carlton Cuse replaced JJ Abrams as a writer/producer on the show when JJ took MI: III on.
I heard 5 seasons.
Thats the number most often tossed around. Like I said, I'm thinking they'll be on the island for around 6 months and the series finale will probably have them getting off of it somehow.
Ultimate Warrior said:Here's a working link and yes, it's very possible http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/gallery/223.html?photo=89
Now that I look at it, it could be him. Looks like they just put a slightly bigger nose on, some glasses and the wool cap. They do look very much alike.
Planet-man said:Believe me, that's all I could think about during that scene. Maybe it's his twin or something.
EDIT: His = Jack's, not Matthew's.
His Bad Twin[/i]?
moonmaster said:Pretty good finale. Not as good as Season One's, but that one was almost insurpassable.
Does anyone find the most interesting cliffhanger to be what Jack and Kate's plan is? I just keep on thinking that they're gonna do something really, really cool during the season premier.
I'm wondering about that also.
Goodwill said:Wiki!
Season three will begin airing October 4, 2006. It will include 25 episodes that will be delivered in two blocks: an initial fall arc of seven episodes and a second run of eighteen consecutive episodes beginning in January or February 2007. According to executive producer Damon Lindelof, there will be new characters in this season as the fans get to know more of the plane crash survivors. There will be fewer flashbacks of the original characters since the new ones will have their own that will become a unique and central component of the series.
Now this really sets me off... New characters that the flashbacks will have to handle? No, no. I want me some Jack, Locke, Sawyer, and Charlie flashbacks still.
I'm sure you'll still get to see theirs, they just might limit it to only one or two flashback episodes per season per character. This is the same thing they did with Season 2 by bringing in the Tailies. It might be kind of refreshing to see the island from some new viewpoints. Especially if we get more episodes like "The Other 48 Days" which show some of the bigger events through their eyes (assuming the "new characters" are just unaddressed background characters from the plane crash). I'm sure we'll see more of Bernard and Rose, Eko, and Libby interwoven throughout the other characters flashbacks, since we'll be learning more about her. I'm sure the major regulars will all get at least one episode each (Claire, Hurley, Jin, Sun, Sayid), some most likely two (Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Charlie, Locke). Some of the new characters (hopefully including Desmond) will get their own episodes.
cmdrjanjalani said:Guess what TV show MacFarlene toys will be making action figures for...
Oh I'll definitly be buying these.
ultimatedjf said::shock:
Suddenly, I now realize WHY people collect action figures in the first place.
What do you think will be the price range on them?
I'm thinking around $15.00 or so...expensive, but given the apparent quality (that looks exactly like Dominic Monaghan/Charlie, and the paint looks amazing...just hope it looks as good in person) it seems acceptable. I will definitly be picking these up.