Lost *spoilers*

No love for Faraday? He wasn't around for long, but he was fantastic while he was there. The lack of Sayid is even more surprising.

Faraday, Locke, Ben, Desmond, Sayid if I had to choose. Juliet's a runner up, and would probably take Sayid's spot if it weren't for her bogus character assassination in the season 5 finale. Sawyer probably would have been in there somewhere during season 5, but I haven't been as fond of his character post-LaFleur. I love Frank Lapidus and Richard Alpert as well, though more because of their unrestrained masculinity than their character attributes.
Hurley is my favourite hands down.

Next comes whatever character happens to be hanging out with Hurley. Especially Sawyer and Hurley, Miles and Hurley, Sayid and Hurley, and Ben and Hurley.

I also really like Jack when he's awesome (seasons 1, 2, 6) and really hate him when he's not (seasons 3-5).

And of course Ben and Locke

And Claire from seasons 1-4
Hurley mainly because I would act in the same manner if I was him.

Locke and Desmond as always been more interesting to me, I always want to see where they're going. Sawyer I think has great chemistry with every actor. Cause even if he's in a scene with a character I don't like he makes it work.
Minkowski! Widmore! Charlie! Eloise! Faraday! Penny!

Desmond is the best. Is he going to lead everyone to the island?
Minkowski! Widmore! Charlie! Eloise! Faraday! Penny!

Desmond is the best. Is he going to lead everyone to the island?

I always love Desmond episodes they are always top notch and this was no exception. Awesome.

I think he's just going to just show them this other side. I feel Jinn and Sun may be the most difficult since they already have each other. My brother had an insightful phrasing that their emotional ties will bring, not just these people together, but these dual realities

EDIT: I just got an idea for t-shirt, details to follow...
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My favorite episode above all of this season and probably my favorite episode since, like, season 3. Desmond needs to be in this show more.

And Charlie knew what was going on... How incredible was THAT? It makes me think that the smoke monster wins out in the end now. Charlie remembered how he died, and nothing afterward. Now, things are different for him. Wow. Just wow. This episode has really reinvigorated the season for me. A 180 from last week, I guess you would think of me.
My favorite episode above all of this season and probably my favorite episode since, like, season 3. Desmond needs to be in this show more.

And Charlie knew what was going on... How incredible was THAT? It makes me think that the smoke monster wins out in the end now. Charlie remembered how he died, and nothing afterward. Now, things are different for him. Wow. Just wow. This episode has really reinvigorated the season for me. A 180 from last week, I guess you would think of me.

Charlie doesn't necessarily "know" the other timeline, he just got flashes of Claire when he's near death. As he and Faraday said it's more of a feeling with a few snaps shot.

Also my new t-shirt/poster design. Still needs a little work tell me what you guys think.

would it make sense to have the t-shirt be white so the white arm is from everything outside the bottle and the "wine" inside the bottle is all black?
would it make sense to have the t-shirt be white so the white arm is from everything outside the bottle and the "wine" inside the bottle is all black?

Yeah but I thought it looked better on black. But really I think I'll have it able to be printed on any color shirt with black being neutral

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