Lost *spoilers*

Re: Lost

DIrishB said:
I think its 3 weeks.
Said back in three, that's two weeks off air.

Jup, back on the 9th of Nov.

Hopefully we'll finally see them. Before the last 10 seconds of the episode.
I think we will.

Walt befriends the child we saw walking past Jin and Eko in the most recent episode. So we must be introduced to the others before that happens
Re: Lost

Found out the upcoming episode titles and a summary for the next one. The next several episodes are titled:

Abandoned 2x06 (Shannon focused episode)
The Other 48 Days 2x07 (Ana-Lucia focused episode)
Old Habits 2x08 (Charlie focused episode)

And the summary for "Abandoned" is:

Sawyer's wound becomes life-threatening as he, Michael and Jin make their way through the interior of the island with the tail section survivors. Meanwhile, Shannon is once again haunted by visions of Walt. Also, Shannon's shocking past of her former marriage as well as her manipulation of people prior to the crash are revealed. Plus, there is the revelation on the death of Shannon's father who ended up in the hospital where Jack worked. Lastly, Charlie becomes jealous of Locke's interest in Claire.

In terms of the other upcoming episodes, I'm assuming "The Other 48 Days" obviously will focus more on the Others, and since its centering on Ana-Lucia, her flashbacks will focus solely on what she's been doing on the island since the crash (basically her version of Season 1). "Old Habits", since its focused on Charlie, will follow him and probably focus on his drug addiction (hence the 'Old Habits' title).

As for the novels, found some news about them as well. Apparently, Lost - Endangered Species is an original story which focuses on one of the background characters of the show (one of the other survivors of 815), not one of the main characters (Jack, Sawyer, Kate, etc). I'll be picking it up to give it a read through to see how it is. The second novel is entitled Lost - Secret Identity and hits stores in January. Here's a summary for them:

The worldwide hit TV series "Lost", which will be broadcast on Channel 4 from August 2005, takes place on a remote South Pacific Island, where a plane crash has left 48 people stranded. The three novelizations that accompany the show will focus on survivors who are not main characters of the television plot - offering new and compelling stories and heroes for "Lost" fans. These new characters will have original adventures rooted within the show's continuity - they will cross with characters from the show, and even take a background role in major events seen on the series.

The focus of the first novel is a character named Faith Harrington. The first novel hits shelves on November 1, the second two months later on January 1, and the third's release is still unknown.

And the best news of all? Apparently there's a Lost video game in the works...yes, a video game. Here's the blurb:

Lost Game in Development?
According to an inside source at ABC (US), producers of the hit ABC (and Channel 7) television show 'LOST' have been in talks with several publishers about publishing a game based on the series. Our informer tells us several of the main characters have already agreed to be add their voices and likeness to the game.

The game will take place over a period of virtual weeks and will combine action/adventure and RPG elements. The storyline will be set on the same island as the TV show but will have a few surprises which may answer some of the questions from the first season. No other information has yet been confirmed however the game is to be published on PC, PS2 and Xbox.

It's no real surprise to find out that LOST is to be made into a video game, when we find out more information we will certainly let you know.

Source: http://www.gamebiz.com.au
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Re: Lost

A Lost videogame? Gimme a break. That's cheap, as are novel cash-ins. Hate all that crap.

The Other 48 Days, You said it to be about the Others. You mean the other plane crash survivors right? They're the ones that have been there or 48 days, the actual Others seem to have been there much longer. I'm rather interested to see how they all got picked off, and perhaps some insight into why.
Re: Lost

Guijllons said:
A Lost videogame? Gimme a break. That's cheap, as are novel cash-ins. Hate all that crap.

And I'll eat them up. :) I'm an American, what can I say?

The Other 48 Days, You said it to be about the Others. You mean the other plane crash survivors right? They're the ones that have been there or 48 days, the actual Others seem to have been there much longer. I'm rather interested to see how they all got picked off, and perhaps some insight into why.

Yes, I meant the other plane crash survivors, but also meant The Others themselves. I think the episode name itself kind of hints at that, and we'll learn a bit more about them. And since it will be focusing on Ana-Lucia, I'm sure we'll see the how and why the other survivors are picked off, as you put it.
Re: Lost

Guijllons said:
A Lost videogame? Gimme a break. That's cheap, as are novel cash-ins. Hate all that crap.
According to Damon Lindeloff, the show was inspired by videogames: "You have to get into the hatch to escape the Others, but you have to get the dynamite to blow open the hatch..."
Re: Lost

A Lost game? What next, a Gilmore Girls game?

"Guide Rory through college life while avoiding the STDs and drunk men. Bonus points for being a slut without catching anything!"
Re: Lost

Doc Comic said:
A Lost game? What next, a Gilmore Girls game?

"Guide Rory through college life while avoiding the STDs and drunk men. Bonus points for being a slut without catching anything!"

