Lost *spoilers*

Re: Lost

Guijllons said:
Oh, hey, I forgot to mention this.

Anyone reckon that Locke's father is the real Sawyer?

I hadn't, but then again its been awhile since I saw the first season episodes. I'm gonna have to get around to buying the Season 1 DVD so I can remember all the running plotlines.

And tonight's episode is the last new one for awhile right? Man, between this and Battlestar Galactica, I'm really hating these early/mid-season hiatus'. I mean we only get to see four new episodes before having to slosh through repeats? I like the show and all but not enough to watch episodes I just saw a couple weeks before all over again. I haven't forgotten what happened that quickly. Anyway, least we don't have to wait too long.
Re: Lost

This may be off the wall, but I was wondering whether the Swan symbol was in anyway connected to Jupiter (He transformed himself into a swan at one point). This would give up a new thread of roman gods with the Apollo chocolate bar and all. Which is bound to play a large part in the show, possibly the reason for people getting sick?

Just wondering if the Arrow from the second camp has any similar reference, and what was the centrepiece to the third symbol on the sharks tail? I need to freeze frame that and have a look.

Also, I do wonder if there is any symbolism with the computer being used being an Apple. Original sin and all that.

*rubs chin*
Re: Lost

Guijllons said:
This may be off the wall, but I was wondering whether the Swan symbol was in anyway connected to Jupiter (He transformed himself into a swan at one point). This would give up a new thread of roman gods with the Apollo chocolate bar and all. Which is bound to play a large part in the show, possibly the reason for people getting sick?

Just wondering if the Arrow from the second camp has any similar reference, and what was the centrepiece to the third symbol on the sharks tail? I need to freeze frame that and have a look.

Also, I do wonder if there is any symbolism with the computer being used being an Apple. Original sin and all that.

*rubs chin*

This is one show that your reading too far into stuff is justified for.
Re: Lost

Damon Lindelof revealed that people should consider what era in history this is taking place in. We've just assumed that this has taken place in 2004, haven't we? It's interesting to consider when in time this plane crash took place.
Re: Lost

Goodwill said:
Damon Lindelof revealed that people should consider what era in history this is taking place in. We've just assumed that this has taken place in 2004, haven't we? It's interesting to consider when in time this plane crash took place.
Oooooo! Foreshadowing.... :D
Re: Lost

The Apple computer used was made in 1980 if I'm correct, though I will need to look it up.

And Locke said that he hadn't seen one of these for 20 years. Unless Locke is a computer buff, he wouldn't have seen one of these more than 5 years after their main production cycle. Which really places us dead on 2005.

Are they just making stuff up now?
Re: Lost

On ACCESS HOLLYWOOD, they showed that Hurley's boss at the chicken fast food place, was also Locke's boss at his job!!

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Re: Lost

Guijllons said:
The Apple computer used was made in 1980 if I'm correct, though I will need to look it up.

And Locke said that he hadn't seen one of these for 20 years. Unless Locke is a computer buff, he wouldn't have seen one of these more than 5 years after their main production cycle. Which really places us dead on 2005.

Are they just making stuff up now?

Isn't that how all stories come about?

icemastertron said:
On ACCESS HOLLYWOOD, they showed that Hurley's boss at the chicken fast food place, was also Locke's boss at his job!!

He's moving up in the world. Even a box company is better than a fast food company...well usually.
Re: Lost

Last night's episode was pretty excellent, I thought. Again, I thought the episode followed the wrong character but the rest of the show was great... The concept of losing things and finding things when they are right under your nose was pretty well written out. I really liked that. Let's hope we see more of Mr. Echo, too, he was a cool guy.

Also, do you guys think Sawyer will bite it? It's really looking like he will... the previews and everything...
Re: Lost

Goodwill said:
Last night's episode was pretty excellent, I thought. Again, I thought the episode followed the wrong character but the rest of the show was great... The concept of losing things and finding things when they are right under your nose was pretty well written out. I really liked that. Let's hope we see more of Mr. Echo, too, he was a cool guy.

Also, do you guys think Sawyer will bite it? It's really looking like he will... the previews and everything...

Considering he's most likely got a nasty infection in that bullet wound, I wouldn't say its unlikely. But it'll probably be someone we weren't expecting.
Re: Lost

DIrishB said:
Isn't that how all stories come about?
I mean, changing the story as they go along. We already know that the first season had heavy re-writes for the second half, and maybe this delay is due to a little extra filming?

Helen strikes me as being a rather different character from the first time we heard of her, nothing came of the set up regarding Michael and Sun getting together, they decided to make Jin a nicer guy instead.

There are definite ongoing re-writes a happenin'.
Re: Lost

Guijllons said:
Nah, Sawyer will live, my cash is on the Lilly woman.

I'd be sad if Bernard bought it.

I never really considered having the newer characters die; it's a possibility. I really wish that it's no one we're extremely familiar with, though.
Re: Lost

DIrishB said:
I forgot who Lilly is.
A total red-shirt, she's had a couple of speaking lines is all.

The only reason they are hyping the episode so much is because of the break. Two weeks off air, they are just giving people something to talk about in the meantime.

The death itself won't be the biggy, it'll be how they die, something to do with the others and an introduction to them a little further perhaps.
Re: Lost

Guijllons said:
A total red-shirt, she's had a couple of speaking lines is all.

The only reason they are hyping the episode so much is because of the break. Two weeks off air, they are just giving people something to talk about in the meantime.

I think its 3 weeks.

The death itself won't be the biggy, it'll be how they die, something to do with the others and an introduction to them a little further perhaps.

Hopefully we'll finally see them. Before the last 10 seconds of the episode.

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