Don't knock it till you try it. Especially given, as Moony said, the show is both inspired by and borrow elements from video games.
Re: Lost

moonmaster said:
According to Damon Lindeloff, the show was inspired by videogames: "You have to get into the hatch to escape the Others, but you have to get the dynamite to blow open the hatch..."
I thought it was inspired by Survivor?

And that's beside the point anyway, things are made for certain mediums, crossing these mediums is seldom a success and always tacky.
Re: Lost

Guijllons said:
I thought it was inspired by Survivor?

That too.

And that's beside the point anyway, things are made for certain mediums, crossing these mediums is seldom a success and always tacky.

Not necessarily. The vast majority don't work well in other mediums, but some do. Really anything can be a success in a different form of media, its all in how its executed. Star Wars started as movies and quite successfully made the foray into video games, novels, comic books, etc. The Ultimate Spider-Man game was a relative success in terms of the translation. Course, almost always when making that translation from video games to movies the end result is terrible. But luckily this is just the opposite, where there are at least previous cases of success in that sense. I agree with what you said to some degree, but like I said better not to pass judgement till we learn a bit more about it.
Re: Lost

DIrishB said:
Not necessarily. The vast majority don't work well in other mediums, but some do. Really anything can be a success in a different form of media, its all in how its executed. Star Wars started as movies and quite successfully made the foray into video games, novels, comic books, etc.
Bloody Star Wars.

Tell me of a Star Wars book that will ever get close to being regarded as a classic novel. The Videogames are just rehashes of the current crap videogame fad out there with its own bolt on bits. First person shooters and flying games are never great videogames, they're all derivative. People care more about how many polygons it takes to make up a model more than actual inventive gameplay these days.

And I swear that the prequel trilogy would have been far better had the massive marketing machine hadn't spawned so much average uninspired drivel. Spin-offs are the refuge of the bland and uncreative.

*waves fist at star wars*
Re: Lost

Guijllons said:
Bloody Star Wars.

Tell me of a Star Wars book that will ever get close to being regarded as a classic novel. The Videogames are just rehashes of the current crap videogame fad out there with its own bolt on bits. First person shooters and flying games are never great videogames, they're all derivative. People care more about how many polygons it takes to make up a model more than actual inventive gameplay these days.

I never did, nor will say any are literary classics, I'm just saying financially speaking they're successes.

And I swear that the prequel trilogy would have been far better had the massive marketing machine hadn't spawned so much average uninspired drivel. Spin-offs are the refuge of the bland and uncreative.

Too true, but doesn't make their (usual) financial success any more or less true. If people didn't eat it up, they wouldn't make them. After all, you did buy the Ultimates Annual, didn't you?
Re: Lost

DIrishB said:
Too true, but doesn't make their (usual) financial success any more or less true. If people didn't eat it up, they wouldn't make them. After all, you did buy the Ultimates Annual, didn't you?
Nah, downloaded it.

And financial success is no replacement for an item of quality. Guess I'm a romantic and see art as far more valuable than cash. And yeah, a well put together videogame can include the same criteria as good art, a little imagination, a little flair, it goes a long way.
Re: Lost

Guijllons said:
A Lost videogame? Gimme a break. That's cheap, as are novel cash-ins. Hate all that crap.

The Other 48 Days, You said it to be about the Others. You mean the other plane crash survivors right? They're the ones that have been there or 48 days, the actual Others seem to have been there much longer. I'm rather interested to see how they all got picked off, and perhaps some insight into why.

I think I'm with you on this one. I don't like the fact that the Pokemon cards cowered over the popularity of the games. The games are good, elementary, yes, but good. The cards diminished their popularity and have reduced them to a sick joke. This also happened to Harry Potter... The movies aren't strong at all and the only thing worth recognizing is the source material. I suddenly feel like Lost will end up like that if there is too much in either of these medians.
Re: Lost

Guijllons said:
Nah, downloaded it.

And financial success is no replacement for an item of quality. Guess I'm a romantic and see art as far more valuable than cash. And yeah, a well put together videogame can include the same criteria as good art, a little imagination, a little flair, it goes a long way.

I agree with that completely.
Re: Lost

Lost is my favourite show of all time, and I've seen every single episode. I also have the Season 1 DVDs. My favourite episode(other than the feature-length finale) is Numbers. My favourite characters are Hurley, Locke, and Charlie, in that order.
Re: Lost

I picked up the debut LOST novel, Endangered Species, at the bookstore today. Have yet to start it. Nevertheless, it'll be worth the money. At 20% off, it didn't even cost me five bucks.
Re: Lost

ultimatedjf said:
I picked up the debut LOST novel, Endangered Species, at the bookstore today. Have yet to start it. Nevertheless, it'll be worth the money. At 20% off, it didn't even cost me five bucks.

Let me know how it turns out. The concept seems pretty cool, too. What's the cover look like?

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